; load/save menu ; o/~ It's the Loading Screen o/~ ; FIXME: we can share some of the code here a bit more ;===================== ; load_menu ;===================== load_menu: lda #0 sta loadsave_smc1+1 sta loadsave_smc2+1 jmp common_menu ;===================== ; save_menu ;===================== save_menu: lda #1 sta loadsave_smc1+1 sta loadsave_smc2+1 jmp common_menu ;===================== ; common_menu ;===================== common_menu: ;============================ ; first read all three saves ; updating the save info jsr update_save_info ;============================ ; Next update the save message ldx #0 lda #<(save_pts1+7) sta OUTL lda #>(save_pts1+7) sta OUTH update_save_loop: ;====================== ; print points ;====================== ldy #0 sty usl_leading_zero_smc+1 usl_hundreds: lda load_slot_pts_high,X ; get the points high beq usl_no_hundreds inc usl_leading_zero_smc+1 clc adc #'0' ; convert to ascii bne usl_print_hundreds ; bra usl_no_hundreds: lda #' ' ; no leading 0 usl_print_hundreds: sta (OUTL),Y iny usl_tens: lda load_slot_pts_low,X ; get the points low lsr lsr lsr lsr bne usl_go_tens usl_leading_zero_smc: cmp #0 beq usl_no_tens usl_go_tens: adc #'0' ; convert to ASCII bne usl_print_tens ; bra usl_no_tens: lda #' ' ; no leading 0 usl_print_tens: sta (OUTL),Y iny usl_ones: lda load_slot_pts_low,X ; get the points low and #$f clc adc #'0' ; convert to ascii sta (OUTL),Y ; move to text line clc lda OUTL adc #8 sta OUTL lda OUTH adc #0 sta OUTH ;======================== ; clear out the old name ldy #25 lda #' ' ; clear to space save_memset: sta (OUTL),Y dey bpl save_memset ;========================= ; load the name ldy load_slot_levels,X ; get the level lda location_names_l,Y sta INL lda location_names_h,Y sta INH jsr strcat ;========================== ; move out pointer to next clc lda OUTL adc #35 sta OUTL lda OUTH adc #0 sta OUTH inx cpx #3 bne update_save_loop lda #0 sta INVENTORY_Y ;========================== ; save bg range to restore lda #20 sta BOX_Y1 sta SAVED_Y1 lda #135 sta BOX_Y2 sta SAVED_Y2 ; jsr hgr_partial_save ;==================== ; draw text box draw_loadsave_box: lda #0 sta BOX_X1H lda #14 sta BOX_X1L lda #20 sta BOX_Y1 lda #1 sta BOX_X2H lda #5 ; ? sta BOX_X2L lda #135 sta BOX_Y2 jsr draw_box ;=================== ; draw main text draw_loadsave_text: loadsave_smc1: lda #0 bne do_save_message do_load_message: ; load message lda #load_message jmp loadsave_ready do_save_message: ; save message lda #save_message loadsave_ready: sta OUTH jsr disp_put_string lda #save_details sta OUTH jsr disp_put_string ;====================== ; draw highlighted text ;====================== lda #save_titles sta OUTH jsr disp_put_string jsr disp_put_string jsr disp_put_string jsr disp_put_string ldy #0 jsr overwrite_entry_ls ;=========================== ; handle inventory keypress ;=========================== handle_loadsave_keypress: lda KEYPRESS bpl handle_loadsave_keypress ; no keypress bit KEYRESET ; clear keyboard strobe pha ;================= ; erase old ldy INVENTORY_Y jsr overwrite_entry_ls pla and #$7f ; clear top bit cmp #27 beq urgh_done_ls ; ESCAPE cmp #$7f bne ls_check_down ; DELETE urgh_done_ls: jmp done_ls_keypress ls_check_down: and #$5F ; make uppercase cmp #$0A beq ls_handle_down cmp #'S' bne ls_check_up ls_handle_down: ldx INVENTORY_Y cpx #3 beq ls_down_wrap inx jmp ls_down_done ls_down_wrap: ldx #0 ls_down_done: stx INVENTORY_Y jmp ls_done_moving ls_check_up: cmp #$0B beq ls_handle_up cmp #'W' bne ls_check_return ls_handle_up: ldx INVENTORY_Y beq ls_up_wrap dex jmp ls_up_done ls_up_wrap: ldx #3 ls_up_done: stx INVENTORY_Y jmp ls_done_moving ls_check_return: cmp #13 beq ls_return cmp #' ' bne ls_done_moving ls_return: ldy INVENTORY_Y cpy #3 bne do_actual_load ; back was hit rts do_actual_load: loadsave_smc2: lda #0 bne go_for_save go_for_load: jmp load_game go_for_save: jmp save_game ls_done_moving: ;================ ; draw new ldy INVENTORY_Y jsr overwrite_entry_ls ;================ ; repeat jmp handle_loadsave_keypress done_ls_keypress: rts ;====================== ; text ;====================== ; it's a save game menu ; SAVE 1 ?? 