; PLASMAGORIA, hi-res version ; based on code by French Touch .include "../zp.inc" .include "../hardware.inc" .include "../qload.inc" .include "../music.inc" mod7_table = $1c00 div7_table = $1d00 hposn_low = $1e00 hposn_high = $1f00 hposn_high_div8=$6200 hposn_low_div8 =$6300 hires_colors_even_l0=$7000 hires_colors_odd_l0 =$7100 hires_colors_even_l1=$7200 hires_colors_odd_l1 =$7300 ; was in page0, we don't really have room Table1 = $74A0 ; 40 bytes Table2 = $74D0 ; 40 bytes ; ============================================================================= ; ROUTINE MAIN ; ============================================================================= plasma_debut: lda #0 jsr hgr_page1_clearscreen jsr hgr_page2_clearscreen bit SET_GR bit HIRES bit FULLGR bit PAGE1 ;========================================= ; init div8 ;========================================= ldx #23 ldy #184 div8_loop: lda hposn_low,Y sta hposn_low_div8,X lda hposn_high,Y sta hposn_high_div8,X dey dey dey dey dey dey dey dey dex bpl div8_loop ;========================================= lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE ;============================= ; do blue/orange lda #49 sta plasma_end_smc+1 jsr init_plasma_colors jsr do_plasma ; drop lda DRAW_PAGE eor #$20 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr scroll_off lda #25 jsr wait_ticks ;============================= ; do purple/green ldx #63 change_purple: lda hires_colors_even_lookup_l0,X and #$7f sta hires_colors_even_lookup_l0,X dex bpl change_purple jsr init_plasma_colors lda #50 sta plasma_end_smc+1 jsr do_plasma ; drop lda DRAW_PAGE eor #$20 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr scroll_off lda #25 jsr wait_ticks ;============================= ; do black/white? ldx #63 change_mono: lda hires_colors_even_lookup_l0,X ora #$aa sta hires_colors_even_lookup_l0,X dex bpl change_mono jsr init_plasma_colors lda #52 sta plasma_end_smc+1 jsr do_plasma ; drop lda DRAW_PAGE eor #$20 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr scroll_off lda #0 jsr hgr_page1_clearscreen jsr hgr_page2_clearscreen rts .include "init_plasma.s" .include "do_plasma.s" .include "../hgr_clear_screen.s" .include "scroll_off.s" .include "../irq_wait.s" ;.include "hgr_table.s" .align 256 sin1: .incbin "tables" sin2=sin1+256 sin3=sin2+256