; Ootw Checkpoint3 -- Rolling around the vents ootw_vent: ;============================== ; init lda #0 sta GAIT sta FALLING lda #17 sta PHYSICIST_X lda #2 sta PHYSICIST_Y ; load background lda #>(vent_rle) sta GBASH lda #<(vent_rle) sta GBASL lda #$c ; load to page $c00 jsr load_rle_gr ; tail call ;=========================== ; Enable graphics bit LORES bit SET_GR bit FULLGR ;=========================== ; Setup pages (is this necessary?) lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE lda #1 sta DISP_PAGE ;================================= ; copy to screen jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip ;================================= ; setup vars lda #0 sta GAIT sta GAME_OVER ;============================ ; Vent Loop ;============================ vent_loop: ;================================ ; copy background to current page jsr gr_copy_to_current ;================================== ; draw background action ;=============================== ; check keyboard ;=============================== lda KEYPRESS bpl vent_done_keyboard cmp #27+$80 beq vent_escape cmp #'A'+$80 beq vent_left_pressed cmp #8+$80 beq vent_left_pressed cmp #'D'+$80 beq vent_right_pressed cmp #$15+$80 beq vent_right_pressed jmp vent_done_keyboard vent_escape: lda #$ff sta GAME_OVER bne vent_done_keyboard ; bra vent_left_pressed: dec PHYSICIST_X dec GAIT dec GAIT jmp vent_adjust_gait vent_right_pressed: inc PHYSICIST_X inc GAIT inc GAIT vent_adjust_gait: lda GAIT and #$7 sta GAIT vent_done_keyboard: bit KEYRESET ;======================= ; bounds_check and slope ; 42, can't go less than 10 ; 42, cant go more than 38 ldx PHYSICIST_X lda PHYSICIST_Y cmp #42 bne not_life_universe_everything vent_bounds_check_left: cpx #(5-2) bcs vent_bounds_check_right lda #5 sta PHYSICIST_X jmp done_vent_bounds vent_bounds_check_right: cpx #(38-2) bcc done_vent_bounds lda #35 sta PHYSICIST_X jmp done_vent_bounds not_life_universe_everything: ; 11 -> if (y==11) and (x>5) y=12 ; 12 -> if (y==12) and (x>11) y=13 ; if (y==12) and (x<6) y=11 ; 13 -> if (y==13) and (x>15) y=14 ; if (y==13) and (x<10) y=12 ; 14 -> if (y==14) and (x<16) y=13 cmp #11 bne check_12 cpx #(2-2) bpl check_11_right lda #(2-2) sta PHYSICIST_X jmp done_vent_bounds check_11_right: cpx #(5-2) bcs vent_inc_y ; bge bcc done_vent_bounds check_12: cmp #12 bne check_13 cpx #(11-2) bcs vent_inc_y ; bge cpx #(5-2) bcc vent_dec_y ; blt bcs done_vent_bounds ; bra check_13: cmp #13 bne check_14 cpx #(15-2) bcs vent_inc_y ; bge cpx #(10-2) bcc vent_dec_y ; blt bcs done_vent_bounds ; bra check_14: cmp #14 bne done_vent_bounds cpx #(14-2) bcc vent_dec_y ; blt bcs done_vent_bounds ; bra vent_inc_y: inc PHYSICIST_Y jmp done_vent_bounds vent_dec_y: dec PHYSICIST_Y done_vent_bounds: ;================== ; check if falling lda FALLING bne done_vent_checky ; don't check if allready falling ldx PHYSICIST_X lda PHYSICIST_Y cmp #2 beq vent_y2 cmp #14 beq vent_y14 cmp #22 beq vent_y22 cmp #32 beq vent_y32 cmp #42 beq vent_y42 jmp done_vent_checky ; y=2 -> 2+3, 37+38 vent_y2: ldy #11 cpx #(4-2) bcc vent_falling ; blt ldy #42 cpx #(37-2) bcs vent_falling ; bge jmp done_vent_checky ; y=14 -> 20+21 vent_y14: ldy #22 cpx #(20-2) beq vent_falling cpx #(21-2) beq vent_falling jmp done_vent_checky jmp done_vent_checky ; y=22 -> 5+6 , 30+31 vent_y22: ldy #42 cpx #(7-2) bcc vent_falling ; blt ldy #32 cpx #(30-2) bcs vent_falling ; bge jmp done_vent_checky ; y=32 -> 16+17, 37+38 vent_y32: ldy #42 cpx #(18-2) bcc vent_falling ; blt cpx #(37-2) bcs vent_falling ; bge jmp done_vent_checky ; y=42 -> 21+22 vent_y42: ldy #50 cpx #(21-2) beq vent_falling cpx #(22-2) beq vent_falling bne done_vent_checky ; bra vent_falling: lda #1 sta FALLING sty FALLING_Y done_vent_checky: ;================== ; fall if falling lda FALLING beq done_falling inc PHYSICIST_Y lda PHYSICIST_Y cmp FALLING_Y bne done_falling dec FALLING done_falling: ;=============== ; draw physicist lda PHYSICIST_X sta XPOS lda PHYSICIST_Y and #$fe ; FIXME sta YPOS lda GAIT and #$fe tay lda rolling_progression,Y sta INL lda rolling_progression+1,Y sta INH jsr put_sprite_crop ;=============== ; page flip jsr page_flip ;================ ; inc frame count inc FRAMEL bne vent_frame_no_oflo inc FRAMEH vent_frame_no_oflo: ;========================== ; check if done this level ;========================== lda GAME_OVER beq still_in_vent cmp #$ff ; if $ff, we died beq done_vent ;=============================== ; check if exited room to right ; cmp #1 ; beq jail_exit_left ;================= ; exit to right ;jail_right_yes_exit: ; lda #0 ; sta PHYSICIST_X ;jer_smc: ; lda #$0 ; smc+1 = exit location ; sta WHICH_CAVE ; jmp done_jail ;===================== ; exit to left ;jail_exit_left: ; lda #37 ; sta PHYSICIST_X ;jel_smc: ; lda #0 ; smc+1 ; sta WHICH_CAVE ; jmp done_jail ; loop forever still_in_vent: lda #0 sta GAME_OVER jmp vent_loop done_vent: rts puff_sprite_start1: .byte 3,2 .byte $AA,$A5,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA puff_sprite_start2: .byte 3,2 .byte $AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA puff_sprite_cycle1: .byte 3,2 .byte $AA,$55,$AA .byte $AA,$A5,$AA puff_sprite_cycle2: .byte 3,2 .byte $AA,$55,$AA .byte $A5,$A5,$A5 puff_sprite_cycle3: .byte 3,2 .byte $5A,$55,$5A .byte $A5,$A5,$A5 puff_sprite_cycle4: .byte 3,2 .byte $A5,$55,$A5 .byte $A5,$A5,$A5 puff_sprite_end1: .byte 3,2 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA .byte $A5,$AA,$5A puff_sprite_end2: .byte 3,2 .byte $A5,$AA,$A5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA