;10 HOME ;20 REM FOR I=2048 TO 3072:POKE I,160:NEXT ;30 INVERSE ;40 ?SPC(5):?:FORX=1TO5:NORMAL:?SPC(4):?:INVERSE:?SPC(1):NEXT:?SPC(5) ;100 GOTO 100 ;130 POKE 49236+P,0:P=NOT P:FOR I=1 TO 1000:NEXT:GOTO 30 .include "hardware.inc" H2 = $2C V2 = $2D COLOR = $30 cursor: jsr HOME lda #$20 sta COLOR lda #8 sta H2 lda #3 ldy #3 jsr HLINE ; HLINE Y,$2C at A lda #8 sta H2 lda #15 ldy #3 jsr HLINE ; HLINE Y,$2C at A lda #14 sta V2 lda #2 ldy #8 jsr VLINE lda #14 ; sta V2 lda #2 ldy #7 jsr VLINE ; VLINE A,$2D at Y copy2page2: ldx #0 c2p2_loop: smc1: lda $400,X smc2: sta $800,X inx bne c2p2_loop inc smc1+2 inc smc2+2 lda smc2+2 cmp #$10 bne c2p2_loop lda #$5 sta V2 yloop1: ldy #12 xloop1: lda V2 jsr PLOT ; plot at Y,A iny iny cpy #17 bcc xloop1 lda yloop1+1 eor #$1 sta yloop1+1 inc V2 inc V2 lda V2 cmp #15 bne yloop1 ; ldy #12 ;xloop2: ; lda #7 ; jsr PLOT ; plot at Y,A ; iny ; iny ; cpy #16 ; bcc xloop2 forever: bit PAGE0 ldx #3 lw1: lda #200 jsr WAIT dex bne lw1 bit PAGE1 ldx #3 lw2: lda #200 jsr WAIT dex bne lw2 jmp forever ; want this at 3F5, $389 to start, so -6C, 36C jmp cursor