; if x<5 goto DOCK at 34,20 ;=========================== ; check if exit bar screen ;=========================== ; if x<5 goto DOCK at 34,20 ; if x>35 goto TOWN ; if 9door_sprite sta INH lda #11 sta XPOS lda #22 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop done_draw_bar_door: rts door_sprite: .byte 2,5 .byte $d2,$d2 .byte $88,$DD .byte $88,$DD .byte $88,$DD .byte $5d,$5D draw_bar_fg_building: ; only draw it if we're that side of screeen lda GUYBRUSH_X cmp #24 bcc done_draw_bar_fg_building lda #building_sprite sta INH lda #27 sta XPOS lda #16 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop done_draw_bar_fg_building: rts building_sprite: .byte 13,7 .byte $77,$22,$9d,$00,$9d,$00,$22,$22,$22,$00,$00,$00,$0A .byte $77,$25,$25,$25,$25,$25,$22,$22,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $77,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$02,$00,$00,$90,$90 .byte $A7,$72,$02,$02,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$09,$09 .byte $AA,$77,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$60,$d9,$dd .byte $AA,$77,$00,$00,$00,$00,$60,$00,$60,$06,$00,$66,$dd .byte $AA,$77,$00,$60,$26,$66,$02,$06,$00,$00,$60,$22,$00