#include #include #include /* http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Advanced_Rocket_Design */ /* Also, high school physics (thanks Mr. Brennen) */ #define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 static double vector_magnitude(double a,double b) { return sqrt(a*a+b*b); } static void home(void) { printf("%c[2J%c[1;1H",27,27); } static void htabvtab(int x,int y) { printf("%c[%d;%dH",27,y,x); } #define KERBIN_RADIUS 600000.0 #if 0 int autopilot(double fuel_left, double altitude, double *angle) { if (fuel_left>25.0) { *angle=45.0; return 1; } if (altitude>KERBIN_RADIUS+40000) { *angle=100.0; /* actually want tanegent to surface */ return 1; } return 0; } #endif static void erase_old_ship(void) { printf("\033[1;40;37m" "\033[7;33H " "\033[8;33H " "\033[9;33H " "\033[10;33H " "\033[11;33H " "\033[12;33H "); printf("\033[13;33H "); } static void draw_ship(int stage, int thrusting, int rotation) { // if (stage) { if (rotation==0) { printf("\033[1;40;37m" "\033[7;40H_" "\033[8;39H/\033[36mo\033[37m\\" "\033[9;38H/___\\" "\033[10;38H| \033[41m \033[40m |" "\033[11;38H|___|" "\033[12;39H\033[36m/_\\\033[37m"); if (thrusting) { printf("\033[13;39H\033[33m\\\033[31m|\033[33m/\033[37m"); } } if (rotation==8) { printf( "\033[1;40;37m" "\033[7;42H_" "\033[8;41H/\\\033[36mo\033[37m\\" "\033[9;40H/ \033[41m \033[40m\\|" "\033[10;39H/ /" "\033[11;38H\033[36m_\033[37m\\ /" ); if (thrusting) { printf( "\033[12;37H\033[33m/\033[36m\\/\033[37m\\/" "\033[13;37H\033[33m--\033[37m"); } else { printf( "\033[12;37H \033[36m\\/\033[37m\\/"); } } if (rotation==16) { printf("\033[1;40;37m"); if (thrusting) { printf( "\033[8;36H\033[36m_ \033[37m____ _" "\033[9;34H\033[33m-\033[36m| -\033[37m| | \\" "\033[10;33H\033[33m-\033[31m-\033[36m| \033[37m| \033[41m \033[40m| \033[36mo\033[37m|" "\033[11;34H\033[33m-\033[36m|_-\033[37m|____|_/" ); } else { printf( "\033[8;36H\033[36m_ \033[37m ____ _" "\033[9;34H \033[36m| -\033[37m| | \\" "\033[10;33H \033[36m| \033[37m| \033[41m \033[40m| \033[36mo\033[37m|" "\033[11;34H \033[36m|_-\033[37m|____|_/" ); } } if (rotation==24) { printf("\033[1;40;37m"); if (thrusting) { printf( "\033[7;38H\033[33m__\033[37m" "\033[8;38H\033[33m\\\033[36m/|\033[37m/\\" ); } else { printf( "\033[8;38H \033[36m/|\033[37m/\\" ); } printf( "\033[9;38H\033[36m'-\033[37m/ \\" "\033[10;40H\\ \\" "\033[11;41H\\ \033[41m \033[40m/|" "\033[12;42H\\/\033[36mo\033[37m/" "\033[13;43H-/" ); } if (rotation==32) { printf("\033[1;40;37m"); if (thrusting) { printf("\033[7;39H\033[33m/\033[31m|\033[33m\\"); } printf( "\033[8;39H\033[36m\\-/\033[37m" "\033[9;38H| |" "\033[10;38H| \033[41m \033[40m |" "\033[11;38H\\---/" "\033[12;39H\\\033[36mo\033[37m/" "\033[13;40H-" ); } if (rotation==40) { printf("\033[1;40;37m"); if (thrusting) { printf( "\033[7;44H\033[33m__\033[37m" "\033[8;41H/\\\033[36m|\\\033[33m/\033[36m" ); } else { printf( "\033[8;41H/\\\033[36m|\\\033[37m" ); } printf( "\033[9;40H/ \\\033[36m-'\033[37m" "\033[10;39H/ /" "\033[11;38H|\\\033[41m \033[40m /" "\033[12;38H\\\033[36mo\033[37m\\/" "\033[13;39H\\-" ); } if (rotation==48) { printf("\033[1;40;37m"); if (thrusting) { printf( "\033[8;35H_ ____ \033[36m_\033[37m" "\033[9;34H/ | |\033[36m- |\033[33m-\033[37m" "\033[10;33H|\033[36mo\033[37m |\033[41m \033[40m | \033[36m|\033[31m-\033[33m-\033[37m" "\033[11;34H\\_|____|\033[36m-_|\033[33m-\033[37m" ); } else { printf( "\033[8;35H_ ____ \033[36m_\033[37m" "\033[9;34H/ | |\033[36m- |\033[36m" "\033[10;33H|\033[36mo\033[37m |\033[41m \033[40m | \033[36m|\033[37m" "\033[11;34H\\_|____|\033[36m-_|\033[37m" ); } } if (rotation==56) { printf("\033[1;40;37m"); printf( "\033[7;37H_" "\033[8;36H/\033[36mo\033[37m/\\" "\033[9;36H|/\033[41m \033[40m \\" "\033[10;37H\\ \\" "\033[11;38H\\ /\033[36m_\033[37m" ); if (thrusting) { printf( "\033[12;39H\\/\033[36m|/\033[33m\\\033[37m" "\033[13;42H\033[33m--\033[37m" ); } else { printf( "\033[12;39H\\/\033[36m|/\033[37m" ); } } // } #if 0 40,10=middle, so want 40,7 _______________ _ | /O\ | /___\ | | R | | |___| | /_\ | \|/ | ---------------| _______________ _ | /o/\ | |/R \ | \ \ | \ /_ | \/|/\ | -- | ---------------| _______________ | _ ____ _ | / | |- |- | |O |R | |--| \_|____|-_|- | | | ---------------| _______________ __ | /\|\/ | / \-' |' / / | |\R / | \o\/ | \- | _______________ _______________ /|\ | \-/ | |---| | | R | | \---/ | \O/ | - | _______________ _______________ __ | \/|/\ | '-/ \ |' \ \ | \ R/| | \/o/ | -/ | _______________ _______________ | _ ____ _ | -| -| | \ | --| | R| O| | -|_-|____|_/ | | | ---------------| _______________ _ | /\o\ | / R\| | / / | _\ / | /\/\/ | -- | ---------------| #endif #if 0 htabvtab(20,9); if (angle<0.392) printf("^"); else if (angle<1.178) printf("/"); else if (angle<1.963) printf(">"); else if (angle<2.748) printf("\\"); else if (angle<3.534) printf("V"); else if (angle<4.320) printf("/"); else if (angle<5.105) printf("<"); else if (angle<5.890) printf("\\"); else printf("^"); #endif } static void draw_parachutes(void) { printf( "\033[3;39H\033[41m " "\033[4;34H \033[47m \033[41m \033[47m \033[41m " "\033[5;33H \033[47m \033[41m \033[47m \033[41m " "\033[40m" "\033[6;34H\\\033[6;46H/" "\033[7;35H\\\033[7;45H/" "\033[8;36H\\\033[8;44H/" "\033[9;37H\\\033[9;43H/" ); } static void draw_horizon(int height,int erase) { printf("\033[%d;1H",10+height); if (erase) { printf(" "); } else { printf("\033[32m-----------------------------------------------------------------------\033[37m"); } } static void draw_gantry(void) { printf( "\033[31m" "\033[7;33H_____ " "\033[8;33H||" "\033[9;33H||" "\033[10;33H||==" "\033[11;33H||" "\033[12;33H||" "\033[37m" ); } static void draw_astronaut(void) { printf( "\033[42m" "\033[15;74H " "\033[16;74H " "\033[17;74H \033[47;30mO\033[42m \033[47mO\033[42m " "\033[18;74H " "\033[19;74H --- " "\033[20;74H " "\033[40;37m" ); } static void switch_to_surface(void) { home(); /* mostly just draw kerbal blank */ draw_astronaut(); } static void switch_to_orbit(void) { int s; home(); for(s=0;s<30;s++) { printf("\033[%d;%dH.",(rand()%20)+1,(rand()%80)+1); } printf("\033[19;20H\033[44m "); printf("\033[20;10H \033[42m \033[47m "); printf("\033[40m"); draw_astronaut(); } #define FACE_NEUTRAL 0 #define FACE_SCREAM 1 #define FACE_SMILE 2 #define FACE_FROWN 3 static void update_mouth(int type) { switch(type) { case FACE_SCREAM: printf( "\033[30;42m" "\033[18;74H " "\033[19;74H O " "\033[37;40m" ); break; case FACE_SMILE: printf( "\033[30;42m" "\033[18;74H " "\033[19;74H \\_/ " "\033[37;40m" ); break; case FACE_FROWN: printf( "\033[30;42m" "\033[18;74H _ " "\033[19;74H / \\ " "\033[37;40m" ); break; case FACE_NEUTRAL: default: printf( "\033[30;42m" "\033[18;74H " "\033[19;74H --- " "\033[37;40m" ); break; } } static void adjust_eyes(void) { int r; r=rand()%4; printf("\033[30;42m\033[17;74H"); switch(r) { case 0: printf(" \033[47mO\033[42m \033[47mO\033[42m "); break; case 1: printf(" \033[47mo\033[42m \033[47mO\033[42m "); break; case 2: printf(" \033[47mO\033[42m \033[47mo\033[42m "); break; case 3: printf(" \033[47mo\033[42m \033[47mo\033[42m "); break; } printf("\033[37;40m"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *logfile,*vlogfile; double angle=0; double capsule_mass=1.0; int rotation=0; // double engines=3; double engine_isp=270.0; /* s */ // double engine_mass=(1.5)*engines; /* tons */ // double engine_thrust=(168.0)*engines; /* kN */ // double fuel_flow_rate; // double tanks=6; // double tank_mass=(0.5)*tanks; /* tons */ // double fuel_mass=(4.0)*tanks; /* tons */ // double total_fuel=fuel_mass; double fuel_left=100.0; double gravity=-9.8; /* m/s^2 */ double gravity_x=0.0; double gravity_y=-9.8; double gravity_angle=0.0; /* Kerbin radius = 600km */ double rocket_velocity=0.0; double rocket_velocity_x=0.0; /* m/s */ double rocket_velocity_y=0.0; /* m/s */ double rocket_acceleration_x=0.0; /* m/s^2 */ double rocket_acceleration_y=0.0; /* m/s^2 */ double rocket_x=0; double rocket_y=KERBIN_RADIUS+10; double rocket_altitude=KERBIN_RADIUS; /* m */ double v0_x,v0_y; double time=0.0; /* s */ double deltat=1.0; double eye_count=0.0; int bingo_fuel=0; double max_altitude=0.0; int height=0; /* atmospheric pressure */ double pressure=101325; /* Pascals */ double pressure0=101325; double density=0; /* kg/m^3 */ double temperature=273; /* K */ double drag=0.0,drag_a=0.0; double drag_angle,drag_x,drag_y,drag_a_x,drag_a_y; int orbit_map_view=0,current_quadrant=0; int parachutes_deployed=0; int parachutes=3; double terminal_velocity=0.0; double adjusted_altitude=0.0; int launched=1; int landed=0; int stage=2; int log_step=0; char input; int thrusting=1,i,j; int stages=3; int engines[3],stacks[3],tanks[3]; double stage_empty_mass[3],stage_full_mass[3],total_mass[3],thrust[3]; double fuel_mass[3],stage_fuel_total[3]; double deltav[3],twr[3],fuel_flow[3]; logfile=fopen("log.jgr","w"); vlogfile=fopen("vlog.jgr","w"); engines[0]=1; stacks[0]=1; tanks[0]=1; engines[1]=2; stacks[1]=2; tanks[1]=1; engines[2]=3; stacks[2]=3; tanks[2]=1; /* 1000 */ for(i=0;i=0;j--) { total_mass[i]+=stage_full_mass[j]; } thrust[i]=engines[i]*168.0; /* kN */ deltav[i]=engine_isp*-gravity*log(total_mass[i]/(total_mass[i]-fuel_mass[i])); twr[i]=thrust[i]/(total_mass[i]*-gravity); fuel_flow[i]=(thrust[i])/(engine_isp*-gravity); printf("Stage %d\n",i+1); printf("\ttanks=%d engines=%d\n",stacks[i]*tanks[i],engines[i]); printf("\tstage mass=%lf total_mass=%lf\n",stage_full_mass[i], total_mass[i]); printf("\tdeltaV=%lf\n",deltav[i]); printf("\tTWR=%lf\n",twr[i]); } // printf("Fuel flow rate=%lf, time=%lfs\n", // fuel_flow_rate,fuel_mass/fuel_flow_rate); scanf("%c",&input); /* Initialize variables */ /* 3000 */ angle=0.0; rotation=0; gravity_x=0.0; gravity_y=-9.8; gravity_angle=0.0; rocket_velocity=0.0; rocket_velocity_x=0.0; rocket_velocity_y=0.0; rocket_acceleration_x=0.0; rocket_acceleration_y=0.0; /* 3016 */ rocket_x=0.0; rocket_y=KERBIN_RADIUS+10.0; rocket_altitude=KERBIN_RADIUS+10.0; thrusting=0; time=0.0; bingo_fuel=0.0; max_altitude=0.0; parachutes_deployed=0; launched=0; current_quadrant=0; orbit_map_view=0; /* 3020 */ home(); /* init_graphics() */ height=0; switch_to_surface(); draw_horizon(height,0); draw_gantry(); draw_ship(stage,thrusting,rotation); /* Main Loop */ /* 4000 */ while(1) { /* 4002 */ if (!launched) goto after_physics; /* 4003 */ adjusted_altitude=rocket_altitude-KERBIN_RADIUS; if (adjusted_altitude>max_altitude) max_altitude=adjusted_altitude; /* 4018 */ fuel_left=fuel_mass[stage]*100.0/stage_fuel_total[stage]; /* 4020 */ if (thrusting) { if (fuel_mass[stage]<0.1) { fuel_mass[stage]=0.0; bingo_fuel=1; rocket_acceleration_x=0; rocket_acceleration_y=0; } else { rocket_acceleration_x=(thrust[stage]/total_mass[stage])*sin(angle); rocket_acceleration_y=(thrust[stage]/total_mass[stage])*cos(angle); fuel_mass[stage]=fuel_mass[stage]-fuel_flow[stage]; total_mass[stage]=total_mass[stage]-fuel_flow[stage]; } } else { rocket_acceleration_x=0.0; rocket_acceleration_y=0.0; } /* 4060 */ gravity_angle=atan(rocket_x/rocket_y); /* 4065 */ if (rocket_y<0) gravity_angle+=PI; /* 4070 */ gravity_y=cos(gravity_angle)*gravity; gravity_x=sin(gravity_angle)*gravity; /* TODO */ /* Adjust pressure */ pressure=pressure0*exp(-(rocket_altitude-KERBIN_RADIUS)/5600); density=pressure/(287*temperature); /* 0.5*rho*v^2*d*A */ /* d=coefficient of drag, A=surface area */ /* d=1.05 for cube (wikipedia) */ /* d=0.8 for long cylinder */ /* d=0.5 for long cone */ drag_angle=atan(rocket_velocity_x/rocket_velocity_y); if (rocket_velocity_y<0) drag_angle+=PI; if (parachutes_deployed) { drag_x=0.5*density*rocket_velocity_x*rocket_velocity_x*1.5*1000.0*parachutes; drag_y=0.5*density*rocket_velocity_y*rocket_velocity_y*1.5*1000.0*parachutes; /* sqrt ((2*m*g)/(rho*A*C)) */ terminal_velocity=sqrt( (2*total_mass[stage]*1000.0*-gravity)/(density*(4+500.0*parachutes)*1.5)); } else { drag_x=0.5*density*rocket_velocity_x*rocket_velocity_x*0.5*4.0; drag_y=0.5*density*rocket_velocity_y*rocket_velocity_y*0.5*4.0; terminal_velocity=sqrt( (2*total_mass[stage]*1000.0*-gravity)/(density*4.0*0.5)); } drag_a_x=drag_x/(total_mass[stage]*1000.0); drag_a_y=drag_y/(total_mass[stage]*1000.0); if (rocket_velocity_y>0) drag_a_y=-drag_a_y; if (rocket_velocity_x>0) drag_a_x=-drag_a_x; /* calculate velocity */ v0_x=rocket_velocity_x; v0_y=rocket_velocity_y; /* If above atmosphere, no drag */ if (rocket_altitude>KERBIN_RADIUS+70000) { /* v=v0+at */ rocket_acceleration_y+=gravity_y; rocket_acceleration_x+=gravity_x; rocket_velocity_y=v0_y+rocket_acceleration_y*deltat; rocket_velocity_x=v0_x+rocket_acceleration_x*deltat; } /* In atmosphere and traveling upward or rocket firing */ else if ((rocket_velocity_y>=0.0) || (rocket_acceleration_x>0) || (rocket_acceleration_y>0)) { rocket_acceleration_y+=gravity_y; rocket_acceleration_x+=gravity_x; rocket_acceleration_x+=drag_a_x; rocket_acceleration_y+=drag_a_y; /* v=v0+at */ rocket_velocity_y=v0_y+rocket_acceleration_y*deltat; rocket_velocity_x=v0_x+rocket_acceleration_x*deltat; } // else if (!launched) { // rocket_velocity_y=0; // rocket_velocity_x=0; // rocket_velocity=vector_magnitude(rocket_velocity_x,rocket_velocity_y); // } else { rocket_velocity_y=-terminal_velocity; //rocket_velocity_x=0; } rocket_velocity=vector_magnitude(rocket_velocity_x,rocket_velocity_y); /* 5012 */ /* deltaX=1/2 (v+v0)t */ /* could also use deltax=v0t+(1/2)*a*t*t */ rocket_y=rocket_y+0.5*(v0_y+rocket_velocity_y)*deltat; rocket_x=rocket_x+0.5*(v0_x+rocket_velocity_x)*deltat; rocket_altitude=vector_magnitude(rocket_x,rocket_y); /* 5020 */ if (rocket_altitude') { /* no fast-forwarding while thrusting */ if (!thrusting) deltat+=1.0; } if (input=='<') { deltat-=1.0; if (deltat<1.0) deltat=1.0; } if (input=='M') { if (orbit_map_view) { orbit_map_view=0; current_quadrant=-1; continue; } else { orbit_map_view=1; /* load_orbit_map() */ /* skip drawing rocket */ } } if (input==' ') { if (launched) { stage--; if ((stage<1) && (parachutes>0) && (!parachutes_deployed)) { parachutes_deployed=1; } if (stage<0) stage=0; } else { /* 7500 */ /* erase_gantry() */ /* noise() */ thrusting=1; launched=1; update_mouth(FACE_SMILE); } } /* 6075 */ if (angle<0.0) angle+=2*PI; if (angle>=2*PI) angle=0.0; if (rotation==64) rotation=0; if (rotation==-8) rotation=56; /* 4004 */ if (!orbit_map_view) { /* draw horizon if necessary */ if (adjusted_altitude<1800) { draw_horizon(height,1); height=adjusted_altitude/180; draw_horizon(height,0); } /* 4012 */ /* check to see if need to change mode */ if ((adjusted_altitude<40000) && (current_quadrant!=0)) { switch_to_surface(); current_quadrant=0; } if ((adjusted_altitude>40000) && (current_quadrant!=1)) { switch_to_orbit(); current_quadrant=1; } } /* Update kerbal expression */ if (!orbit_map_view) { if ((angle>90) && (angle<270)) { update_mouth(FACE_SCREAM); } else if (rocket_velocity_y>100) { update_mouth(FACE_SMILE); } else if (rocket_acceleration_y<0) { update_mouth(FACE_FROWN); } else { update_mouth(FACE_NEUTRAL); } } /* 6090 */ /* re-draw ship */ if (parachutes_deployed) draw_parachutes(); draw_ship(stage,thrusting,rotation); /* 6118 */ time+=deltat; eye_count+=deltat; if ((!orbit_map_view) && (eye_count>30.0)) { eye_count=0; adjust_eyes(); } // if (log_step==0) { if (0==0) { if (logfile) { fprintf(logfile,"%lf %lf\n",rocket_x/1000.0,rocket_y/1000.0); } if (vlogfile) { fprintf(vlogfile, "time=%.0lf altitude=%.0lf vel_y=%lf grav_y=%lf drag_a=%lf rock_ay=%lf\n", time,rocket_altitude-KERBIN_RADIUS,rocket_velocity_y, gravity_y,drag_a,rocket_acceleration_y); fprintf(vlogfile, "\tdensity=%lf vel_y^2=%lf drag=%lf\n", density,rocket_velocity_y*rocket_velocity_y,drag); } } log_step++; if (log_step>10) { log_step=0; } } if (logfile) fclose(logfile); if (vlogfile) fclose(vlogfile); (void)max_altitude; (void)landed; return 0; } /* Notes */ /* Once altitude above 100m stop drawing ground */ /* Once above 20k no more drag? */ /* Once above 2100m/s sideways, orbit? */ /* Once above 40k draw stars? */ /* Kerbal neutral 0-1G, smiles 1-2G, frowns > 2G or -velocity? */