; Demosplash 2019 ; by Vince "Deater" Weaver .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" demosplash2019: ;========================= ; set up sound ;========================= lda #0 sta DONE_PLAYING jsr mockingboard_init jsr pt3_setup_interrupt jsr reset_ay_both jsr clear_ay_both jsr pt3_init_song ;==================================== ; generate 4 patterns worth of music ; at address $9000 lda #0 sta FRAME_PAGE lda #0 sta FRAME_OFFSET frame_decode_loop: jsr pt3_make_frame jsr pt3_write_frame inc FRAME_OFFSET bne frame_decode_loop inc r0_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r1_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r2_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r4_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r13_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r6_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r7_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r8_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r9_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r11_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc r12_wrsmc+2 ; 6 inc FRAME_PAGE lda FRAME_PAGE cmp #3 bne frame_decode_loop lda #0 sta FRAME_OFFSET ; lda #1 ; sta LOOP ;=========================== ; Enable graphics ;=========================== bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR bit KEYRESET ;=========================== ; Setup pages (is this necessary?) ;=========================== lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #1 sta DISP_PAGE ;=========================== ; apple II intro ;============================ nop nop nop ; jsr appleII_intro ;=========================== ; missing scene ;=========================== jsr missing_intro ;=========================== ; show some pictures ;============================ ; start music ; cli ; enable interrupts ;=========================== ; starbase scene ;=========================== ; jsr starbase ;=========================== ; escape scene ;=========================== ; jsr escape ;=========================== ; book scene ;=========================== ; jsr book ; wait wait wait ; jsr wait_until_keypressed ;repeat_ending: ; jmp repeat_ending ;====================== ; wait until keypressed ;====================== wait_until_keypressed: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_until_keypressed bit KEYRESET rts ; Apple II intro .include "appleII_intro.s" .include "appleII_40_96.inc" .align $100 .include "vapor_lock.s" .include "delay_a.s" .include "gr_unrle.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" ;.include "text_print.s" ;.include "gr_pageflip.s" .align $100 .include "gr_fast_clear.s" ;.include "gr_overlay.s" .align $100 .include "font.s" ; missing .include "missing.s" ; Starbase ;.include "starbase.s" ; escape ;.include "escape.s" ; book ;.include "book.s" ; Music player .include "pt3_lib_core.s" .include "pt3_lib_init.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard.s" .include "interrupt_handler.s" .include "pt3_lib_play_frame.s" .include "pt3_lib_write_frame.s" PT3_LOC = song ; must be page aligned .align 256 song: .incbin "dya_space_demo2.pt3"