; nyan ; by Vince `deater` Weaver / dSr ; zero page H2 = $2C COLOR = $30 X0 = $F0 XX = $F1 FRAME = $F2 Y1 = $F3 Y0 = $F4 X1 = $F5 ; soft-switches FULLGR = $C052 ; ROM routines PLOT = $F800 ;; PLOT AT Y,A PLOT1 = $F80E ;; PLOT at (GBASL),Y (need MASK to be $0f or $f0) HLINE = $F819 ;; HLINE Y,$2C at A SETCOL = $F864 ;; COLOR=A SETGR = $FB40 ;; init lores and clear screen WAIT = $FCA8 ;; delay 1/2(26+27A+5A^2) us ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ boxes: jsr SETGR ; set lo-res 40x40 mode lda #0 sta COLOR sta X0 ; X0 tax lda #39 sta H2 ; X1 sta Y1 draw_box_loop: stx Y0 inner_loop: ;; HLINE Y,H2 at A ;; X left alone, carry set on exit ;; H2 left alone ;; Y and A trashed ldy X0 txa jsr HLINE ; y, H2 at A cpx Y1 inx bcc inner_loop inc COLOR ldx Y0 inx ; Y0 inx dec Y1 dec Y1 inc X0 dec H2 cpx #20 bne draw_box_loop end: jmp end