; VMW Chiptune Player .include "zp.inc" LZ4_BUFFER EQU $2000 ; 16k for now, FIXME: expand CHUNK_BUFFER EQU $6000 ; 10.5k, $2A00 CHUNKSIZE EQU $3 ;============================= ; Setup ;============================= jsr HOME jsr TEXT ; init variables lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE sta CH sta CV sta DONE_PLAYING sta XPOS sta MB_FRAME_DIFF ; print detection message lda #mocking_message sta OUTH jsr move_and_print ; print it jsr mockingboard_detect_slot4 ; call detection routine cpx #$1 beq mockingboard_found lda #not_message sta OUTH inc CV jsr move_and_print jmp forever_loop ; and wait forever mockingboard_found: ; lda #found_message ; sta OUTH ; inc CV ; jsr move_and_print ;============================ ; Init the Mockingboard ;============================ jsr mockingboard_init jsr reset_ay_both jsr clear_ay_both ;========================= ; Setup Interrupt Handler ;========================= ; Vector address goes to 0x3fe/0x3ff ; FIXME: should chain any existing handler lda #interrupt_handler sta $03ff ;============================ ; Enable 50Hz clock on 6522 ;============================ lda #$40 ; Continuous interrupts, don't touch PB7 sta $C40B ; ACR register lda #$7F ; clear all interrupt flags sta $C40E ; IER register (interrupt enable) lda #$C0 sta $C40D ; IFR: 1100, enable interrupt on timer one oflow sta $C40E ; IER: 1100, enable timer one interrupt lda #$E7 sta $C404 ; write into low-order latch lda #$4f sta $C405 ; write into high-order latch, ; load both values into counter ; clear interrupt and start counting ; 4fe7 / 1e6 = .020s, 50Hz ;============================ ; Draw title screen ;============================ jsr set_gr_page0 lda #$4 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr clear_screens lda #chip_title sta GBASH ; Load image lda #<$400 sta BASL lda #>$400 sta BASH jsr load_rle_gr ;=========================== ; load first song ;=========================== jsr new_song lda #CHUNK_BUFFER sta INH ;============================ ; Enable 6502 interrupts ;============================ cli ; clear interrupt mask ;============================ ; Init Background ;============================ ; jsr clear_screens ; clear top/bottom of page 0/1 jsr set_gr_page0 lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE sta SCREEN_Y ;============================ ; Loop forever ;============================ playing_loop: ;============================ ; rasters ;============================ jsr clear_top jsr draw_rasters jsr volume_bars jsr page_flip lda DONE_PLAYING beq playing_loop done_play: ; FIXME: disable timer on 6522 ; FIXME: unhook interrupt handler sei ; disable interrupts jsr clear_ay_both lda #0 sta CH jsr clear_bottoms lda #21 sta CV lda #done_message sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages forever_loop: jmp forever_loop ;============================= ;============================= ; simple interrupt handler ;============================= ;============================= ; On Apple II/6502 the interrupt handler jumps to address in 0xfffe ; This is in the ROM, which saves the registers ; on older IIe it saved A to $45 (which could mess with DISK II) ; newer IIe doesn't do that. ; It then calculates if it is a BRK or not (which trashes A) ; Then it sets up the stack like an interrupt and calls 0x3fe interrupt_handler: pha ; save A ; 3 ; tya ; pha ; txa ; pha ; Should we save X and Y too? ; inc $0404 ; debug bit $C404 ; clear 6522 interrupt by reading T1C-L ; 4 ;============ ; 7 ;===================== ; Update time counter ;===================== inc FRAME_COUNT ; 5 lda FRAME_COUNT ; 3 cmp #50 ; 3 bne frame_good ; 3/2nt lda #$0 ; 2 sta FRAME_COUNT ; 3 update_second_ones: inc $7d0+17 ; 6 inc $bd0+17 ; 6 lda $bd0+17 ; 4 cmp #$ba ; one past '9' ; 2 bne frame_good ; 3/2nt lda #'0'+$80 ; 2 sta $7d0+17 ; 4 sta $bd0+17 ; 4 update_second_tens: inc $7d0+16 ; 6 inc $bd0+16 ; 6 lda $bd0+16 ; 4 cmp #$b6 ; 6 (for 60 seconds) ; 2 bne frame_good ; 3/2nt lda #'0'+$80 ; 2 sta $7d0+16 ; 4 sta $bd0+16 ; 4 update_minutes: inc $7d0+14 ; 6 inc $bd0+14 ; 6 ; we don't handle > 9:59 songs yet ;============= ; 90 worst frame_good: ldy MB_FRAME_DIFF ; get chunk offset ; 3 ldx #0 ; set up reg count ; 2 ;============= ; 5 mb_write_loop: lda (INL),y ; load register value ; 5 ; if REG==1 and high bit set ; then end of song bpl mb_not_done ; 3/2nt cpx #1 ; 2 bne mb_not_done ; 3/2nt lda #1 ; set done playing ; 2 sta DONE_PLAYING ; 3 jmp done_interrupt ; 3 mb_not_done: ; special case R13. If it is 0xff, then don't update ; otherwise might spuriously reset the envelope settings cpx #13 ; 2 bne mb_not_13 ; 3/2nt cmp #$ff ; 2 beq skip_r13 ; 3/2nt mb_not_13: sta MB_VALUE ; 3 ; always write out all to zero page ; we mostly care about vola/volb/volc so this wastes 11 bytes of RAM ; code is simpler, and save on three cmp/branches per loop and #$f ; 2 sta REGISTER_DUMP,X ; 4 ; INLINE this (could save 72 cycles) jsr write_ay_both ; assume 3 channel (not six) ; 6 ; so write same to both ; left/right ; 53 clc ; point to next interleaved ; 2 lda INH ; page by adding $300 ; 3 adc #CHUNKSIZE ; 2 sta INH ; 3 inx ; point to next register ; 2 cpx #14 ; if 14 we're done ; 2 bmi mb_write_loop ; otherwise, loop ; 3/2nt ;============ ; roughly 95? ; *13= 1235? skip_r13: inc MB_FRAME_DIFF ; increment offset ; 5 bne reset_chunk ; if not zero, done ; 3/2nt wraparound: inc MB_CHUNK ; go to next chunk ; 5 lda MB_CHUNK ; 3 cmp #CHUNKSIZE ; have we reached end? ; 2 bne reset_chunk ; 3/2nt lda #0 ; if so reset ; 2 sta MB_CHUNK ; 3 ; can't tail call as need to restore stack and rti jsr next_subsong ; and decompress next ; 6 reset_chunk: lda MB_CHUNK ; reset input pointer ; 3 clc ; to the beginning ; 2 adc #>CHUNK_BUFFER ; in proper chunk (1 of 3) ; 2 sta INH ; 3 ;============ ; 18 done_interrupt: pla ; restore a ; 4 rti ; return from interrupt ; 6 ;============ ; typical ; 1358 cycles ;================= ; load a new song ;================= new_song: ;========================= ; Init Variables ;========================= lda #$0 sta MB_CHUNK sta FRAME_COUNT sta A_VOLUME sta B_VOLUME sta C_VOLUME ;=========================== ; Print loading message ;=========================== jsr clear_bottoms ; clear bottom of page 0/1 lda #0 ; print LOADING message sta CH lda #21 sta CV lda #loading_message sta OUTH jsr print_both_pages ;=========================== ; Load in KRW file ;=========================== lda #krw_file sta INH jsr read_file ; read KRW file from disk ;========================= ; Print Info ;========================= jsr clear_bottoms ; clear bottom of page 0/1 lda #>LZ4_BUFFER ; point to LZ4 data sta OUTH lda #(LZ4_BUFFER+3) sta LZ4_SRC+1 lda #<(LZ4_BUFFER+3) sta LZ4_SRC lda (LZ4_SRC),Y ; get header skip clc adc LZ4_SRC sta LZ4_SRC lda LZ4_SRC+1 adc #0 sta LZ4_SRC+1 ; Fall through to next_subsong ;================= ; next sub-song ;================= next_subsong: ldy #0 lda (LZ4_SRC),Y ; get next size value sta LZ4_END iny lda (LZ4_SRC),Y sta LZ4_END+1 lda #2 ; increment pointer clc adc LZ4_SRC sta LZ4_SRC lda LZ4_SRC+1 adc #0 sta LZ4_SRC+1 jsr lz4_decode ; decode ; tail-call? rts ;=================== ; print header info ;=================== ; shortcut to print header info ; a = VTAB print_header_info: sta CV iny ; adjust pointer tya ldy #0 clc adc OUTL sta OUTL lda OUTH adc #$0 sta OUTH lda (OUTL),Y ; get HTAB value sta CH inc OUTL ; increment 16-bits bne bloop22 inc OUTH bloop22: jmp print_both_pages ; print, tail call ;========== ; filenames ;========== krw_file: .asciiz "INTRO2.KRW" .asciiz "CRMOROS.KRW" .asciiz "CHRISTMAS.KRW" .asciiz "CAMOUFLAGE.KRW" .asciiz "FIGHTING.KRW" .asciiz "UNIVERSE.KRW" .asciiz "TECHNO.KRW" ;========= ;routines ;========= .include "../asm_routines/gr_offsets.s" .include "../asm_routines/text_print.s" .include "../asm_routines/mockingboard_a.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_fast_clear.s" .include "../asm_routines/pageflip.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_unrle.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_setpage.s" .include "../asm_routines/dos33_routines.s" .include "../asm_routines/gr_hlin.s" .include "../asm_routines/lz4_decode.s" .include "rasterbars.s" .include "volume_bars.s" ;========= ; strings ;========= mocking_message: .asciiz "LOOKING FOR MOCKINGBOARD IN SLOT #4" not_message: .byte "NOT " found_message: .asciiz "FOUND" done_message: .asciiz "DONE PLAYING" loading_message: .asciiz "LOADING..." ;============ ; graphics ;============ .include "chip_title.inc"