KNOWN BUGS: + ootw: pool monster grabs you a edge of pool (glitch) + intro: there's still a bit of a pause when the elevator door finishes opening TODO: + sprites that don't draw off edge of screen + Revamp movement movement -- note these are hard due to limitations of the Apple II keyboard + running: Missing one running frame + ability to jump + ability to run+jump + ability to kick while crouching + ability to shoot sprites_to_draw: + physicist crouch-kicking + physicist run+jumping + physicist swimming + physicist getting out of pool + beast tripping + physicist holding gun + physicist shot pool: + background of beast moving off cavern: + slugs on ceiling drop + background of beast moving off + adjust slug attack range underwater: + add arrival-underwater scene + ability to swim beast: + add beast death cutscene + add beast tripping rope_room: + re-enable earthquake while swinging cutscenes: + death by beast Level/Checkpoint #2: + Intro movie + Swing in the cage + Ability to pick up gun, with all that entails + Elevator ride, view of city?