; Strongbad Zone ; ; Yet Another HR project ; ; by deater (Vince Weaver) .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" div7_table = $400 mod7_table = $500 hposn_high = $600 hposn_low = $700 strongbadzone_start: ;=================== ; set graphics mode ;=================== jsr HOME bit HIRES bit FULLGR bit SET_GR bit PAGE1 ;==================== ; set up tables ;==================== lda #$20 sta HGR_PAGE jsr hgr_make_tables ;========================== ; Load Title ;=========================== load_title: lda #title_data sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$20 jsr full_decomp ; load to page2 for color cycle lda #title_data sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$40 jsr full_decomp title_cycle_loop: jsr cycle_colors inc FRAME lda KEYPRESS bpl title_cycle_loop bit KEYRESET ;=================== ; setup game ;=================== ;========================== ; Load Background ;=========================== load_background: ; size in ldsizeh:ldsizel (f1/f0) lda #comp_data sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$80 jsr full_decomp lda #16 sta STRONGBAD_X sta PLAYER_X lda #1 sta STRONGBAD_DIR ;========================== ; main loop ;=========================== main_loop: ;========== ; flip page ;========== lda DRAW_PAGE beq draw_page2 draw_page1: bit PAGE2 lda #0 beq done_flip draw_page2: bit PAGE1 lda #$20 done_flip: sta DRAW_PAGE ;======================== ; copy over backgrund ;======================== jsr hgr_copy inc FRAME ;=========================== ; move head ;=========================== lda FRAME and #$3 bne no_move_head lda STRONGBAD_X cmp #21 bcs reverse_head_dir cmp #12 bcs no_reverse_head_dir reverse_head_dir: lda STRONGBAD_DIR eor #$FF sta STRONGBAD_DIR inc STRONGBAD_DIR no_reverse_head_dir: clc lda STRONGBAD_X adc STRONGBAD_DIR sta STRONGBAD_X no_move_head: ;========================== ; draw head ;=========================== lda #head_sprite sta INH lda STRONGBAD_X sta SPRITE_X lda #36 sta SPRITE_Y jsr hgr_draw_sprite_big ;========================== ; draw player ;=========================== lda #player_sprite sta INH lda PLAYER_X sta SPRITE_X lda #138 sta SPRITE_Y jsr hgr_draw_sprite_big check_keypress: lda KEYPRESS bpl done_keyboard_check bit KEYRESET ; clear the keyboard strobe ; clear high bit and #$7f ; FIXME: adjust for lowercase too cmp #'Q' beq done_game cmp #27 ; escape beq done_game cmp #'A' ; shield left cmp #'S' ; shield center cmp #'D' ; shield right cmp #8 ; left beq move_left cmp #$15 beq move_right ; right done_keyboard_check: jmp main_loop move_left: lda PLAYER_X beq no_more_left dec PLAYER_X no_more_left: jmp main_loop move_right: lda PLAYER_X cmp #29 ; bge bcs no_more_right inc PLAYER_X no_more_right: jmp main_loop ;========================== ; done game ;========================== done_game: lda #0 sta WHICH_LOAD rts wait_until_keypress: lda KEYPRESS ; 4 bpl wait_until_keypress ; 3 bit KEYRESET ; clear the keyboard buffer rts .include "hgr_tables.s" .include "zx02_optim.s" .include "hgr_sprite_big.s" .include "cycle_colors.s" .include "hgr_copy_fast.s" .include "asplode_graphics/sb_sprites.inc" title_data: .incbin "asplode_graphics/sb_title.hgr.zx02" comp_data: .incbin "asplode_graphics/sb_zone.hgr.zx02"