;================== ; Inside Giant Inn ;================== ; Type any command while the pot of horse grease is on your head .byte "You need to get out of there before that smelly octogenarian gets back.",0 ; + look inside_inn_look_message: .byte "What a dump! Only one bed",13 .byte "and no minibar? The",13 .byte "Innkeeper stands behind a",13 .byte "desk and there's a door",13 .byte "that's closed.",0 ; + look window inside_inn_look_window_message: .byte "Check it out! There's a",13 .byte "Peasantry out there!",0 ; + look man inside_inn_look_man_message: .byte "He's an older peasant with",13 .byte "big cotton swabs stuffed up",13 .byte "his nose. Oh wait. Those",13 .byte "are nose hairs. Grody.",0 ; + look painting inside_inn_look_painting_message: .byte "It's a painting of dogs",13 .byte "playing 'Magic: The",13 .byte "Nerdening.'",0 ; + look paper / note / parchment inside_inn_look_paper_message: .byte "It says, ",34,"Note to self:",13 .byte "Wave arms wildly!",34,0 ; + look pillow inside_inn_look_pillow_message: .byte "If you sleep in that bed,",13 .byte "you're NOT putting your",13 .byte "head on that nasty pillow.",0 ; + look pot (after getting a room) .byte "It's full of horse grease. I guess that sounds useful.",0 ; + look rug inside_inn_look_rug_message: .byte "Maybe that used to be a",13 .byte "magic carpet. But it's sure",13 .byte "a cat pee-stained carpet",13 .byte "now.",0 ; + look bed inside_inn_look_bed_message: .byte "Is that just a fitted sheet",13 .byte "over a slab of concrete?",0 ; + look bell inside_inn_look_bell_message: .byte "Tis broked.",0 ; + look desk (man there) inside_inn_look_desk_message: .byte "There's a broken bell and",13 .byte "a piece of parchment on",13 .byte "there. And some crazy old",13 .byte "guy behind it.",0 ; + look (night) .byte "It's still dark out. The grimey old Innkeeper is gone and he left the pantry open.",0 ; + look desk (night?) .byte "There's a broken bell and",13 .byte "a piece of parchment on",13 .byte "there.",0 ; + look candle (after getting a room) .byte "That candle's not at all on fire.",0 ; + talk man inside_inn_talk_man_message: .byte 34,"If you're interested in",13 .byte "staying the night, just",13 .byte "type 'get a room.'",34,0 ; + give/use baby (before you get the baby) inside_inn_give_baby_before_message: .byte "You have no baby nor any",13 .byte "immediate prospects.",0 ; +5 POINTS ; + give/use baby (by desk) inside_inn_give_baby_message: .byte 34,"Well lookit that little guy!",34," says the Innkeeper. ",34,"You want a treat, do ya? What do babies like?",34," He fishes around in his pockets.",0 inside_inn_give_baby2_message: .byte 34,"Um, how bout my medication!",34," You grab the bottle of pills before he can force them on the baby. ",34,"Hey, those were for him!",34,0 ; + give/use baby (when you already have the pills) inside_inn_give_baby_already_message: .byte "You already milked that fogey for all the pills he's worth.",0 ; + get a room (without robe) (do you need to be wearing it?) inside_inn_get_room_no_robe_message: .byte 34,"I only serve peasants",13 .byte "here, fancypants!",34," barks",13 .byte "the old guy. ",34,"Where's your",13 .byte "robe?",34,0 ; +3 POINTS ; + get room (with robe) inside_inn_get_room_message: .byte 34,"Okay, youngster,",34," says the decrepit old person. ",34,"Just bed on down for the night and I'm sure I'll remember to collect the fee come morning.",34,0 inside_inn_get_room2_message: .byte "Night falls like a bad power point presentation.",0 inside_inn_get_room3_message: .byte "What an uncomfortable bed! You sleep for maybe 20 minutes before the extreme pain in your spine forces you to get up.",0 ; + get paper inside_inn_get_paper_message: .byte "Naw, it might be important",13 .byte "to that