115 PTS ; ?? Cliff base ; ; SAVE 2 ?? 133 PTS ; ?? Trogdor's outer sanctum ; ; SAVE 3 ?? 34 PTS ; ?? That hay bale ; ; BACK load_message: .byte 10,28 .byte "it's a load game menu",0 save_message: .byte 10,28 .byte "it's a save game menu",0 save_details: .byte 10,44 save_pts1: .byte " 115 PTS",13 save_name1: .byte "Cliff base ",13 .byte 13 .byte " 133 PTS",13 save_name2: .byte "Trogdor's outer sanctum ",13 .byte 13 .byte " 34 PTS",13 save_name3: .byte "That hay bale ",13 .byte 0 save_titles: .byte 6,44, "SLOT 1",0 .byte 6,68, "SLOT 2",0 .byte 6,92, "SLOT 3",0 .byte 6,116,"BACK",0 ;======================== ; overwrite entry_ls ;======================== ; Y = which overwrite_entry_ls: lda invert_smc1+1 eor #$7f sta invert_smc1+1 lda #6 sta CURSOR_X ; y=44+(3*Y)*8 sty CURSOR_Y tya asl clc adc CURSOR_Y asl asl asl adc #44 sta CURSOR_Y ldx #6 ; assume 6 chars wide overwrite_loop_ls: txa pha lda #$20 jsr hgr_put_char_cursor inc CURSOR_X pla tax dex bne overwrite_loop_ls lda invert_smc1+1 eor #$7f sta invert_smc1+1 rts ;=================================== ;=================================== ; load the game ;=================================== ;=================================== load_game: ; print are you sure message jsr confirm_action bcs done_load ; actually load it lda INVENTORY_Y clc adc #LOAD_SAVE1 sta WHICH_LOAD jsr load_file ; copy to zero page ldx #0 load_loop: lda $BC00,X sta WHICH_LOAD,X inx cpx #(END_OF_SAVE-WHICH_LOAD+1) bne load_loop lda #NEW_FROM_DISK ; load whole level from disk sta LEVEL_OVER done_load: rts ;=================================== ;=================================== ; save the game ;=================================== ;=================================== save_game: ; print are you sure message jsr confirm_action bcs done_save ; put which save into A lda INVENTORY_Y pha ; save slot for later on stack ; clc ; adc #LOAD_SAVE1 ; sta WHICH_LOAD ; get proper WHICH_LOAD value ;======================== ; actually save actually_save: ;=============================== ; first load something from ; disk1/track0 to seek the head there lda WHICH_LOAD ; save this value as we ; destroy it for load pha lda #LOAD_SAVE1 ; use SAVE1 as it's on track 0 sta WHICH_LOAD jsr load_file pla sta WHICH_LOAD ; copy save data to $BC00 ldx #0 copy_loop: lda WHICH_LOAD,X sta $BC00,X inx cpx #(END_OF_SAVE-WHICH_LOAD+1) bne copy_loop ; spin up disk jsr driveon ; actually save it pla clc adc #11 sta requested_sector+1 jsr sector_write jsr driveoff done_save: lda #NEW_LOCATION ; reload level as we scrawled on $2000 sta LEVEL_OVER rts ;======================================= ; confirm action ;======================================= ; call with first message in OUTL/OUTH ; return: carry set if skipping confirm_action: bit KEYRESET ; clear keyboard buffer ;=============================== ; print "are you sure" message lda #are_you_sure sta OUTH jsr hgr_text_box_nosave wait_confirmation: lda KEYPRESS bpl wait_confirmation bit KEYRESET ; clear keypress and #$5F ; clear high-bit, make uppercase cmp #'Y' bne dont_do_it clc rts dont_do_it: sec rts are_you_sure: .byte 0,43,40, 0,240,90 .byte 10,61 .byte "ARE YOU SURE? (Y/N)",0 ;========================= ; update save info ;========================= update_save_info: