; ZP addresses ; left channel MOCK_6522_1_ORB = $C400 ; 6522 #1 port b data MOCK_6522_1_ORA = $C401 ; 6522 #1 port a data MOCK_6522_1_DDRB = $C402 ; 6522 #1 data direction port B MOCK_6522_1_DDRA = $C403 ; 6522 #1 data direction port A MOCK_6522_1_T1C_L = $C404 ; 6522 #1 Low-order counter MOCK_6522_1_T1C_H = $C405 ; 6522 #1 High-order counter MOCK_6522_1_T1L_L = $C406 ; 6522 #1 Low-order latch MOCK_6522_1_T1L_H = $C407 ; 6522 #1 High-order latch MOCK_6522_1_T2C_L = $C408 ; 6522 #1 Timer2 Low-order Latch/Counter MOCK_6522_1_T2C_H = $C409 ; 6522 #1 Timer2 High-order Latch/Counter MOCK_6522_1_SR = $C40A ; 6522 #1 Shift Register MOCK_6522_1_ACR = $C40B ; 6522 #1 Auxiliary Control Register MOCK_6522_1_PCR = $C40C ; 6522 #1 Peripheral Control Register MOCK_6522_1_IFR = $C40D ; 6522 #1 Interrupt Flag Register MOCK_6522_1_IER = $C40E ; 6522 #1 Interrupt Enable Register MOCK_6522_1_ORAN = $C40F ; 6522 #1 port a data, no handshake ; right channel MOCK_6522_2_ORB = $C480 ; 6522 #2 port b data MOCK_6522_2_ORA = $C481 ; 6522 #2 port a data MOCK_6522_2_DDRB = $C482 ; 6522 #2 data direction port B MOCK_6522_2_DDRA = $C483 ; 6522 #2 data direction port A MOCK_6522_2_T1C_L = $C484 ; 6522 #2 Low-order counter MOCK_6522_2_T1C_H = $C485 ; 6522 #2 High-order counter MOCK_6522_2_T1L_L = $C486 ; 6522 #2 Low-order latch MOCK_6522_2_T1L_H = $C487 ; 6522 #2 High-order latch MOCK_6522_2_T2C_L = $C488 ; 6522 #2 Timer2 Low-order Latch/Counter MOCK_6522_2_T2C_H = $C489 ; 6522 #2 Timer2 High-order Latch/Counter MOCK_6522_2_SR = $C48A ; 6522 #2 Shift Register MOCK_6522_2_ACR = $C48B ; 6522 #2 Auxiliary Control Register MOCK_6522_2_PCR = $C48C ; 6522 #2 Peripheral Control Register MOCK_6522_2_IFR = $C48D ; 6522 #2 Interrupt Flag Register MOCK_6522_2_IER = $C48E ; 6522 #2 Interrupt Enable Register MOCK_6522_2_ORAN = $C48F ; 6522 #2 port a data, no handshake ; AY-3-8910 commands on port B ; RESET BDIR BC1 MOCK_AY_RESET = $0 ; 0 0 0 MOCK_AY_INACTIVE = $4 ; 1 0 0 MOCK_AY_READ = $5 ; 1 0 1 MOCK_AY_WRITE = $6 ; 1 1 0 MOCK_AY_LATCH_ADDR = $7 ; 1 1 1 ;======================== ; Mockingboard Init ;======================== ; Initialize the 6522s ; set the data direction for all pins of PortA/PortB to be output mockingboard_init: lda #$ff ; all 8 pins output (1), portA sta MOCK_6522_1_DDRA sta MOCK_6522_2_DDRA ; only 3 pins output (1), port B lda #$7 sta MOCK_6522_1_DDRB sta MOCK_6522_2_DDRB reset_ay_both: ;====================== ; Reset Left AY-3-8910 ;====================== reset_ay_left: lda #MOCK_AY_RESET sta MOCK_6522_1_ORB lda #MOCK_AY_INACTIVE sta MOCK_6522_1_ORB ; AY-3-8913: Wait 5 us nop nop nop nop nop ;====================== ; Reset Right AY-3-8910 ;====================== reset_ay_right: lda #MOCK_AY_RESET sta MOCK_6522_2_ORB lda #MOCK_AY_INACTIVE sta MOCK_6522_2_ORB ; AY-3-8913: Wait 5 us nop nop nop nop nop ;========================= ; Setup initial conditions ;========================= ; 7: ENABLE ldx #7 lda #$38 ; noise disabled, ABC enabled sta MB_VALUE jsr write_ay_both rts ;========================================= ; Write Right/Left to save value AY-3-8910 ;========================================= ; register in X ; value in MB_VALUE write_ay_both: ; address stx MOCK_6522_1_ORA ; put address on PA1 ; 3 stx MOCK_6522_2_ORA ; put address on PA2 ; 3 lda #MOCK_AY_LATCH_ADDR ; latch_address on PB1 ; 2 sta MOCK_6522_1_ORB ; latch_address on PB1 ; 3 sta MOCK_6522_2_ORB ; latch_address on PB2 ; 3 lda #MOCK_AY_INACTIVE ; go inactive ; 2 sta MOCK_6522_1_ORB ; 3 sta MOCK_6522_2_ORB ; 3 ; value lda MB_VALUE ; 3 sta MOCK_6522_1_ORA ; put value on PA1 ; 3 sta MOCK_6522_2_ORA ; put value on PA2 ; 3 lda #MOCK_AY_WRITE ; ; 2 sta MOCK_6522_1_ORB ; write on PB1 ; 3 sta MOCK_6522_2_ORB ; write on PB2 ; 3 lda #MOCK_AY_INACTIVE ; go inactive ; 2 sta MOCK_6522_1_ORB ; 3 sta MOCK_6522_2_ORB ; 3 rts ; 6 ;=========== ; 53 ;======================================= ; Detect a Mockingboard card in Slot4 ;======================================= ; Based on code from the French Touch "Pure Noise" Demo ; Attempts to time an instruction sequence with a 6522 ; ; MB_ADDRL:MB_ADDRH has address of Mockingboard ; returns X=0 if not found, X=1 if found mockingboard_detect_slot4: lda #0 sta MB_ADDRL mb4_detect_loop: ; self-modifying lda #$04 ; we're only looking in Slot 4 ora #$C0 ; make it start with C sta MB_ADDRH ldy #04 ; $CX04 ldx #02 ; 2 tries? mb4_check_cycle_loop: lda (MB_ADDRL),Y ; timer 6522 (Low Order Counter) ; count down sta TEMP ; 3 cycles lda (MB_ADDRL),Y ; + 5 cycles = 8 cycles ; between the two accesses to the timer sec sbc TEMP ; subtract to see if we had 8 cycles cmp #$f8 ; -8 bne mb4_not_in_this_slot dex ; decrement, try one more time bne mb4_check_cycle_loop ; loop detection inx ; Mockingboard found (X=1) done_mb4_detect: rts ; return mb4_not_in_this_slot: ldx #00 beq done_mb4_detect