wrinkly old loon.",0 ; + get painting ; WIKI IS WRONG inside_inn_get_painting_message: .byte "Weird. It's actually just",13 .byte "painted right onto the",13 .byte "wall. Like, the frame and",13 .byte "everything.",0 ; + get rug inside_inn_get_rug_message: .byte "You're not touching that",13 .byte "thing. Too many",13 .byte "questionable stains on it.",0 ; + get doing-sproings inside_inn_get_doing_message: .byte "That's the worst thing",13 .byte "anyone has ever tried to",13 .byte "type in this game. Ever.",0 ; + get pillow inside_inn_get_pillow_message: .byte "Not a chance. There's even",13 .byte "more questionable stains",13 .byte "on that pillow than there",13 .byte "are on that rug.",0 ; + get bell inside_inn_get_bell_message: .byte "You can't. It looks like",13 .byte "it's been somehow olded to",13 .byte "the desk.",0 ; + get a room (when on fire) .byte 34,"Board of Peasant Health says I can't serve any folk that's on fire. Nothing personal. Well, I mean, I don't like you much anyway.",34,0 ; +2 POINTS ; + get/take/steal pot .byte "You reach way up to the top shelf.",0 .byte "Oh great! Now you can't see a thing and your head is covered in highly flammable horse grease. You better get out of here before that disgusting old man comes back.",0 ; + get pot (if you already have it) .byte "You already have a nice greasy swab of it on the corner of your hood.",0 ; + get candle (at night) .byte "It seems like you should be able to do that, doesn't it? Sorry. No dice.",0 ; + get grease (at night, already have it) .byte "You already have a nice greasy swab of it on the corner of your hood.",0 ; + get old man rub (in the inn ?? when) (after getting pills?) .byte "You disgust me.",0 ; + (exiting inn with pot on head) .byte "Phew! You discard the big black pot and wipe the horse grease from your eyes. The hood of your robe is still covered in highly flammable horse grease, though.",0 ; + ask about fire inside_inn_ask_about_fire_message: .byte 34,"I've always preferred",13 .byte "being on fire at night.",13 .byte "Looks prettier and keeps",13 .byte "the butterflies away.",34,0 ; + ask about naked ned inside_inn_ask_about_ned_message: .byte 34,"He used to be such a nice,",13 .byte "clothed young man. Wonder",13 .byte "what he's done with all his",13 .byte "old clothes?",34,0 ; + ask about robe inside_inn_ask_about_robe_message: .byte 34,"I wear my robe hood-down",13 .byte "so it's easier to trim my",13 .byte "ear hairs. If you need a",13 .byte "robe, maybe try someone",13 .byte "that's not using theirs.",34,0 ; + ask about smell inside_inn_ask_about_smell_message: .byte 34,"Well, if you don't stink,",13 .byte "maybe find something that",13 .byte "does and wear it. Like a",13 .byte "dead carcass or summat.",34,0 ; + ask about trogdor inside_inn_ask_about_trogdor_message: .byte 34,"Are you talking about that",13 .byte "young green boy that lives",13 .byte "up the street? He's always",13 .byte "tearing my roof off and",13 .byte "eating my customers.",34,0 ; + ask about (unknown) inside_inn_ask_about_unknown_message: .byte 34,"I don't know nothing about",13 .byte "no whatever you just said.",34,0 ; + ring bell inside_inn_ring_bell_message: .byte "Instead of ringing or",13 .byte "dinging, it just goes",13 .byte "'DUNG.'",0 ; + light candle (at night) .byte "It seems like you should be able to do that, doesn't it? Sorry. No dice.",0 ; + open door (before getting room) inside_inn_open_door_message: .byte 34,"That's the pantry,",34," says",13 .byte "the Innkeeper. ",34,"Employees",13 .byte "only.",34,0 ; + get bed, sleep/sleep on bed (man is there) inside_inn_get_bed_message: inside_inn_sleep_bed_message: .byte "You probably want to talk",13 .byte "to that stinky old guy over",13 .byte "there about that.",0