; Keen MARS main map ; ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" .include "common_defines.inc" ; or are there? ;NUM_ENEMIES = 0 TILE_COLS = 20 ; define this elsewhere? mars_start: ;=================== ; init screen bit KEYRESET bit SET_GR bit PAGE1 bit LORES bit FULLGR lda #0 ; clear screens sta clear_all_color+1 jsr clear_all lda KEENS ; check if out of lives bpl plenty_of_keens jmp return_to_title ; if none, game over plenty_of_keens: ;===================== ; init vars ;===================== lda #0 sta FRAMEL sta FRAMEH sta NUM_ENEMIES lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE ; see if returning and if game over lda LEVEL_OVER cmp #GAME_OVER bne not_game_over jmp return_to_title not_game_over: ;==================================== ; load mars tilemap ;==================================== lda #mars_data_zx02 sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$90 ; load to page $9000 jsr full_decomp ;==================================== ; copy in tilemap subset ;==================================== ; first center map around current location jsr recenter_map ; copy mini tileset jsr copy_tilemap_subset ; snapshot current tileset for fade purposes jsr snapshot_tilemap jsr fade_in lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER ;==================================== ;==================================== ; Main loop ;==================================== ;==================================== mars_loop: ; draw tilemap jsr draw_tilemap ; draw keen jsr draw_keen jsr page_flip jsr handle_keypress ; jsr move_keen ;======================== ; increment frame count ;======================== inc FRAMEL bne no_frame_oflo inc FRAMEH no_frame_oflo: ; rotate star colors ; lda FRAMEL ; lsr ; lsr ; lsr ; and #$7 ; tay ; lda star_colors,Y ; sta $F28 ; 0,28 ;=========================== ; check end of level ;=========================== lda LEVEL_OVER bne done_with_keen do_mars_loop: ;===================== ; sound effect ;===================== lda INITIAL_SOUND beq skip_initial_sound ldy #SFX_KEENSLEFT jsr play_sfx dec INITIAL_SOUND skip_initial_sound: ; delay ; lda #200 ; jsr WAIT jmp mars_loop done_with_keen: cmp #GAME_OVER beq return_to_title ; else, start level bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress ; sound effect ldy #SFX_WLDENTRSND jsr play_sfx jsr snapshot_tilemap jsr fade_out ; set up proper level to load clc lda CURRENT_LEVEL adc #2 ; skip title and mars sta WHICH_LOAD rts ; exit back return_to_title: jsr game_over ; ldy #SFX_GAMEOVERSND ; jsr play_sfx lda #LOAD_TITLE sta WHICH_LOAD rts ;========================= ; draw keen ;========================= draw_keen: sec lda MARS_TILEX sbc TILEMAP_X asl clc adc MARS_X sta XPOS sec lda MARS_TILEY sbc TILEMAP_Y asl asl clc adc MARS_Y sta YPOS ldx #keen_sprite_tiny stx INL sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop rts ; tail call draw_keen_even: lda MARS_Y ; and #$FE ; no need to mask, know bottom bit is 0 tay lda gr_offsets,Y sta OUTL lda gr_offsets+1,Y clc adc DRAW_PAGE sta OUTH ldy MARS_X ; adjust with Xpos lda #$3D sta (OUTL),Y lda MARS_Y clc adc #2 ; and #$FE ; no need to mask tay lda gr_offsets,Y sta OUTL lda gr_offsets+1,Y clc adc DRAW_PAGE sta OUTH ldy MARS_X ; adjust with Xpos lda (OUTL),Y and #$F0 ora #$02 sta (OUTL),Y rts ;================================= ;================================= ; check valid feet ;================================= ;================================= ; essentially if SCRN(Y,X+2)=9 check_valid_feet: txa ror bcc feet_mask_odd feet_mask_even: lda #$F0 bne feet_mask_done ; bra feet_mask_odd: lda #$0F feet_mask_done: sta feet_mask_smc+1 txa clc adc #2 and #$FE tax lda gr_offsets,X sta OUTL lda gr_offsets+1,X clc adc #$8 ; into $C00 page (bg lives here) sta OUTH lda (OUTL),Y eor #$99 feet_mask_smc: and #$F0 beq feet_valid bne feet_invalid feet_valid: sec rts feet_invalid: ; clc sec rts ;==================================== ;==================================== ; show parts screen ;==================================== ;==================================== ; TODO: color in if found do_parts: lda #parts_zx02 sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$c ; load to page $c00 jsr full_decomp jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip bit TEXTGR bit KEYRESET parts_loop: lda KEYPRESS bpl parts_loop done_parts: bit KEYRESET bit FULLGR rts ;=============================== ;=============================== ; snapshot tile map ;=============================== ;=============================== ; copy current tilemap graphics ; to $c00 for fade-in/fade-out snapshot_tilemap: ; make a copy in $c00 for fade-in purposes lda DRAW_PAGE ; necssary pha lda #8 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr draw_tilemap pla sta DRAW_PAGE lda #1 sta INITIAL_SOUND rts ;==================================== ;==================================== ; Mars action (enter pressed on map) ;==================================== ;==================================== ; if enter pressed on map ; off by one so the levels can fit in a two byte bitmap ; ; location tilex,tiley size ; 0 level1 (Border Town) 19,37 2 ; 1 level2 (First Shrine) 22,28 1 ; 2 level3 (Treasury) 9,21 2 ; 3 level4 (Capital City) 22,23 2 ; 4 level5 (Pogo Shrine) 13,16 1 ; 5 level6 (Second Shrine) 16,11 1 ; 6 level7 (Emerald City) 25,8 2 ; 7 level8 (Ice City) 38,3 2 ; 8 level9 (Third Shrine) 36,13 