For release 1.0 + LOADER -- better loader -- save/load games -- sound loader + MIST (split off ship-up/ship-down?) -- constellation puzzle/ship raising -- marker switches + OBSERVATORY -- all of it + CABIN (split off?) -- safe puzzle -- boiler -- up/down in tree + OCTAGON -- code book -- ending + SELENA -- sounds/door puzzle + STONEY -- hook up compass rose -- hook up pump -- hook up telescope -- hook up key/trunk puzzle + CHANNEL -- 2nd floor -- 3rd floor Done: + MECHE + MIST_TITLE + VIEWER ================================ main: + some sort of switch animation on circuit breakers? + marker switches + ship raise/lower + look at catherine's letter from other side of path + allow opening/grabbing white page octagon_room: + fireplace book + in tower could have extra window open/closed far backgrounds + turning when looking at hint loses the text mode + final puzzle in fireplace + line drawing on map isn't optimal + should hints be black on white text? General: + Insert floppy #100 joke? + double link noise (once when leave, once when get there?) + adjust grab window on letter + add missing red book step dentist office: + implement ending: + all endings + Fireplace: 8x6 grid MECHE age: + can poke around more stuff in their rooms + reduce size by using flipped-background attribute SELENA age: + optional mockingboard sound for keyboard? + sound 5 sound effects (not digital samples) maybe not bother with aiming antennas, but sum button plays if switch been pushed filler sounds for others? + That whole rediculous underground sub sequence + light switch in tunnel + antenna compartment should open/close when you click on it + better colors Channelwood: + Implement safe + Implement tree + Implement boiler + Implement water valves + Enable linking back to Myst + Windmill animation + Switch flip animation + Open faucet animation + Animation for bridge rising + Animation for pipe extending + Animation for book elevator + Animation for level1 elevator + Animation for level2 elevator + Background soud effects Stoneship age: + Implement floating chest puzzle + Implement compass rose light puzzle + Implement raising/lowering water + Implement telescope + Implement the half-letter + Hook up tunnels into compass room properly Ending: + Turning + Allow looking at green book on shelf + Atrus at end -- hires? + Marker Switches (8):