; De-compressor for ZX02 files ; ---------------------------- ; ; Decompress ZX02 data (6502 optimized format), optimized for minimal size: ; 130 bytes code, 72.6 cycles/byte in test file. ; ; Compress with: ; zx02 input.bin output.zx0 ; ; (c) 2022 DMSC ; Code under MIT license, see LICENSE file. ZP=$80 offset = ZP+0 ZX0_src = ZP+2 ZX0_dst = ZP+4 bitr = ZP+6 pntr = ZP+7 ; Initial values for offset, source, destination and bitr out_addr = $8000 ;zx0_ini_block: ; .byte $00, $00, comp_data, out_addr, $80 ;-------------------------------------------------- ; Decompress ZX0 data (6502 optimized format) zx02_full_decomp: ; Get initialization block ldy #7 copy_init: lda zx0_ini_block-1, y sta offset-1, y dey bne copy_init ; Decode literal: Ccopy next N bytes from compressed file ; Elias(length) byte[1] byte[2] ... byte[N] decode_literal: jsr get_elias cop0: jsr get_byte jsr put_byte bne cop0 asl bitr bcs dzx0s_new_offset ; Copy from last offset (repeat N bytes from last offset) ; Elias(length) jsr get_elias dzx0s_copy: lda ZX0_dst sbc offset ; C=0 from get_elias sta pntr lda ZX0_dst+1 sbc offset+1 sta pntr+1 cop1: lda (pntr), y inc pntr bne plus1 inc pntr+1 plus1: jsr put_byte bne cop1 asl bitr bcc decode_literal ; Copy from new offset (repeat N bytes from new offset) ; Elias(MSB(offset)) LSB(offset) Elias(length-1) dzx0s_new_offset: ; Read elias code for high part of offset jsr get_elias beq exit ; Read a 0, signals the end ; Decrease and divide by 2 dex txa lsr ;@ sta offset+1 ; Get low part of offset, a literal 7 bits jsr get_byte ; Divide by 2 ror ;@ sta offset ; And get the copy length. ; Start elias reading with the bit already in carry: ldx #1 jsr elias_skip1 inx bcc dzx0s_copy ; Read an elias-gamma interlaced code. ; ------------------------------------ get_elias: ; Initialize return value to #1 ldx #1 bne elias_start elias_get: ; Read next data bit to result asl bitr rol ;@ tax elias_start: ; Get one bit asl bitr bne elias_skip1 ; Read new bit from stream jsr get_byte ;sec ; not needed, C=1 guaranteed from last bit rol ;@ sta bitr elias_skip1: txa bcs elias_get ; Got ending bit, stop reading rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; get_byte: lda (ZX0_src), y inc ZX0_src bne plus3 inc ZX0_src+1 ;exit: plus3: rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; put_byte: sta (ZX0_dst),y inc ZX0_dst bne plus4 inc ZX0_dst+1 plus4: dex rts exit: