;************************ ; Tips ;************************ directions: lda #<(tips_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+1 lda #>(tips_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$40 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast lda #directions_text sta OUTH ldx #15 directions_loop: txa pha jsr hgr_put_string pla tax dex bne directions_loop jsr wait_until_keypress rts directions_text: ;0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 4,46,"Here's how things work round here:",0 .byte 0,60,"Use ARROWS or W,A,S,D to move",0 .byte 0,69,"Press RETURN to enter commands",0 .byte 0,78,"-Look around by typing stuff like",0 .byte 1,87,"'look tree' or just plain 'look'",0 .byte 0,96,"-Talk to folks by typing stuff like",0 .byte 1,105,"'talk man'",0 .byte 0,114,"-Take items by typing 'get (item)'",0 .byte 0,123,"-Use items by typing 'use (item)' You",0 .byte 1,132,"can also 'give (item)' 'throw (item)'",0 .byte 1,141,"or some other action words",0 .byte 0,150,"-Type 'inv' to see your INVENTORY",0 .byte 0,159,"-Type 'save' to save your game and",0 .byte 1,168,"'load' to load one.",0 .byte 7,180,"press any key to start game",0