;================================================= ; M1 * M2 multiply_s8x8: stx TEMP ; save as we trash it lda M2 eor M1 ; calc if we need to adjust at end ; (++ vs +- vs -+ vs --) php ; save status on stack ; if M1 negative, negate it lda M1 bpl m1_positive eor #$ff clc adc #0 m1_positive: sta M1 ; if M2 negative, naegate it lda M2 bpl m2_positive eor #$ff clc adc #0 m2_positive: sta M2 ;================== ; unsigned multiply jsr multiply_u8x8 ; done, high result in factor2, low result in factor1 ; adjust to be signed ; if m1 and m2 positive, good ; if m1 and m2 negative, good ; otherwise, negate result plp ; restore saved pos/neg value bpl done_result negate_result: sec lda #0 sbc M1 lda #0 sbc M2 done_result: sta M2 ldx TEMP rts