1 ; 9 level10 (Ice Shrine 1) 43,5 1 ; 10 level11 (Fourth Shrine) 52,16 1 ; 11 level12 (Fifth Shrine) 36,21 1 ; 12 level13 (Red Maze City) 44,24 2 ; 13 level14 (Secret City) 60,28 2 ; 14 level15 (Ice Shrine 2) 38,60 1 ; 15 level16 (Vorticon Castle) 29,59 2 ; 16 spaceship 10,37 1 ; 17 left transporter 26,4 1 ; 18 right transporter 34,3 1 ; 19 secret transporter 60,35 1 NUM_LOCATIONS = 20 do_action: ldx #(NUM_LOCATIONS-1) do_action_loop: ; mtx-ltx ; -1 0 1 2 ; 1234 1234 1234 1234 ; XYY XY YX YYX ; YY YY YY YY check_location_x: sec lda MARS_TILEX sbc location_x,X bmi check_location_nomatch cmp location_size,X bcs check_location_nomatch check_location_y: ; mty-lty ; -2 -1 0 1 2 ; 0 X ; 1 X X ; 2 YY YX YX YY YY ; 3 YY YY YX YX YY ; 4 X X ; 5 X clc lda MARS_TILEY adc #1 sec sbc location_y,X bmi check_location_nomatch cmp location_size,X bcc check_location_match ; bcs check_location_nomatch check_location_nomatch: dex bpl do_action_loop rts check_location_match: ; jump table lda location_actions_high,X pha lda location_actions_low,X pha rts ; jump ;===================================== ;===================================== ; placeholder until action imlpemented ;===================================== ;===================================== dummy_action: rts ;===================================== ;===================================== ; enter level ;===================================== ;===================================== ; level number is in X ; FIXME: make sure level is not completed enter_level: stx CURRENT_LEVEL inc LEVEL_OVER rts ;===================================== ;===================================== ; transport_to_right ;===================================== ;===================================== transport_right: lda #34 sta MARS_TILEX lda #3 transport_common: sta MARS_TILEY ldy #SFX_TELEPORTSND jsr play_sfx jsr recenter_map jsr copy_tilemap_subset rts ;===================================== ;===================================== ; transport_to_left ;===================================== ;===================================== transport_left: lda #26 sta MARS_TILEX lda #4 bne transport_common ; bra ;===================================== ;===================================== ; transport_to_secret ;===================================== ;===================================== transport_secret: ; TODO: verify we are transporting back to the right place lda #44 sta MARS_TILEX lda #24 bne transport_common ; bra ;===================================== ; recenter map around current location ;===================================== ; center around MARS_TILEX, MARS_TILEY recenter_map: lda #0 ; default at 0,0 sta TILEMAP_X sta TILEMAP_Y lda MARS_TILEX cmp #10 bcc mars_tilex_fine ; if MARS_TILEX < 10, leave tilemap 0 sec ; otherwise tilemap=mars_tilex-10 sbc #10 sta TILEMAP_X mars_tilex_fine: lda MARS_TILEY cmp #6 bcc mars_tiley_fine ; if MARS_TILEY < 6 leave tilemap 0 sec ; otherwise tilemap_y=mars_tiley-6 sbc #6 sta TILEMAP_Y mars_tiley_fine: rts location_x: .byte 19,22, 9,22,13,16,25,38 .byte 36,43,52,36,44,60,38,29 .byte 10,26,34,60 location_y: .byte 37,28,21,23,16,11, 8, 3 .byte 13, 5,16,21,24,28,60,59 .byte 37, 4, 3,35 location_size: .byte 2,1,2,2,1,1,2,2 .byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,1,2 .byte 1,1,1,1 location_actions_low: .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level1, level2 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level3, level4 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level4, level6 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level7, level8 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level9, level10 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level11, level12 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level13, level14 .byte <(enter_level-1),<(enter_level-1) ; level15, level16 .byte <(do_parts-1),<(transport_right-1) ; ship, l transport .byte <(transport_left-1),<(transport_secret-1) ; r trans, secret location_actions_high: .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level1, level2 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level3, level4 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level5, level6 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level7, level8 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level9, level10 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level11, level12 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level13, level14 .byte >(enter_level-1),>(enter_level-1) ; level15, level16 .byte >(do_parts-1),>(transport_right-1) ; ship, l transport .byte >(transport_left-1),>(transport_secret-1) ; r trans, secret ;star_colors: ; .byte $05,$07,$07,$0f ; .byte $0f,$07,$05,$0a ;========================== ; includes ;========================== ; level graphics parts_zx02: .incbin "graphics/parts.gr.zx02" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "gr_pageflip.s" .include "gr_putsprite_crop.s" .include "zx02_optim.s" .include "gr_fade.s" .include "joystick.s" .include "text_drawbox.s" .include "text_help.s" .include "text_quit_yn.s" .include "game_over.s" .include "mars_keyboard.s" .include "draw_tilemap.s" .include "mars_sfx.s" .include "longer_sound.s" .include "tilemap_lookup.s" mars_data_zx02: .incbin "maps/mars_map.zx02" ; dummy enemy_data_out: enemy_data_tilex: keen_sprite_tiny: .byte 1,2 .byte $DA .byte $23