;========================================= ; vlin ;========================================= ; X, V2 at Y ; from x=top, v2=bottom vlin: sty TEMPY ; save Y (x location) vlin_loop: txa ; a=x (get first y) and #$fe ; Clear bottom bit tay ; lda gr_offsets,Y ; lookup low-res memory address low sta GBASL ; put it into our indirect pointer iny lda gr_offsets,Y ; lookup low-res memory address high clc adc DRAW_PAGE ; add in draw page offset sta GBASH ; put into top of indirect ldy TEMPY ; load back in y (x offset) txa ; load back in x (current y) lsr ; check the low bit bcc vlin_low ; if not set, skip to low vlin_high: lda #$F0 ; setup masks sta MASK lda #$0f bcs vlin_too_slow vlin_low: ; setup masks lda #$0f sta MASK lda #$f0 vlin_too_slow: and (GBASL),Y ; mask current byte sta (GBASL),Y ; and store back lda MASK ; mask the color and COLOR ora (GBASL),Y ; or into the right place sta (GBASL),Y ; store it inx ; increment X (current y) cpx V2 ; compare to the limit bcc vlin_loop ; if <= then loop rts ; return