; PLASMAGORIA, hi-res version ; original code by French Touch .include "hardware.inc" hposn_high=$6000 hposn_low =$6100 ;Table1 = $8000 ;Table2 = $8000+64 HGR = $F3E2 ; Page Zero GBASL = $26 GBASH = $27 COMPT1 = $30 COMPT2 = $31 PARAM1 = $60 PARAM2 = $61 PARAM3 = $62 PARAM4 = $63 Table1 = $A0 ; 40 bytes Table2 = $D0 ; 40 bytes ; ============================================================================= ; ROUTINE MAIN ; ============================================================================= plasma_debut: jsr HGR ; have table gen appear on hgr page1 bit FULLGR jsr build_tables lores_colors_fine=$8100 ; ============================================================================ ; init lores colors (inline) ; ============================================================================ init_lores_colors: ldx #0 ldy #0 ; 347 init_lores_colors_loop: lda lores_colors_lookup,X sta lores_colors_fine,Y iny sta lores_colors_fine,Y iny sta lores_colors_fine,Y iny sta lores_colors_fine,Y iny beq done_init_lores_colors inx txa and #$f tax jmp init_lores_colors_loop done_init_lores_colors: ; ============================================================================ do_plasma: ; init ; lda #02 ; ldx #5 ;init_loop: ; sta COMPT1,X ; dex ; bne init_loop BP3: ; ============================================================================ ; Precalculate some values (inlined) ; ROUTINES PRE CALCUL ; ============================================================================ precalc: lda PARAM1 ; self modify various parts sta pc_off1+1 lda PARAM2 sta pc_off2+1 lda PARAM3 sta pc_off3+1 lda PARAM4 sta pc_off4+1 ; Table1(X) = sin1(PARAM1+X)+sin2(PARAM1+X) ; Table2(X) = sin3(PARAM3+X)+sin1(PARAM4+X) ldx #$28 ; 40 pc_b1: pc_off1: lda sin1 pc_off2: adc sin2 sta Table1,X pc_off3: lda sin3 pc_off4: adc sin1 sta Table2,X inc pc_off1+1 inc pc_off2+1 inc pc_off3+1 inc pc_off4+1 dex bpl pc_b1 inc PARAM1 inc PARAM1 dec PARAM2 inc PARAM3 dec PARAM4 ; ============================================================================ ; Display Routines ; ROUTINES AFFICHAGES ; ============================================================================ ; Display "Normal" ; AFFICHAGE "NORMAL" display_normal: ldx #23 ; lines 0-23 lignes 0-23 display_line_loop: txa pha asl asl asl tax lda hposn_high,X sta output_smc+2 lda hposn_low,X sta output_smc+1 pla tax ldy #39 ; col 0-39 lda Table2,X ; setup base sine value for row sta display_row_sin_smc+1 display_col_loop: lda Table1,Y ; load in column sine value display_row_sin_smc: adc #00 ; add in row value sta display_lookup_smc+1 ; patch in low byte of lookup display_lookup_smc: lda lores_colors_fine ; attention: must be aligned output_smc: sta $2000,Y dey bpl display_col_loop dex bpl display_line_loop ; ============================================================================ inc COMPT1 bne BP3 dec COMPT2 bne BP3 beq do_plasma ; bra lores_colors_lookup: .byte $00,$88,$55,$99,$ff,$bb,$33,$22,$66,$77,$44,$cc,$ee,$dd,$99,$11 .include "hgr_table.s" .align 256 sin1: .incbin "tables" sin2=sin1+256 sin3=sin2+256