; Tunnel, based on the code in Hellmood's Memories ; by deater (Vince Weaver) ; Zero Page COLOR = $30 XCOORD = $F0 YCOORD = $F1 DEPTH = $F2 VALUE = $F6 M1 = $F7 M2 = $F8 FRAME = $F9 TEMP = $FA ; Soft Switches KEYPRESS= $C000 KEYRESET= $C010 SET_GR = $C050 ; Enable graphics FULLGR = $C052 ; Full screen, no text ; ROM routines PLOT = $F800 ; plot, horiz=y, vert=A (A trashed, XY Saved) SETCOL = $F864 SETGR = $FB40 tunnel: ;=================== ; init screen jsr SETGR ; 3 bit FULLGR ; 3 tunnel_forever: inc FRAME ; 2 ldx #47 ; 2 yloop: ldy #39 ; 2 xloop: ; Xcoord = (x-10)*4 sec ; 1 tya ; 1 sbc #10 ; 2 asl ; 1 asl ; 1 sta XCOORD ; 2 ; Ycoord = (y-10)*4 sec ; 1 txa ; 1 sbc #10 ; 2 asl ; 1 asl ; 1 ; center sbc #24 sta YCOORD ; 2 ; set depth to -9 (move backwards) lda #$f7 ; 2 sta DEPTH ; 2 fx5_loop: ; get ycoord lda YCOORD ; 2 ; 8x8 signed multiply of M1*DEPTH ;sta M1 ; 2 jsr imul ; 3 lda M2 ; 2 sta VALUE ; 2 ; get xcoord lda XCOORD ; 2 ; add distance to projection (bend right) clc ; 1 adc DEPTH ; 2 ;sta M1 ; 2 ; 8x8 signed multiply of M1*DEPTH jsr imul ; 3 ; do the calculation dec DEPTH ; 2 beq putpixel ; 2 ; is this needed? ; load the yprojection lda VALUE ; 2 ; xor with the xprojection eor M2 ; 2 ; center walls around 0 clc ; 1 adc #$4 ; 2 ; test with -8, see if wall hit sta VALUE ; 2 and #$f8 ; 2 beq fx5_loop ; 2 putpixel: ; adjust color by frame and set sec ; 1 lda DEPTH ; 2 sbc FRAME ; 2 eor VALUE ; 2 and #$7 ; 2 ;adc #$20 jsr SETCOL ; 3 txa ; A==Y1 ; 1 jsr PLOT ; (X2,Y1) ; 3 dey ; 1 bpl xloop ; 2 dex ; 1 bpl yloop ; 2 bmi tunnel_forever ; 2 ;================================================= ; A = M1 ; DEPTH (preserve) is M2 imul: stx TEMP ; save as we trash it sta M1 ; get values in right place lda DEPTH sta M2 eor M1 ; calc if we need to adjust at end ; (++ vs +- vs -+ vs --) php ; save status on stack ; if M1 negative, negate it lda M1 bpl m1_positive eor #$ff clc adc #0 m1_positive: sta M1 ; if M2 negative, naegate it lda M2 bpl m2_positive eor #$ff clc adc #0 m2_positive: sta M2 ;================== ; unsigned multiply ; factors in M1 and M2 lda #0 ldx #$8 lsr M1 clc imul_loop: bcc no_add clc adc M2 no_add: ror ror M1 dex bne imul_loop sta M2 ; done, high result in factor2, low result in factor1 ; adjust to be signed ; if m1 and m2 positive, good ; if m1 and m2 negative, good ; otherwise, negate result plp ; restore saved pos/neg value bpl done_result negate_result: sec lda #0 sbc M1 lda #0 sbc M2 done_result: sta M2 ldx TEMP rts