; PT3 Timer -- times how long it takes .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" PT3_LOC = $4000 PT3_USE_ZERO_PAGE = 1 ;============================= ; Setup ;============================= pt3_setup: jsr HOME jsr TEXT ; Init disk code jsr rts_init ; init variables lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE sta DONE_PLAYING sta WHICH_FILE jsr mockingboard_detect_slot4 ; call detection routine cpx #$1 beq mockingboard_found mockingboard_found: ;============================ ; Init the Mockingboard ;============================ jsr mockingboard_init jsr reset_ay_both jsr clear_ay_both ;========================= ; Setup Interrupt Handler ;========================= ; Vector address goes to 0x3fe/0x3ff ; FIXME: should chain any existing handler lda #interrupt_handler sta $03ff ;============================ ; Enable 50Hz clock on 6522 ;============================ sei ; disable interrupts just in case lda #$40 ; Continuous interrupts, don't touch PB7 sta $C40B ; ACR register lda #$7F ; clear all interrupt flags sta $C40E ; IER register (interrupt enable) lda #$C0 sta $C40D ; IFR: 1100, enable interrupt on timer one oflow sta $C40E ; IER: 1100, enable timer one interrupt lda #$E7 sta $C404 ; write into low-order latch lda #$4f sta $C405 ; write into high-order latch, ; load both values into counter ; clear interrupt and start counting ; 4fe7 / 1e6 = .020s, 50Hz ;================== ; load first song ;================== jsr new_song ;============================ ; Enable 6502 interrupts ;============================ cli ; clear interrupt mask ;============================ ; Loop forever ;============================ main_loop: ; play song as fast as possible jsr interrupt_simulator check_done: lda #$ff bit DONE_PLAYING beq main_loop ; if was all zeros, loop ; right pressed done_play: sei ; disable interrupts ; print results jsr CROUT jsr CROUT lda timer_seconds_h jsr PRBYTE lda timer_seconds_l jsr PRBYTE lda #'.'+$80 jsr COUT lda timer_fractions jsr PRBYTE jsr CROUT jsr CROUT lda #0 sta DONE_PLAYING forever_loop: jmp forever_loop ;================= ; load a new song ;================= new_song: ;========================= ; Init Variables ;========================= ; ? ;=========================== ; Load in PT3 file ;=========================== jsr get_filename ; needs to be space-padded $A0 30-byte filename lda #readfile_filename sta namhi ldy #0 ldx #30 ; 30 chars name_loop: lda (INL),Y beq space_loop ora #$80 sta (namlo),Y iny dex bne name_loop beq done_name_loop space_loop: lda #$a0 ; pad with ' ' sta (namlo),Y iny dex bne space_loop done_name_loop: ; open and read a file ; loads to whatever it was BSAVED at (default is $2000) jsr read_file ; read PT3 file from disk ;========================= ; Print Info ;========================= ; re-init, as we've run through it lda #0 sta DONE_PLAYING jsr pt3_init_song rts ;================== ; Get filename ;================== ; WHICH_FILE holds number ; MAX_FILES has max ; Scroll through until find ; point INH:INL to it get_filename: ldy #0 ldx WHICH_FILE lda #song_list sta INH get_filename_loop: cpx #0 beq filename_found inner_loop: iny lda (INL),Y bne inner_loop iny dex jmp get_filename_loop filename_found: tya clc adc INL sta INL lda INH adc #0 sta INH rts ;========== ; filenames ;========== song_list: .asciiz "SR.PT3" ;========= ;routines ;========= .include "mockingboard_a.s" .include "qkumba_rts.s" .include "pt3_lib_core.s" .include "pt3_lib_init.s" timer_fractions: .byte $0 timer_seconds_l: .byte $0 timer_seconds_h: .byte $0 ;====================================== ; simply time things with a 50Hz clock interrupt_handler: ; pha ; save A ; 3 ; A is saved in $45 by firmware txa pha ; save X tya pha ; save Y bit $C404 ; clear 6522 interrupt by reading T1C-L ; 4 count_time: inc timer_fractions lda timer_fractions cmp #50 ; 50Hz bne done_count_time lda #$0 sta timer_fractions inc timer_seconds_l bne done_count_time inc timer_seconds_h done_count_time: exit_interrupt_handler: ; pla ; restore a ; 4 pla tay ; restore Y pla tax ; restore X lda $45 ; restore A rti ; return from interrupt ; 6 interrupt_simulator: ; pha ; save A ; 3 ; A is saved in $45 by firmware txa pha ; save X tya pha ; save Y ; bit $C404 ; clear 6522 interrupt by reading T1C-L ; 4 bit $1234 lda DONE_PLAYING ; 3 beq pt3_play_music ; if song done, don't play music ; 3/2nt jmp check_keyboard ; 3 ;============ ; 13 pt3_play_music: jsr pt3_make_frame lda DONE_SONG beq mb_write_frame lda #$20 jmp quiet_exit ;====================================== ; Write frames to Mockingboard ;====================================== ; actually plays frame loaded at end of ; last interrupt, so 20ms behind? mb_write_frame: ldx #0 ; set up reg count ; 2 ;============ ; 2 ;================================== ; loop through the 14 registers ; reading the value, then write out ;================================== mb_write_loop: lda AY_REGISTERS,X ; load register value ; 4 ; special case R13. If it is 0xff, then don't update ; otherwise might spuriously reset the envelope settings cpx #13 ; 2 bne mb_not_13 ; 3/2nt cmp #$ff ; 2 beq mb_skip_13 ; 3/2nt ;============ ; typ 5 mb_not_13: ; address stx MOCK_6522_ORA1 ; put address on PA1 ; 4 stx MOCK_6522_ORA2 ; put address on PA2 ; 4 lda #MOCK_AY_LATCH_ADDR ; latch_address for PB1 ; 2 sta MOCK_6522_ORB1 ; latch_address on PB1 ; 4 sta MOCK_6522_ORB2 ; latch_address on PB2 ; 4 ldy #MOCK_AY_INACTIVE ; go inactive ; 2 sty MOCK_6522_ORB1 ; 4 sty MOCK_6522_ORB2 ; 4 ; value lda AY_REGISTERS,X ; load register value ; 4 sta MOCK_6522_ORA1 ; put value on PA1 ; 4 sta MOCK_6522_ORA2 ; put value on PA2 ; 4 lda #MOCK_AY_WRITE ; ; 2 sta MOCK_6522_ORB1 ; write on PB1 ; 4 sta MOCK_6522_ORB2 ; write on PB2 ; 4 sty MOCK_6522_ORB1 ; 4 sty MOCK_6522_ORB2 ; 4 ;=========== ; 60 mb_no_write: inx ; point to next register ; 2 cpx #14 ; if 14 we're done ; 2 bmi mb_write_loop ; otherwise, loop ; 3/2nt ;============ ; 7 mb_skip_13: ;================================= ; Finally done with this interrupt ;================================= done_interrupt: update_time: done_time: check_keyboard: jmp exit_interrupt quiet_exit: sta DONE_PLAYING jsr clear_ay_both exit_interrupt: ; pla ; restore a ; 4 pla tay ; restore Y pla tax ; restore X lda $45 ; restore A rts ; return from interrupt ; 6 ;============ ; dummy vars ;============ pt3_loop_smc: