; Loader .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" ;.include "common_defines.inc" .include "qboot.inc" qload_start: ; init the write code ; lda WHICH_SLOT ; jsr popwr_init ; first time entry ; start by loading text title lda #0 ; load ZW engine sta WHICH_LOAD lda #1 sta CURRENT_DISK ; current disk number jsr load_file jmp $6000 ; jump to ZW ;==================================== ; loads file specified by WHICH_LOAD ;==================================== load_file: ldx WHICH_LOAD lda which_disk_array,X cmp CURRENT_DISK bne change_disk load_file_no_diskcheck: lda load_address_array,X sta load_address lda track_array,X sta load_track lda sector_array,X sta load_sector lda length_array,X sta load_length jsr load_new rts ;=================================================== ;=================================================== ; change disk ;=================================================== ;=================================================== change_disk: .if 0 ; turn off disk drive light jsr driveoff jsr TEXT jsr HOME lda #error_string sta OUTH ldx WHICH_LOAD lda which_disk_array,X clc adc #48 ldy #19 sta (OUTL),Y ldy #0 quick_print: lda (OUTL),Y beq quick_print_done jsr COUT1 iny jmp quick_print quick_print_done: fnf_keypress: lda KEYPRESS bpl fnf_keypress bit KEYRESET ;============================================== ; actually verify proper disk is there ; read T0:S0 and verify proper disk lda WHICH_LOAD pha ldx #LOAD_FIRST_SECTOR ; load track 0 sector 0 stx WHICH_LOAD jsr load_file_no_diskcheck pla sta WHICH_LOAD tax ; first sector now in $c00 ; offset 59 ; disk1 = $0a ; disk2 = $32 ('2') ; disk3 = $33 ('3') lda $c59 cmp #$0a beq is_disk1 cmp #$32 beq is_disk2 cmp #$33 beq is_disk3 bne change_disk ; unknown disk is_disk1: lda #1 bne disk_compare is_disk2: lda #2 bne disk_compare is_disk3: lda #3 disk_compare: cmp which_disk_array,X bne change_disk ; disk mismatch ;============================================== ; all good, retry original load jsr HOME ldx WHICH_LOAD lda which_disk_array,X sta CURRENT_DISK jmp load_file ; offset for disk number is 19 error_string: .byte "PLEASE INSERT DISK 1, PRESS RETURN",0 .endif which_disk_array: .byte 1,1,1,1 ; ZW, MUSIC, ?, ? load_address_array: .byte $60,$D0,$90,$90 ; ZW, MUSIC, ?, ? track_array: .byte 5, 3, 9,12 ; ZW, MUSIC, ?, ? sector_array: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0 ; ZW, MUSIC, ?, ? length_array: .byte 48, 32, 48, 48 ; ZW, MUSIC, ?, ? .if 0 .include "audio.s" .include "decompress_fast_v2.s" .include "hgr_hlin.s" .include "hgr_vlin.s" .include "hgr_box.s" .include "hgr_tables.s" .include "hgr_partial_restore.s" .include "hgr_14x14_sprite.s" .include "hgr_sprite.s" .include "simple_sounds.s" .endif .include "lc_detect.s" .include "wait.s" .include "wait_a_bit.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" ; .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_patch.s" .include "pt3_lib_detect_model.s" ; .include "pt3_lib_core.s" ; .include "pt3_lib_init.s" ; .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_setup.s" ; .include "interrupt_handler.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_detect.s" qload_end: .assert (>qload_end - >qload_start) < $e , error, "loader too big"