; wires ; 159 -- initial ; 158 -- jmp to branch ; 152 -- special case dark blue ; 151 -- another jmp to branch ; 148 -- use $10 instead of $ff for black color ; 147 -- optimize color code ; goal=135 .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" CTEMP = $FC ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ wires: ; jsr SETGR ; set lo-res 40x40 mode bit SET_GR bit FULLGR ; make it 40x48 ; we only create a 16x16 texture, which we pattern across 40x48 screen create_lookup: ldy #15 create_yloop: ldx #15 create_xloop: ; vertical txa and #$7 bne horiz xnot: tya bne lookup_smc horiz: ; horizontal tya and #$7 beq ynot lda #$10 bne lookup_smc ynot: txa lookup_smc: sta lookup ; always starts at $d00 inc lookup_smc+1 dex bpl create_xloop dey bpl create_yloop ; X and Y both $FF create_lookup_done: forever_loop: cycle_colors: ; cycle colors ; can't do palette rotate on Apple II so faking it here ; just incrementing every entry in texture by 1 ; X is $FF when arriving here ; ldx #0 inx ; make X 0 cycle_loop: ldy lookup,X cpy #$10 beq skip_zero iny tya and #$f sta lookup,X skip_zero: inx bne cycle_loop ; set/flip pages ; we want to flip pages and then draw to the offscreen one flip_pages: ; ldx #0 ; x already 0 lda draw_page_smc+1 ; DRAW_PAGE beq done_page inx done_page: ldy PAGE1,X ; set display page to PAGE1 or PAGE2 eor #$4 ; flip draw page between $400/$800 sta draw_page_smc+1 ; DRAW_PAGE ; plot current frame ; scan whole 40x48 screen and plot each point based on ; lookup table colors plot_frame: ldx #47 ; YY=47 (count backwards) plot_yloop: txa ; get (y&0xf)<<4 pha ; save YY / SAVEX asl asl asl asl sta CTEMP ; save for later txa ; get YY in accumulator lsr ; call actually wants Ycoord/2 ldy #$0f ; setup mask for odd/even line bcc plot_mask ldy #$f0 plot_mask: sty MASK jsr GBASCALC ; point GBASL/H to address in (A is ycoord/2) ; after, A is GBASL, C is clear lda GBASH ; adjust to be PAGE1/PAGE2 ($400 or $800) draw_page_smc: adc #0 sta GBASH ;========== ldy #39 ; XX = 39 (countdown) plot_xloop: tya ; get x&0xf and #$f ora CTEMP ; combine with val from earlier ; get ((y&0xf)*16)+x tax plot_lookup: plot_lookup_smc: lda lookup,X ; load lookup, (y*16)+x cmp #11 bcs color_notblue ; if < 11, blue color_blue: lda #$11 ; blue offset color_notblue: tax lda colorlookup-11,X ; lookup color color_notblack: sta COLOR ; each nibble should be same jsr PLOT1 ; plot at GBASL,Y (x co-ord goes in Y) dey bpl plot_xloop pla tax dex bpl plot_yloop bmi forever_loop colorlookup: ;.byte $22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22 ;.byte $22,$22,$22, .byte $66,$77,$ff,$77,$66,$00,$22 ; want this to be at 3f5 ; Length is 141 so start at $3f4 - ; 1013 - 141 + 3 = 875 = $36B jmp wires ; make lookup happen at page boundary .org $d00 lookup: