; Missing scene

; Uses the 40x48d page1/page2 every-1-scanline pageflip mode

; by deater (Vince Weaver) <vince@deater.net>


	; init screen
	jsr	TEXT
	jsr	HOME

	; init vars

	lda	#0

	; setup graphics code

	jsr	create_update_type1

	; Load graphic page0

	lda	#<k_low
	sta	GBASL
	lda	#>k_low
	sta	GBASH
	lda	#$c			; load to $c00
	jsr	load_rle_gr

	lda	#4

	jsr	gr_copy_to_current	; copy to page1

	; GR part
	bit	PAGE1
	bit	LORES							; 4
	bit	SET_GR							; 4
	bit	FULLGR							; 4

;	jsr	wait_until_keypressed

	; Load graphic page1

	lda	#<k_high
	sta	GBASL
	lda	#>k_high
	sta	GBASH

	lda	#$c

	jsr	load_rle_gr

	lda	#0

	jsr	gr_copy_to_current

	; GR part
	bit	PAGE0

;	jsr	wait_until_keypressed

	; setup graphics for vapor lock

	jsr	vapor_lock

	; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line
	; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 lines to go

	; GR part
	bit	LORES							; 4
	bit	SET_GR							; 4
	bit	FULLGR							; 4

	jsr	gr_copy_to_current			; 6+ 9292

	; 5070 + 4550 = 9620
	;		9292
	;		  12
	;		   6
	;		====
	;		 310

	; - 3 for jmp
	; 307

	; Try X=9 Y=6 cycles=307

	ldy	#6							; 2
mloopA:	ldx	#9							; 2
mloopB:	dex								; 2
	bne	mloopB							; 2nt/3
	dey								; 2
	bne	mloopA							; 2nt/3

	jmp	missing_display_loop					; 3

.align  $100

	; Display Loop
	; each scan line 65 cycles
	;       1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal
	;       Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen
	; Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines)
	; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was

	; We want to alternate between page1 and page2 every 65 cycles
        ;       vblank = 4550 cycles to do scrolling

	; want colors 01234567
	; line 0: $X0 to $800
	; line 1: $X1 to $400
	; line 2: $X2
	; line 3: $X3
	; line 4: $4X
	; line 5: $5X
	; line 6: $6X
	; line 7: $7X


	jsr	$9000		; update_type1
;.include "missing_screen_update.s"

	; We have 4550 cycles in the vblank, use them wisely
	; do_nothing should be
	;	4550
	;	 -12 jsr/ret to update_type1
	;        - 7 check keypress
	;	 - 3 jmp loop
	;       4528

	; blah, current code the tight loops are right at a page boundary


	; want 4528

	; Try X=4 Y=174 cycles=4525 R3

	lda	TEMP	; nop 3

	ldy	#174							; 2
gloop1:	ldx	#4							; 2
gloop2:	dex								; 2
	bne	gloop2							; 2nt/3
	dey								; 2
	bne	gloop1							; 2nt/3

	lda	KEYPRESS				; 4
	bpl	missing_no_keypress			; 3



	jmp	missing_display_loop			; 3

.align $100

.include "k_40_48d.inc"