; approx sine ; uses two parabolas to approximate sine ; based on https://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:generating_approximate_sines_in_assembly VALUE_L = $F0 VALUE_H = $F1 DELTA_L = $F2 DELTA_H = $F3 approx_sine: initSineTable: ldy #$3f ldx #$00 stx VALUE_L stx VALUE_H stx DELTA_L stx DELTA_H ; Accumulate the delta (normal 16-bit addition) outer_loop: lda VALUE_L clc adc DELTA_L sta VALUE_L lda VALUE_H adc DELTA_H sta VALUE_H ; Reflect the value around for a sine wave sec sbc #$20 sta sinetable+$c0,X sta sinetable+$80,Y eor #$ff sta sinetable+$40,X sta sinetable+$00,Y ; Increase the delta, which creates the "acceleration" for a parabola lda DELTA_L adc #$4 ; this value adds up to the proper amplitude sta DELTA_L bcc skip_oflo inc DELTA_H skip_oflo: ; Loop inx dey bpl outer_loop end: jmp end sinetable=$6000