; Tiny Cool - 32B demo ; makes a pretty neat spinning pattern ; not necessarily repeatable, it's walking through each memory page ; and grabbing offset 32 or so as a shape table ; what you get depends on contents of RAM ; zero page locations HGR_SHAPE = $1A A5H = $45 XREG = $46 YREG = $47 HGR_SCALE = $E7 HGR_ROTATION = $F9 FRAME = $FC XPOS = $FD YPOS = $FF ; ROM calls HGR2 = $F3D8 HPOSN = $F411 XDRAW0 = $F65D RESTORE = $FF3F .zeropage tiny_tiny: jsr HGR2 ; Hi-res graphics, no text at bottom ; Y=0, A=0 after this call iny sty HGR_SCALE tiny_loop: ; setup X and Y co-ords for center of screen ldy #0 ; Y always 0 ldx #140 lda #96 jsr HPOSN ; X= (y,x) Y=(a) ldx #shape_table jsr XDRAW0 ; XDRAW 1 AT X,Y ; Both A and X are 0 at exit ; increment rotation inc rot_smc+1 ; oops also increments high byte of shape table jmp tiny_loop shape_table: .byte 18,0 ; shape data