;========================================================= ; hgr copy from $2000 to $4000 ;========================================================= ; copy $2000 to $4000 ; would be faster if we unroll it, but much bigger ; 14+ ((14*256)+20)*32 + 5 = 115347 = 8.6fps ; theoretical unrolled, 30*6 bytes bigger (180 bytes?) ; 2 + ((9*32)+5)*256 + 5 = 75015 = 13.3 fps hgr_copy: ldx #0 ; 2 lda #$A0 ; 2 sta hgr_copy_smc+2 ; 4 lda DRAW_PAGE clc adc #$20 ; lda #$20 ; 2 sta hgr_copy_smc+5 ; 4 hgr_copy_column: hgr_copy_smc: lda $8000,X ; 4 sta $2000,X ; 5 dex ; 2 bne hgr_copy_column ; 2nt/3t inc hgr_copy_smc+2 ; 6 inc hgr_copy_smc+5 ; 6 lda hgr_copy_smc+2 ; 4 cmp #$C0 ; 2 bne hgr_copy_column ; 2/3 rts ; 6