; Fishing Challenge '91 ; ; "Are you asking for some sort of early-90s fishing challenge????" ; ; Yet Another HR project ; ; by deater (Vince Weaver) .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" ; NOTES FROM WIKI ; green fish 50 or 100 ; grey fish 100 points ; red fish 400 or 500 ; bubbles easier to catch? ; grey = lures, red green = jigs ; NOTES ; hgr page1= $2000-$3fff ; hgr page2= $4000-$5fff ; code = $4000-$9fff (24k) code ; saved bg = $a000-$bfff ; note we have to be done with the code in page2 before ; we over-write it by playing the game div7_table = $400 mod7_table = $500 hposn_high = $600 hposn_low = $700 fish_start: ;=================== ; set graphics mode ;=================== jsr HOME bit HIRES bit FULLGR bit SET_GR bit PAGE1 ;==================== ; set up tables ;==================== lda #$20 sta HGR_PAGE jsr hgr_make_tables ;========================== ; Load Sound ;=========================== lda SOUND_STATUS and #SOUND_IN_LC beq done_load_sound ; read/write RAM, use $d000 bank1 bit $C083 bit $C083 ; fish = 4225 bytes load at $D000 - $E0FF ; boat = 4966 bytes load at $E100 - $F4FF lda #sound_data_fish sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$D0 jsr full_decomp lda #sound_data_boat sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$E1 jsr full_decomp ; read ROM/no-write bit $C082 done_load_sound: ;========================== ; Load Title ;=========================== load_title: lda #title_data sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$20 jsr full_decomp wait_at_tile: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_at_tile bit KEYRESET ;=================== ; print directions ;=================== ; in the actual game this is overlay ontop of the faded gameplay ; that would be a pain so we're not going to do it lda #$0 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr clear_all bit LORES bit FULLGR bit SET_TEXT bit PAGE1 lda #help_text sta OUTH jsr set_normal ; normal text ldx #7 print_help: jsr move_and_print dex bne print_help jsr set_flash ; have the "press spacebar" flash jsr move_and_print wait_at_directions: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_at_directions bit KEYRESET ;=================== ; setup game ;=================== ; lda #0 ; sta DRAW_PAGE jmp skip_ahead help_text: .byte 0,0,"INSTRUCTIONS:",0 .byte 5,3,"- PRESS 'J' TO JIG",0 .byte 5,4,"- PRESS 'L' TO LURE",0 .byte 5,7,"SOME FISH RESPOND TO LURES,",0 .byte 5,8,"OTHERS TO JIGS.",0 .byte 5,11,"CATCH MORE FISH FOR MAXIMUM",0 .byte 5,12,"FUNTIME!",0 .byte 13,20,"PRESS SPACEBAR!",0 ; note, flash? sound_data_fish: .incbin "sounds/fish.btc.zx02" sound_data_boat: .incbin "sounds/get_in_boat.btc.zx02" title_data: .incbin "graphics/fish_title.hgr.zx02" skip_ahead: ;========================== ; Load Background ;=========================== load_background: lda #bg_data sta ZX0_src+1 lda #$a0 ; background copy at $a000 jsr full_decomp ; lda #bg_data ; sta ZX0_src+1 ; lda #$40 ;=================== ; set up variables bit HIRES bit FULLGR bit SET_GR bit PAGE1 ; re-set up hgr tables lda #$20 sta HGR_PAGE jsr hgr_make_tables ; init score lda #$00 sta SCORE_L sta SCORE_H ; init fish lda #FISH_NONE sta RED_FISH_STATE_PTR sta GREY_FISH_STATE_PTR sta GREEN_FISH_STATE_PTR sta BUBBLE_STATE_PTR ; init bubble too ; start at least 8k in? ;========================== ; main loop ;=========================== main_loop: jsr flip_page ;======================== ;======================== ; draw the scene ;======================== ;======================== ;================================== ; copy over (erase) old background ; this isn't fast, but much faster than decompressing ; we could be faster if we unrolled, or only ; did part of the screen lda #$a0 sta bg_copy_in_smc+2 clc lda DRAW_PAGE adc #$20 sta bg_copy_out_smc+2 ldy #0 bg_copy_loop: bg_copy_in_smc: lda $A000,Y bg_copy_out_smc: sta $2000,Y dey bne bg_copy_loop inc bg_copy_in_smc+2 inc bg_copy_out_smc+2 lda bg_copy_in_smc+2 cmp #$C0 bne bg_copy_loop inc FRAME ;========================== ; draw boat lda FRAME lsr ; half the frame rate of rest ; lsr and #$3 tax lda boat_offsets,X sta BOAT_OFFSET lda boat_sprites_l,X sta INL lda boat_sprites_h,X sta INH lda #8 sta SPRITE_X lda #94 sta SPRITE_Y jsr hgr_draw_sprite_big ;=========================== ; draw ripples ; should we do this last? lda FRAME and #$3 tax lda ripple_l_sprites_l,X sta INL lda ripple_l_sprites_h,X sta INH lda #8 sta SPRITE_X lda #136 sta SPRITE_Y jsr hgr_draw_sprite lda FRAME and #$3 tax lda ripple_r_sprites_l,X sta INL lda ripple_r_sprites_h,X sta INH lda #32 sta SPRITE_X lda #139 sta SPRITE_Y jsr hgr_draw_sprite ;=========================== ; draw strong bad draw_strong_bad: lda ANIMATION_TYPE cmp #ANIMATION_LURE beq draw_lure_animation cmp #ANIMATION_JIG beq draw_jig_animation draw_regular_animation: lda #sb_sprite sta INH lda #23 sta SPRITE_X lda #42 sta SPRITE_Y jmp draw_common_animation draw_lure_animation: ldx ANIMATION_COUNT lda lure_sprites_l,X sta INL lda lure_sprites_h,X sta INH lda #23 sta SPRITE_X lda #42 sta SPRITE_Y jmp update_animation draw_jig_animation: ldx ANIMATION_COUNT lda jig_sprites_l,X sta INL lda jig_sprites_h,X sta INH lda #22 sta SPRITE_X lda #27 sta SPRITE_Y update_animation: dec ANIMATION_COUNT bpl draw_common_animation ; done lda #ANIMATION_NONE sta ANIMATION_TYPE draw_common_animation: lda SPRITE_Y clc adc BOAT_OFFSET sta SPRITE_Y jsr hgr_draw_sprite_big ;============================ ;============================ ; handle fish ;============================ ;============================ handle_fish: ;============================ ; deploy fish ;============================ ; if fish not out, randomly start one ; not sure how the actual game does it ; we're going to only do this every 8th frame ; pick random number ; 0..79 try red ; 80..159 try green ; 160..240 try grey deploy_fish: lda FRAME and #$f bne done_deploy_fish jsr random16 cmp #80 bcc deploy_red_fish cmp #160 bcc deploy_green_fish cmp #240 bcc deploy_grey_fish bcs done_deploy_fish deploy_red_fish: lda RED_FISH_STATE_PTR cmp #$ff bne done_deploy_fish ; #$ff means fish is not active ; create new red/big fish lda #0 sta RED_FISH_STATE_PTR lda #FISH_SPRITE_LONG sta RED_FISH_SPRITE lda #17 sta RED_FISH_X lda #180 sta RED_FISH_Y jmp done_deploy_fish deploy_grey_fish: lda GREY_FISH_STATE_PTR cmp #$ff bne done_deploy_fish ; $FF means fish is not active ; create new grey/left fish lda #0 sta GREY_FISH_STATE_PTR lda #FISH_SPRITE_LEFT sta GREY_FISH_SPRITE lda #31 sta GREY_FISH_X lda #164 sta GREY_FISH_Y jmp done_deploy_fish deploy_green_fish: lda GREEN_FISH_STATE_PTR cmp #$FF bne done_deploy_fish ; $FF means fish is not active ; create new green/right fish lda #0 sta GREEN_FISH_STATE_PTR lda #FISH_SPRITE_RIGHT sta GREEN_FISH_SPRITE lda #11 sta GREEN_FISH_X lda #146 sta GREEN_FISH_Y done_deploy_fish: ; draw red fish draw_red_fish: ldx RED_FISH_STATE_PTR cpx #$FF beq draw_grey_fish ; $FF means no fish ldy red_fish_behavior,X ldx #0 ; which fish jsr draw_fish draw_grey_fish: ldx GREY_FISH_STATE_PTR ; negative means no fish cpx #$FF beq draw_green_fish ldy grey_fish_behavior,X ldx #1 ; which fish jsr draw_fish draw_green_fish: ldx GREEN_FISH_STATE_PTR ; negative means no fish cpx #$ff beq done_draw_fish ldy green_fish_behavior,X ldx #2 ; which fish jsr draw_fish done_draw_fish: ;============================ ; draw bubble ;============================ ; yes there should be multiple bubbles possible at same time ; but I got lazy draw_bubble: ldx BUBBLE_STATE_PTR bmi done_draw_bubble cpx #6 bcc bubble_not_done ; disable bubble and don't draw ldx #$FF stx BUBBLE_STATE_PTR bmi done_draw_bubble bubble_not_done: ; set up co-ords lda BUBBLE_X sta SPRITE_X lda BUBBLE_Y sta SPRITE_Y ; set up sprite lda bubble_sprite_table_l,X sta INL lda bubble_sprite_table_h,X sta INH ; set up mask lda bubble_mask_table_l,X sta MASKL lda bubble_mask_table_h,X sta MASKH jsr hgr_draw_sprite_mask inc BUBBLE_STATE_PTR ; point to next state dec BUBBLE_Y ; have bubble float up a bit dec BUBBLE_Y done_draw_bubble: ;========================== ; draw score ;========================== jsr draw_score ;============================ ; play sound ;============================ ; ldy #5 ; jsr play_asplode ;=========================== ; check keypress ;=========================== check_keypress: lda KEYPRESS bpl done_keyboard_check bit KEYRESET ; clear the keyboard strobe ; clear high bit and #$7f and #$df ; convert lowercase to upper cmp #27 ; escape beq done_game cmp #'J' ; jig beq do_jig cmp #'L' ; lure beq do_lure done_keyboard_check: jmp main_loop ;====================== ; "get in boat"/jig do_jig: jsr play_boat ; `come on and get in the boat' lda #ANIMATION_JIG sta ANIMATION_TYPE lda #10 sta ANIMATION_COUNT ; FIXME: see if valid fish ; FIXME: make fish visible ldx #FISH_SPRITE_RED stx RED_FISH_SPRITE ; FIXME: start fish on catch path lda #<(catch_fish_behavior-red_fish_behavior) sta RED_FISH_STATE_PTR ; FIXME: update proper score ldx #0 jsr update_score jmp main_loop ;====================== ; "fish fish"/lure do_lure: jsr play_fish ; 'fish' lda #ANIMATION_LURE sta ANIMATION_TYPE lda #10 sta ANIMATION_COUNT jmp main_loop ;========================== ; done game ;========================== done_game: lda #0 really_done_game: sta WHICH_LOAD rts .if 0 wait_until_keypress: lda KEYPRESS ; 4 bpl wait_until_keypress ; 3 bit KEYRESET ; clear the keyboard buffer rts .endif ;========== ; flip page ;========== flip_page: lda DRAW_PAGE beq draw_page2 draw_page1: bit PAGE2 lda #0 beq done_flip draw_page2: bit PAGE1 lda #$20 done_flip: sta DRAW_PAGE rts ;=================================== ; draw score ;=================================== ; score is at 6,7,8,9,10. 10 is always 0 draw_score: lda SCORE_L and #$f tax lda #9 jsr actual_draw_score lda SCORE_L lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda #8 jsr actual_draw_score lda SCORE_H and #$f tax lda #7 jsr actual_draw_score lda SCORE_H lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda #6 ; jsr actual_draw_score ; rts actual_draw_score: sta SPRITE_X lda numbers_l,X sta INL lda numbers_h,X sta INH lda #177 sta SPRITE_Y jmp hgr_draw_sprite ; rts ;==================================== ; update score ;==================================== ; offset of update value in X ; score is BCD and in SCORE_H,SCORE_L update_score: sed lda score_values,X clc adc SCORE_L sta SCORE_L lda #0 adc SCORE_H sta SCORE_H cld rts score_values: ; 50 100 400 500 .byte $05, $10, $40, $50 ;============================ ;============================ ; draw_fish ;============================ ;============================ ; X=which fish ; Y=current fish behavior draw_fish: ; update fish state, use jump table update_fish: lda fish_state_dest_h,Y pha lda fish_state_dest_l,Y pha rts