; starfield tiny -- Apple II Hires ; by Vince `deater` Weaver ; 139 bytes -- lores version ; 157 bytes -- initial hires ; 155 bytes -- scale to more of full screen ; 153 bytes -- blue/orange instead of purple/green ; 149 bytes -- optimize 2nd plot arg shuffling NUMSTARS = 27 ; 27 good, 28+ not work ($1C) ; zero page locations star_z = $00 HGR_BITS = $1C ; 1C-40 has some things used by hires oldx = $50 oldy = $70 star_x = $90 star_y = $B0 ; D0+ used by HGR routines HGR_COLOR = $E4 HGR_PAGE = $E6 SAVEX = $F8 TEMP = $F9 QUOTIENT = $FA DIVISOR = $FB DIVIDEND = $FC XX = $FD YY = $FE FRAME = $FF ; soft-switches ; ROM routines HGR2 = $F3D8 ; set hires page2 and clear $4000-$5fff HGR = $F3E2 ; set hires page1 and clear $2000-$3fff HPLOT0 = $F457 ; plot at (Y,X), (A) HCOLOR1 = $F6F0 ; set HGR_COLOR to value in X PLOT = $F800 ; PLOT AT Y,A (A colors output, Y preserved) NEXTCOL = $F85F ; COLOR=COLOR+3 SETCOL = $F864 ; COLOR=A SETGR = $FB40 ; set graphics and clear LO-RES screen BELL2 = $FBE4 WAIT = $FCA8 ; delay 1/2(26+27A+5A^2) us small_starfield: ;0GR:DIMV(64,48):FORZ=1TO48:FORX=0TO64:V(X,Z)=(X*4-128)/Z+20:NEXTX,Z jsr HGR2 ; A is ? after ;=================================== ; draw the stars ;=================================== ; there are ways to skip this, but on real hardware there's ; no guarantee star_z will be in a valid state, so waste the bytes ldx #NUMSTARS make_orig_stars: jsr make_new_star dex bpl make_orig_stars ;=================================== ; starloop ;2FORP=0TO15 big_loop: ldx #NUMSTARS ; really tried hard not to have to set this value ; hard to judge best value for this ; lda #100 ; jsr WAIT ldy #30 jsr BELL2 ; BEEP delays too ; A now 0 star_loop: ; X=FF ;=================== ; erase old star ;4 COLOR=0 lda #$00 ; color to black sta HGR_COLOR ; set HGR_COLOR to value in X ;HPLOT O(P),Q(P) ; stx SAVEX ; ldy oldx,X ; get X valu into Y ; tya ; tax ; sty TEMP ; lda oldy,X ; ldx TEMP ; ldy #0 ; jsr HPLOT0 ; plot at (Y,X), (A) ; ldx SAVEX ;=========================== ; position Z ; lda star_z,X ; beq new_star ; should never happen ; sta DIVISOR ; DIVISOR always star_z,X so can hard code this in divide routine ;============================== ; get Y/Z ; Y=V(B(P),Z(P)) ; get YY lda star_y,X ; get Y of star jsr do_divide adc #96 ; if off-screen then need new star cmp #192 bcs new_star ; bge >39 cmp #0 bcc new_star ; if <0 sta YY ; YY sta oldy,X ; ;save for next time to erase ;============================== ; get X/Z ; X=V(A(P),Z(P)) ; get XX lda star_x,X ; get X of start jsr do_divide adc #140 ; center tay ; put XX in Y sty oldx,X ; save for next time to erase ; if offscreen then draw new star ; bmi new_star ; if <0 ; cpy #40 ; bcs new_star ; bge >40 ;======================== ; adjust Z ;Z(P)=Z(P)-1 dec star_z,X beq new_star ; if Z=0 new star ; draw the star draw_star: ; lda #$7f ; white (with green/purple highlights) ; sta HGR_COLOR ; set HGR_COLOR to value in X dec HGR_COLOR ; smaller, but blue/orange highlights ;=========================== ; actually plot the star ;HPLOT X,Y ; O(P)=X:Q(P)=Y stx SAVEX tya ; XX in Y tax ; XX now in X lda YY ; YY ldy #0 jsr HPLOT0 ; plot at (Y,X), (A) ldx SAVEX jmp done_star ; bra new_star: jsr make_new_star ; done_star: ;7NEXT dex bpl star_loop ; GOTO2 bmi big_loop ; bra ;=========================== ; NEW STAR ;=========================== make_new_star: ;IFX<0ORX>39ORY<0ORY>39ORZ(P)<1THEN ; A(P)=RND(1)*64 ; B(P)=RND(1)*64 ; Z(P)=RND(1)*48+1:GOTO7 ldy FRAME lda $F000,Y sta star_x,X ; random XX color_lookup: lda $F100,Y sta star_y,X ; random YY lda $F002,Y and #$7f ; random ZZ 0..127 (can't go negative or stars move backward) ora #$1 ; avoid 0 sta star_z,X inc FRAME rts ;============================= ; do signed divide ; the signed part is the pain ;============================= ; Z is in divisor ; x/y is in A do_divide: ; A was just loaded so flags still valid php bpl not_negative eor #$ff ; make positive for division clc ; is this necessary? adc #1 not_negative: ldy #$ff ; QUOTIENT div_loop: iny ; inc QUOTIENT sec sbc star_z,X ; DIVIDEND=DIVIDEND-DIVISOR bpl div_loop ; write out quotient tya ; lda QUOTIENT plp bpl pos_add eor #$ff ; sec ; FIXME: made math inaccurate to save room ; bcs do_add pos_add: clc do_add: early_out: rts ; for BASIC bot load ; need this to be at $3F5 ; it's at 81, so 74 jmp small_starfield