; Ootw Pool Party ootw_pool: ;================ ; Enable graphics bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR ;=================== ; disable earthquake lda #0 sta EARTH_OFFSET lda #4 sta WHICH_CAVE ;=========================== ; Setup pages (is this necessary?) lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #1 sta DISP_PAGE ;=========================== ; Setup right/left exit paramaters lda #(39+128) sta RIGHT_LIMIT sta RIGHT_WALK_LIMIT lda #(-4+128) sta LEFT_LIMIT sta LEFT_WALK_LIMIT ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(pool_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(pool_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load image off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr ;================================= ; setup vars lda #0 sta GAIT sta GAME_OVER sta TENTACLE_GRAB lda #30 sta TENTACLE_PROGRESS lda #1 sta BEAST_OUT ;================================== ; setup beast if we're running from it jsr setup_beast ;============================ ;============================ ;============================ ; Pool Loop (palindrome) ;============================ ;============================ ;============================ pool_loop: ;================================ ; copy background to current page jsr gr_copy_to_current ;================================ ; draw bg beast, if needed jsr draw_bg_beast ;======================= ; draw pool ripples jsr draw_ripples ;============================== ; handle being grabbed lda TENTACLE_GRAB beq tentacle_action ;================================= ; actively being grabbed lda TENTACLE_PROGRESS tax lda caught_progression,X sta INL lda caught_progression+1,X sta INH lda TENTACLE_X sta XPOS lda #22 sta YPOS lda FRAMEL and #$1f bne no_caught_progress inc TENTACLE_PROGRESS inc TENTACLE_PROGRESS no_caught_progress: jsr put_sprite lda TENTACLE_PROGRESS cmp #24 bne beyond_tentacles lda #$ff sta GAME_OVER jmp beyond_tentacles ;=============== ; move/draw tentacle monster tentacle_action: lda FRAMEH and #3 bne tentacle_move lda FRAMEL cmp #$ff bne tentacle_move tentacle_init: sec lda PHYSICIST_X sbc #2 sta TENTACLE_X lda #0 sta TENTACLE_PROGRESS tentacle_move: lda TENTACLE_PROGRESS cmp #26 bpl no_tentacle tax lda tentacle_progression,X sta INL lda tentacle_progression+1,X sta INH lda TENTACLE_X sta XPOS lda #22 sta YPOS lda FRAMEL and #$3f bne no_tentacle_progress inc TENTACLE_PROGRESS inc TENTACLE_PROGRESS no_tentacle_progress: jsr put_sprite ; See if we are fully extended ; if we are close enough to grab lda TENTACLE_PROGRESS cmp #12 bne no_tentacle sec lda PHYSICIST_X sbc TENTACLE_X ; want -4 to 4 clc adc #4 ; want 0 to 8 and #$f8 bne no_tentacle lda #0 sta TENTACLE_PROGRESS lda #1 sta TENTACLE_GRAB no_tentacle: ;=============================== ; check keyboard jsr handle_keypress ;=============================== ; move physicist jsr move_physicist ;=============================== ; check limits jsr check_screen_limit ;=============== ; draw physicist jsr draw_physicist ;================ ; handle beast lda BEAST_OUT beq pool_no_beast ;================ ; move beast jsr move_beast ;================ ; draw beast jsr draw_beast pool_no_beast: beyond_tentacles: ;====================== ; draw foreground plant jsr draw_fg_plant ;=============== ; page flip jsr page_flip ;================ ; inc frame count inc FRAMEL bne frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH frame_no_oflo: ; pause? ; check if done this level lda GAME_OVER cmp #$ff beq done_pool ; check if done this level cmp #$2 bne not_to_right ; exit to right lda #0 sta PHYSICIST_X sta WHICH_CAVE jmp ootw_cavern not_to_right: cmp #$1 bne not_done_pool lda #36 sta PHYSICIST_X jmp ootw_rope not_done_pool: ; loop forever jmp pool_loop done_pool: rts ;======================= ; draw pool ripples draw_ripples: lda FRAMEL and #$30 ; 0110 1100 lsr lsr lsr tax lda pool_ripples,X sta INL lda pool_ripples+1,X sta INH lda #9 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite lda FRAMEL and #$30 ; 0110 1100 lsr lsr lsr clc adc #2 and #$6 tax lda pool_ripples,X sta INL lda pool_ripples+1,X sta INH lda #27 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite lda FRAMEL and #$30 ; 0110 1100 lsr lsr lsr clc adc #4 and #$6 tax lda #18 sta XPOS lda #28 sta YPOS jmp put_sprite ; tail call ; rts ;====================== ; draw foreground plant draw_fg_plant: lda FRAMEL and #$c0 ; 0110 1100 lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr tax lda plant_wind,X sta INL lda plant_wind+1,X sta INH lda #4 sta XPOS lda #30 sta YPOS jmp put_sprite ; rts ;============================ ;============================ ; exit pool ;============================ ;============================ exit_pool: lda #0 sta BG_BEAST sta EXIT_COUNT ;============================= ; Load background to $c00 lda #>(pool_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(pool_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load image off-screen $c00 jsr load_rle_gr exit_pool_loop: ;================================ ; copy background to current page jsr gr_copy_to_current ;======================= ; draw pool ripples jsr draw_ripples ;================ ; draw background beast jsr draw_bg_beast ;=============== ; draw physicist lda EXIT_COUNT and #$fe tay lda #20 sta XPOS lda #22 sta YPOS lda pool_exit_progression,Y sta INL lda pool_exit_progression+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite ;================= ; draw foreground plant jsr draw_fg_plant ;=============== ; page flip jsr page_flip ;================ ; inc frame count inc FRAMEL bne framee_no_oflo inc FRAMEH framee_no_oflo: ; increment exit count lda FRAMEL and #$0f bne exit_count_same inc EXIT_COUNT exit_count_same: ; see if start bg beast going lda EXIT_COUNT cmp #(14*2) bne check_done_exiting_pool lda #2 sta BG_BEAST check_done_exiting_pool: ; check if done lda EXIT_COUNT cmp #(26*2) beq done_exit_pool jmp exit_pool_loop done_exit_pool: bit KEYRESET rts ;========================= ; draw background beast ;========================= draw_bg_beast: ; if 0, skip altogether lda BG_BEAST beq done_draw_bg_beast cmp #14 bcc bg_beast_incoming ; blt cmp #$44 bcs bg_beast_outgoing ; bge bg_beast_just_standing: ; FIXME: look at you when close lda PHYSICIST_X cmp #30 bcs beast_staring ; bge lda #beast_bg7 sta INH lda #33 sta XPOS jmp bg_beast_callsprite beast_staring: lda #beast_bg8 sta INH lda #33 sta XPOS jmp bg_beast_callsprite bg_beast_incoming: lda BG_BEAST and #$fe asl tay lda beast_incoming,Y sta INL lda beast_incoming+1,Y sta INH lda beast_incoming+2,Y jmp bg_beast_callsprite bg_beast_outgoing: lda BG_BEAST sec sbc #$44 and #$fe asl tay lda beast_outgoing,Y sta INL lda beast_outgoing+1,Y sta INH lda beast_outgoing+2,Y jmp bg_beast_callsprite bg_beast_callsprite: sta XPOS lda #8 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop lda FRAMEL and #$7 bne done_draw_bg_beast inc BG_BEAST lda BG_BEAST cmp #$50 bcc done_draw_bg_beast ; disable if hit $50 lda #0 sta BG_BEAST done_draw_bg_beast: rts