done_update_fish: inc RED_FISH_STATE_PTR,X ; point to next state ; set up co-ords lda RED_FISH_X,X sta SPRITE_X lda RED_FISH_Y,X sta SPRITE_Y ; set up sprite lda RED_FISH_SPRITE,X tax lda fish_sprite_table_l,X sta INL lda fish_sprite_table_h,X sta INH ; set up mask lda fish_mask_table_l,X sta MASKL lda fish_mask_table_h,X sta MASKH jsr hgr_draw_sprite_mask no_draw_fish: rts fish_state_dest_l: .byte <(move_fish_pause-1),<(move_fish_up-1),<(move_fish_bubble-1) .byte <(move_fish_right-1),<(move_fish_left-1) .byte <(move_fish_left_up-1),<(move_fish_left_down-1) .byte <(move_fish_flip-1) .byte <(move_fish_done-1) .byte <(move_fish_right_up-1),<(move_fish_right_down-1) .byte <(move_fish_catch_up-1),<(move_fish_catch_down-1) fish_state_dest_h: .byte >(move_fish_pause-1),>(move_fish_up-1),>(move_fish_bubble-1) .byte >(move_fish_right-1),>(move_fish_left-1) .byte >(move_fish_left_up-1),>(move_fish_left_down-1) .byte >(move_fish_flip-1) .byte >(move_fish_done-1) .byte >(move_fish_right_up-1),>(move_fish_right_down-1) .byte >(move_fish_catch_up-1),>(move_fish_catch_down-1) move_fish_done: lda #FISH_NONE ; disable fish sta RED_FISH_STATE_PTR,X jmp no_draw_fish move_fish_catch_up: inc RED_FISH_X,X ; move right move_fish_up: dec RED_FISH_Y,X ; move up by two dec RED_FISH_Y,X jmp done_update_fish move_fish_catch_down: inc RED_FISH_Y,X ; move down by two inc RED_FISH_Y,X move_fish_right: inc RED_FISH_X,X ; move right jmp done_update_fish move_fish_right_up: dec RED_FISH_Y,X ; move up by one inc RED_FISH_X,X ; move right jmp done_update_fish move_fish_right_down: inc RED_FISH_Y,X ; move down by one inc RED_FISH_X,X ; move right jmp done_update_fish move_fish_left_up: dec RED_FISH_Y,X ; move up by one ; dec RED_FISH_Y,X move_fish_left: dec RED_FISH_X,X ; move left jmp done_update_fish move_fish_left_down: inc RED_FISH_Y,X ; move down by one ; inc RED_FISH_Y,X dec RED_FISH_X,X ; move left jmp done_update_fish move_fish_flip: lda #FISH_SPRITE_RIGHT sta RED_FISH_SPRITE,X jmp done_update_fish move_fish_bubble: lda #0 sta BUBBLE_STATE_PTR lda RED_FISH_X,X sta BUBBLE_X inc BUBBLE_X ; more likely to be from head inc BUBBLE_X ; more likely to be from head lda RED_FISH_Y,X sta BUBBLE_Y jmp done_update_fish move_fish_pause: jmp done_update_fish fish_sprite_table_l: .byte big_fish_sprite,>left_fish_sprite,>right_fish_sprite .byte >red_fish_sprite,>grey_fish_sprite,>green_fish_sprite fish_mask_table_l: .byte big_fish_mask,>left_fish_mask,>right_fish_mask .byte >red_fish_mask,>grey_fish_mask,>green_fish_mask boat_sprites_l: .byte boat2_sprite,>boat1_sprite,>boat3_sprite,>boat1_sprite ; add to Y to account for boat moving ; 1 2 3 ; 18, 15, 19 boat_offsets: .byte 0,3,4,3 ; 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 ; c r c l c r c l c r c jig_sprites_l: .byte sb_boat2_sprite,>sb_boat3_sprite .byte >sb_boat2_sprite,>sb_boat1_sprite .byte >sb_boat2_sprite,>sb_boat3_sprite .byte >sb_boat2_sprite,>sb_boat1_sprite .byte >sb_boat2_sprite,>sb_boat3_sprite .byte >sb_boat2_sprite ; 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 ; m u m d m u m d m u m lure_sprites_l: .byte sb_sprite,>sb_fish1_sprite .byte >sb_sprite,>sb_fish2_sprite .byte >sb_sprite,>sb_fish1_sprite .byte >sb_sprite,>sb_fish2_sprite .byte >sb_sprite,>sb_fish1_sprite .byte >sb_sprite numbers_l: .byte zero_sprite,>one_sprite,>two_sprite .byte >three_sprite,>four_sprite,>five_sprite .byte >six_sprite,>seven_sprite,>eight_sprite .byte >nine_sprite bg_data: .incbin "graphics/fish_bg.hgr.zx02" .include "zx02_optim.