lda WHICH_LOAD pha ldx #0 update_save_info_loop: clc txa pha adc #LOAD_SAVE1 sta WHICH_LOAD jsr load_file pla tax lda $BC06 ; MAP_LOCATION sta load_slot_levels,X lda $BC0E ; SCORE_HUNDREDS sta load_slot_pts_high,X lda $BC0F ; SCORE_HUNDREDS sta load_slot_pts_low,X inx cpx #3 bne update_save_info_loop pla sta WHICH_LOAD rts load_slot_levels: .byte LOCATION_EMPTY ; location .byte LOCATION_WAVY_TREE ; location .byte LOCATION_TROGDOR_LAIR ; location load_slot_pts_high: .byte $0 ; points_high .byte $0 ; points_high .byte $1 ; points_high load_slot_pts_low: .byte $00 ; points_low .byte $45 ; points_low .byte $10 ; points_low location_names_l: .byte lname_poor_gary .byte >lname_kerrek_1 .byte >lname_old_well .byte >lname_yellow_tree .byte >lname_waterfall .byte >lname_hay_bale .byte >lname_mud_puddle .byte >lname_archery .byte >lname_river_stone .byte >lname_mountain_pass .byte >lname_jhonka_cave .byte >lname_your_cottage .byte >lname_lake_west .byte >lname_lake_east .byte >lname_outside_inn .byte >lname_outside_nn .byte >lname_wavy_tree .byte >lname_kerrek_2 .byte >lname_outside_lady .byte >lname_burn_tree .byte >lname_cliff_base .byte >lname_cliffland_heights .byte >lname_trogdor_outer .byte >lname_trogdor_posh .byte >lname_hidden_glen .byte >lname_inside_lady .byte >lname_inside_nn .byte >lname_inside_inn .byte >lname_archery_game .byte >lname_map .byte >lname_empty location_names: lname_poor_gary: .byte "Poor Gary's Glen",0 ; A1 LOCATION_POOR_GARY lname_kerrek_1: .byte "Kerrek Tracks 1",0 ; B1 LOCATION_KERREK_1 lname_old_well: .byte "Old Well",0 ; C1 LOCATION_OLD_WELL lname_yellow_tree: .byte "Yellow Tree",0 ; D1 LOCATION_YELLOW_TREE lname_waterfall: .byte "Waterfall",0 ; E1 LOCATION_WATERFALL lname_hay_bale: .byte "That Hay Bale",0 ; A2 LOCATION_HAY_BALE lname_mud_puddle: .byte "That Mud Puddle",0 ; B2 LOCATION_MUD_PUDDLE lname_archery: .byte "Archery Range",0 ; C2 LOCATION_ARCHERY lname_river_stone: .byte "River and Stone",0 ; D2 LOCATION_RIVER_STONE lname_mountain_pass: .byte "Mountain Pass",0 ; E2 LOCATION_MOUNTAIN_PASS lname_jhonka_cave: .byte "Jhonka's Cave",0 ; A3 LOCATION_JHONKA_CAVE lname_your_cottage: .byte "Your Burninated Cottage",0 ; B3 LOCATION_YOUR_COTTAGE lname_lake_west: .byte "Pebble Lake West",0 ; C3 LOCATION_LAKE_WEST lname_lake_east: .byte "Pebble Lake East",0 ; D3 LOCATION_LAKE_EAST lname_outside_inn: .byte "Outside Giant Inn",0 ; E3 LOCATION_OUTSIDE_INN lname_outside_nn: .byte "Outside Mysterious Cottage",0 ; A4 LOCATION_OUTSIDE_NN lname_wavy_tree: .byte "Wavy Tree",0 ; B4 LOCATION_WAVY_TREE lname_kerrek_2: .byte "Kerrek Tracks 2",0 ; C4 LOCATION_KERREK_2 lname_outside_lady: .byte "Outside Baby Lady Cottage",0 ; D4 LOCATION_OUTSIDE_LADY lname_burn_tree: .byte "Burninated Trees",0 ; E4 LOCATION_BURN_TREES lname_cliff_base: .byte "Cliff Base",0 ; LOCATION_CLIFF_BASE lname_cliffland_heights:.byte "Cliffland Heights",0 ; LOCATION_CLIFF_HEIGHTS lname_trogdor_outer: .byte "Trogdor's Outer Sanctum",0 ; LOCATION_TROGDOR_OUTER lname_trogdor_posh: .byte "Trogdor's Posh Lair",0 ; LOCATION_TROGDOR_LAIR lname_hidden_glen: .byte "Hidden Glen",0 ; LOCATION_HIDDEN_GLEN lname_inside_lady: .byte "Inside Baby Lady Cottage",0 ; LOCATION_INSIDE_LADY lname_inside_nn: .byte "Inside Mysterious Cottage",0 ; LOCATION_INSIDE_NN lname_inside_inn: .byte "Inside Giant Inn",0 ; LOCATION_INSIDE_INN lname_archery_game: .byte "Archery Game",0 ; LOCATION_INSIDE_INN lname_map: .byte "Map",0 ; LOCATION_INSIDE_INN lname_empty: .byte "Empty",0 location_names_end: ;=================== ; strcat ;=================== ; input in INL ; output in OUTL strcat: ldy #0 strcat_loop: lda (INL),Y beq strcat_done sta (OUTL),Y iny jmp strcat_loop strcat_done: rts