CH = $24 CV = $25 BASL = $28 BASH = $29 SEEDL = $4E DRAW_PAGE = $FF PAGE0 = $C054 HGR = $F3E2 SETTXT = $FB39 TABV = $FB5B ; store A in CV and call MON_VTAB STORADV = $FBF0 ; store A at (BASL),CH, advancing CH, trash Y MON_VTAB = $FC22 ; VTAB to CV VTABZ = $FC24 ; VTAB to value in A HOME = $FC58 WAIT = $FCA8 ;; delay 1/2(26+27A+5A^2) us COUT = $FDED COUT1 = $FDF0 COUTZ = $FDF6 ; cout but ignore inverse flag ypos = $2000 xpos = $2100 move: jsr HGR sta DRAW_PAGE jsr SETTXT next_frame: ldx #0 next_text: lda xpos,X bne not_new new_text: jsr random8 and #$1f adc #$4 sta xpos,X jsr random8 and #$f sta ypos,X not_new: lda xpos,X sta CH lda ypos,X sta CV jsr MON_VTAB lda BASH clc adc DRAW_PAGE sta BASH txa pha ldx #0 print_loop: lda text,X php ora #$80 jsr STORADV inx plp bpl print_loop big_done: pla tax dec xpos,X inx cpx #20 bne next_text flip_pages: ldx #0 lda DRAW_PAGE beq done_page inx done_page: ldy PAGE0,X ; set display page to PAGE1 or PAGE2 eor #$4 ; flip draw page between $400/$800 sta DRAW_PAGE clc adc #$4 sta BASH lda #$0 sta BASL clear_screen_outer: ldy #$f8 clear_screen_inner: lda #$A0 ; space char sta (BASL),Y ; 100 101 110 111 dey cpy #$FF bne clear_screen_inner inc BASH lda BASH and #$3 bne clear_screen_outer lda #$50 jsr WAIT jmp next_frame ;============================= ; random8 ;============================= ; 8-bit 6502 Random Number Generator ; Linear feedback shift register PRNG by White Flame ; random8: lda SEEDL ; 2 beq doEor ; 2 asl ; 1 beq noEor ; if the input was $80, skip the EOR ; 2 bcc noEor ; 2 doEor: eor #$1d ; 2 noEor: sta SEEDL ; 2 rts text: .byte "HELL",'O'|$80