; Tilted Plane, based on the code in Hellmood's Memories ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page BASL = $28 BASH = $29 H2 = $2C COLOR = $30 X1 = $F0 X2 = $F1 Y1 = $F2 Y2 = $F3 M1 = $F7 M2 = $F8 TEMP = $FA TEMPY = $FB FRAME = $FC TEMPX = $FD SCALED = $FE ; Soft Switches KEYPRESS= $C000 KEYRESET= $C010 SET_GR = $C050 ; Enable graphics FULLGR = $C052 ; Full screen, no text PAGE0 = $C054 ; Page0 PAGE1 = $C055 ; Page1 LORES = $C056 ; Enable LORES graphics ; ROM routines PLOT = $F800 ; plot, horiz=y, vert=A (A trashed, XY Saved) SETCOL = $F864 TEXT = $FB36 ;; Set text mode BASCALC = $FBC1 SETGR = $FB40 HOME = $FC58 ;; Clear the text screen WAIT = $FCA8 ;; delay 1/2(26+27A+5A^2) us HLINE = $F819 tilted_plane: ;=================== ; init screen jsr SETGR ; 3 bit FULLGR ; 3 jsr init_multiply_tables plane_forever: inc FRAME ; 2 ldx #47 ; yy ; 2 yloop: ldy #39 ; xx ; 2 xloop: ; clc ; adc #$10 ; adjust top of screen lda division,X ; scaled=((0x3d5/yy)&0xff); ; reverse divide AL=C/Y' sta M1 sta SCALED ; color=((signed char)((xprime-20)&0xff))*((signed char)(scaled&0xff)); tya sec sbc #20 sta M2 jsr multiply_s8x8 lda M1 rol rol M2 rol rol M2 lda M2 sta COLOR ; fedcba9876543210 ; dcba9876 ; color=(color>>6)&0xff; sec lda SCALED sbc FRAME ; scaled-=frame; eor COLOR ; color^=(scaled&0xff); and #$1C ; color&=0x1c; // map colors jsr SETCOL txa ; A==Y1 ; 1 jsr PLOT ; (X2,Y1) ; 3 dey ; 1 bpl xloop ; 2 dex ; 1 bpl yloop ; 2 bmi plane_forever ; 2 division: .byte $62,$59,$51,$4B,$46,$41,$3D,$39,$36,$33 .byte $31,$2E,$2C,$2A,$28,$27,$25,$24,$23,$21 .byte $20,$1F,$1E,$1D,$1C,$1C,$1B,$1A,$19,$19 .byte $18,$17,$17,$16,$16,$15,$15,$14,$14,$14 .byte $13,$13,$12,$12,$12,$11,$11,$11 .include "multiply_tables.s" .include "multiply_s8x8.s" .include "multiply_u8x8.s"