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "hgr_tables.s" .include "hgr_sprite_big.s" .include "hgr_sprite_mask.s" .include "hgr_sprite.s" ; .include "hgr_copy_fast.s" .include "audio.s" .include "play_sounds.s" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "random16.s" .include "graphics/boat_sprites.inc" .include "graphics/strongbad_sprites.inc" .include "graphics/fish_sprites.inc" ; Fish behavior ; red fish ; 120,183? (bottom) ; u 14? to maybe 160? pause 5? ; r 8? blow bubble? pause 8? ; r quickly through reeds, off screen ; red_fish_behavior: ; up 14 .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP ; pause 5 .byte FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE ; slow right 4 .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_PAUSE ; bubble .byte FISH_BUBBLE ; pause 8 .byte FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_PAUSE ; fast right 12 .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_DONE ; left fish, (grey) appears in reeds ; 218,170 or so ; left 8 to center of boat gradually up, blows bubble ; left 12, gradually down, blow bubble ; 3 frames to turn right ; 5 frames right up (center of boat) blows bubble ; 5 frames right down ; 15 frames to move off right side grey_fish_behavior: ; LEFT UP 8, gradually .byte FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_UP,FISH_PAUSE ; bubble .byte FISH_BUBBLE ; LEFT DOWN 10, gradually .byte FISH_LEFT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_LEFT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_LEFT,FISH_PAUSE ; turn right .byte FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_FLIP .byte FISH_PAUSE ; slow right up 6 .byte FISH_CATCH_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_CATCH_UP,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_CATCH_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_CATCH_UP,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_CATCH_UP,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_CATCH_UP,FISH_PAUSE ; bubble .byte FISH_BUBBLE ; slow right down 5 .byte FISH_RIGHT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_RIGHT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_RIGHT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE,FISH_RIGHT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE .byte FISH_RIGHT_DOWN,FISH_PAUSE ; fast right 12 .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_DONE ; right fish (green) appears in left reeds approx 76, 146 ; blows bubble ; right 18 off screen green_fish_behavior: ; bubble .byte FISH_BUBBLE ; fast right 15 .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_RIGHT,FISH_RIGHT .byte FISH_DONE catch_fish_behavior: ; up+to right 20 times? ; then down+right 5 times? .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_CATCH_UP .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_CATCH_UP .byte FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_UP,FISH_CATCH_UP .byte FISH_CATCH_DOWN,FISH_CATCH_DOWN,FISH_CATCH_DOWN,FISH_CATCH_DOWN .byte FISH_CATCH_DOWN,FISH_CATCH_DOWN,FISH_CATCH_DOWN,FISH_CATCH_DOWN .byte FISH_DONE ; bubbles ; go medium/large/medium ; some go mostly up, some wiggle left right bubble_sprite_table_l: .byte med1_bubble_sprite,>med1_bubble_sprite .byte >big_bubble_sprite,>big_bubble_sprite .byte >med2_bubble_sprite,>med2_bubble_sprite bubble_mask_table_l: .byte med1_bubble_mask,>med1_bubble_mask .byte >big_bubble_mask,>big_bubble_mask .byte >med2_bubble_mask,>med2_bubble_mask ripple_l_sprites_l: .byte ripple_l1_sprite,>ripple_l2_sprite,>ripple_l3_sprite,>ripple_none_sprite ripple_r_sprites_l: .byte ripple_r1_sprite,>ripple_r2_sprite,>ripple_r3_sprite,>ripple_none_sprite