KNOWN BUGS + The bounding box for the button in the fireplace should probably be at least two pixels higher, it's hard to hit + For the white page, in the actual game the dock switch you possibly have to toggle it at least once before the door opens (currently if it's down and the rest up it's auto open) + Maybe not fixable, but at the cabin if you open the door then you can't exit to the south + During the mysterium playthrough, the machine rebooted when going up the steps in stoneship, not sure why + Would be nice someday if we could speedrun w/o having to swap disks (though for humor value it's fun) mockingboard on IIc? Need to set the values in detect so it's detected with that though it instantly blazes through the song, as if sei isn't working. unclear why For release 1.0 + QLOAD + LOADER + MIST -- open door to clock puzzle? -- another stop on path to spaceship. Out of room though :( -- MIST_ROCKET_PATH_PAD probably missing ship-raised background -- (reported by user) the generator entrance/path just shows open hand icon so it's unclear you can take the path in addition to entering the generator. Not much we can do about that with the current engine though + OCTAGON -- animation on the fireplace opening/closing -- load "red page" sound clip into LC and play it? -- show "burnt" books if click on non-avail book -- adjust grabbing of actual books -- longer speeches from brothers, most notably the page 5 speeches and ending + SELENA -- load 1s clip of sounds (4k each) into language card? + STONEY -- allow coming at steps from an angle + CHANNEL -- from path can still see down elev1 even if up -- rotate windmill if enabled? + ARBOR -- rotate windmill if enabled? -- missing treehouses -- can look down elevator1 shaft if not there + NIBEL -- turn on sprite crop in the viewer part [harder to do this than you might think] + MECHE -- animations for elevator -- way to turn around in basement -- make rotation more similar to actual game? + SUB Done: + CABIN + DENTIST + DNI + MIST_TITLE + SHIP + VIEWER -- real game can erase message? ================================ TODO Maybe future: MIST: + look at catherine's letter from other side of path + Make clock puzzle more similar to actual game OCTAGON: + in tower could have extra window open/closed far backgrounds(?) + turning when looking at hint loses the text mode + line drawing on map isn't optimal + should hints be black on white text? General: + Insert floppy #100 joke? + double link noise (once when leave, once when get there?) + can drop pages back where we picked them up not too hard to implement? MECHE age: + can poke around more stuff in their rooms + reduce size by using flipped-background attribute(?) SELENA age: + optional mockingboard sound for keyboard? + sound 5 sound effects (not digital samples) maybe not bother with aiming antennas, but sum button plays if switch been pushed filler sounds for others? + antenna compartment should open/close when you click on it + better colors Channelwood: + Windmill animation + Animation for bridge rising + Animation for pipe extending + Animation for book elevator + Animation for level1 elevator + Animation for level2 elevator + Background sound effects Stoneship age: + When standing at door to lighthouse should be able to see trunk is up + Spheres in red room should play animations Ending: + Atrus at end -- hires? VIEWER + ? CABIN + Make match go out gradually when leave + Make boiler puzzle a bit closer to actual (it has a warm up time in the real game) + Allow looking down from whole ride up the tree, not just at top