+ See if can squeeze into 64k RAM


  - if it is, remove other detection code
  - fix detection code (AUXMEM?)

+ Intro
  - title cards somehow?
  - scrolling with page flipping?
  - better Sprites / explosion
  - better sound sync

+ chessboard

  - better falling effect
  - moving / bouncing object
     have it reverse course?

  - tunnel (for real)

  - cirles / interference pattern (for real)
	scroll off to right at end

+ gorilla
	better scroll on
+ leaves
	better animation

+ Lens / Rotozoom
  - make lens do actual light bending effect
	my idea was in the mask have different values tell the drawing
	code to offset when loading the background pixels.  Probably
	not enough time to do that before release
  - for rotozoom, wrap around
    note, this might mean 32x32

+ Plasma
  - do the weird vertical wipe while still running

+ Plasmacube
  + bump up to 16 frames instead of just 8

+ Dot Bounce

  - slowly spool them out
  - part way through start drawing more

+ Transmission / Spheres

  - fix pause on disk load
  - switch back to hi-res

+ ocean / voxels

  - maybe better scroll off at end

+ polar

  - proper "bounce" as it scrolls in


-> complete music

+ threed

  - finish the whole thing if possible

+ nuts

  - better sprite animation of ship

+ credits (thumbnail)

  - smoother scroll the text in
    maybe skip ever other X to avoid palette shift
    properly come in from off screen
    use page flipping

+ final credits
  - smoother scrolling
	wait on vblank?
	use page flipping, alternate scrolling by two?
	probably doable but don't have time

+ after-credits


TODO: timing for each section

BIOS intro

	read 1 bit/4us
	Investigate qkumba's Spareboot	

	good ay-3-8910 track from ZX, though missing the rumble of
	opening credits.  Full thing annoyingly just above 8k
	(x compressed) though I've been sticking it in the language card
	(16k expansion)

opening space scroll/credits
	theoretically possible though horizontal scrolling on an Apple II
	is next to impossible to do smoothly.
	the spaceships can be done with hires software sprites
title card
	I think the ii-pix version turned out really nice
		though as always highly dithered stuff like this
		doesn't compress well (8k down to ?)
chess board transition
	probably possible?
transparent polyhedron bouncing
	no idea
dot tunnel
	something similar probably possible
moire circles
	probably not at that framerate
falling block transition
moire lines
	probably not
gorilla looking guy
	decent dithered version.  horizontal slide transition
		is harder
fading tv transition
	yes possible
leaves with message
	leaves look OK.  mapping text...?
	ok in lo-res
bouncing sphere/lens
	something can probably be approximated
	do have rotozoom code but currently wrapping not implemented,
	that really needs to be a power of 2 not 40x48 as current lores
	pre-existing fine tune code with complicated fixed point multiply
	never have had much luck with good plasma effect on Apple II
plasma cube
bouncing dot string
	should try art.  weird pixelated sprite might be possible
3d plasma
polar bear
	OK graphics, vertical bounce effect might be harder
3d town
nuts picture
	probably possible

	intro, scrolling OK
	they actually managed bouncing polyhedron
	they did the particle tunnel
	limited sort of circles, I prob have code that does that
	tree, they manage the message

	lens, rotozoom, plasma

	even manage the spinning cube

	and the string

	their transmission, the sword is black and white

	3d plasma is less impressive

	bouncing polar bear black+white

	3d is more limited/black white