; THATCHED ROOF COTTAGES cottage: ;************************ ; Cottage ;************************ lda #<(cottage_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+1 lda #>(cottage_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$40 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast lda #peasant_text sta OUTH jsr hgr_put_string jsr draw_box jsr hgr_put_string jsr hgr_put_string jsr hgr_put_string jsr hgr_put_string jsr wait_until_keypress rts peasant_text: .byte 25,2,"Peasant's Quest",0 cottage_text1: .byte 9,35,"YOU are Rather Dashing, a",0 .byte 9,44,"humble peasant living in",0 .byte 9,53,"the peasant kingdom of",0 .byte 9,62,"Peasantry.",0 ; wait a few seconds cottage_text2: .byte 0,0,"You return home from a",0 .byte 0,0,"vacation on Scalding Lake",0 .byte 0,0,"only to find that TROGDOR",0 .byte 0,0,"THE BURNINATOR has",0 .byte 0,0,"burninated your thatched",0 .byte 0,0,"roof cottage along with all",0 .byte 0,0,"your goods and services.",0 ; wait a few seconds, then start walking toward cottage cottage_text3: .byte 0,0,"With nothing left to lose,",0 .byte 0,0,"you swear to get revenge on",0 .byte 0,0,"the Wingaling Dragon in the",0 .byte 0,0,"name of burninated peasants",0 .byte 0,0,"everywhere.",0 ; Walk to edge of screen