; wires -- Apple II Hires ; go for 100 frames? wires: ; jsr HGR2 ldx #$0 stx FRAME reset_x: ldx #$0 stx COUNT outer_loop: ; pulse loop horizontal lda #$00 tay sta GBASL lda #$40 sta GBASH horiz_loop: lda even_lookup,X sta (GBASL),Y iny lda odd_lookup,X sta (GBASL),Y iny bne noflo2 inc GBASH noflo2: lda #$44 cmp GBASH bne horiz_loop ; A should already be $44 here ; Y should be 0 vert_loop: txa clc adc #2 asl asl adc #$40 sbc GBASH cmp #8 lda #$81 bcs noeor ora #$02 noeor: sta (GBASL),Y inc GBASL inc GBASL bne noflo inc GBASH noflo: lda #$60 cmp GBASH bne vert_loop inx ; wrap at 7 cpx #7 beq reset_x inc COUNT inc FRAME lda FRAME cmp #32 bne outer_loop rts even_lookup: .byte $D7,$DD,$F5, $D5,$D5,$D5,$D5 odd_lookup: .byte $AA,$AA,$AA, $AB,$AE,$BA,$EA