;--------------------------------------- ; based on 1bir - 1 block interactive raycaster for Commodore 64 ; coded by huseyin kilic (wisdom) copyright (c) 2009-2013 crescent ; ; converted to Apple II by Vince `deater` Weaver .include "hardware.inc" ; zero page V2 = $2D COLOR = $30 RAYPOSX = $61 RAYPOSXH = $62 RAYPOSY = $63 RAYPOSYH = $64 STEPX = $66 ; leave 1 byte between x and y STEPY = $68 PLAYERX = $69 PLAYERXH = $6a PLAYERY = $6b PLAYERYH = $6c DISTANCEL = $6F DISTANCE = $70 NEWLOC = $71 HEIGHT = $73 HEIGHTL = $74 ROWPTR = $d1 ROWPTRH = $d2 LINEH_T = $d9 WALL_HEIGHT = $f8 FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT= $f9 ; external value dependencies HEADING = $81 SINADD = $9a COLORS = $b1 ; 3 bytes consecutively ; constants sin_t = $1000 blocksize = $28 cosine_table = $F5BA ;--------------------------------------- ; main ;--------------------------------------- main: jsr SETGR ; lda #$20 sta HEADING ;--------------------------------------- ; sin/cos table generator ;--------------------------------------- ; first generate sine for 0..63 (0..90 degrees) ; lda #3 ; sta SINADD ; lda #$00 ; tay ;gensin_loop: ; sta sin_t,Y ; iny ; clc ; adc SINADD ; ldx SINADD ; dec sincount_t,X ; bne gensin_loop ; dec SINADD ; bpl gensin_loop ; x = $00 ; y = $40 ; next generate ldx #$00 ldy #$0f lda #$0 gensin_loop2: lsr sta sin_t+$10+1,Y ; store 90-180 degrees sta sin_t,X ; store 0-90 degrees sta sin_t+$40,X ; copy at $40 so cosine is easier eor #$ff ; invert sta sin_t+$30+1,Y ; store for 270-360 degrees sta sin_t+$20,X ; store for 180-270 degrees inx lda cosine_table,Y dey bpl gensin_loop2 ;--------------------------------------- ; raycaster ;--------------------------------------- loop_main: ; cast 40 rays for each screen column ; starting with rightmost one ; Y is used as global column index ; throughout the rest of the program ldy #39 loop_ray: ; determine current ray's direction ; by taking player's current direction ; and fov into account ; fov is 40 b-rads out of 256 b-rads tya clc adc HEADING ;sec sbc #19+1 ; half of the fov (+1 because of sec) tax ; get sin/cos values accordingly ; and copy player position to current ray position ; distance is reset on return from this call jsr getsincos_copyplr2ray ; reset line row before each column gets drawn ; (needed in vertical line section) ; X is 0 here? stx DISTANCEL stx DISTANCE loop_dist: ; step along current ray's path and find distance clc lda DISTANCEL adc #$80 sta DISTANCEL bcc nod inc DISTANCE nod: ; limit distance when it is needed in larger maps ; or open (wrapped) maps ; max distance = $29 lda DISTANCE cmp #$29 bcs skip_dist ; max distance = $40 (make sure ar is always 0 here) ; bit DISTANCE ; bvs skip_dist ; max DISTANCE = $80 ; lda DISTANCE ; bmi skip_dist jsr addsteptopos ; on return from last call, A is cell (block) value ; A == 0 means empty cell, so continue tracing beq loop_dist skip_dist: ; now A contains the value in reached map position ; (or last cell value fetched if max distance is reached) ; use A or X to colorize the block ; and #$07 ; ora #$03 sta COLORS+1 ; find out visible block height ; according to distance ldx #$ff ; calculate visible block height through simple division lda #0 sta HEIGHT sta HEIGHTL height_loop: inx lda HEIGHTL adc DISTANCEL sta HEIGHTL lda HEIGHT adc DISTANCE sta HEIGHT cmp # 24? bcc vline_validheight lda #23 ; make sure max height = 24 vline_validheight: asl ; calculate full height sta WALL_HEIGHT ; store for looping below eor #$ff ; subtract full height from screen height ; sec ; (48 rows) adc #48+1 ; +1 because of sec lsr ; sky/floor heights are equal to each other sta FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT ; loop through 3 sections of one screen column ; i.e. sky - wall - floor vline_loop: ;========== ; vline sky, 0 to FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT ; load color ;lda #$77 ; sky blue lda #$00 ; sky black sta COLOR lda FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT sta V2 lda #0 jsr VLINE ; VLINE A,$2D at Y (Y preserved, A=V2) ;================= ; vline wall, FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT to FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT+WALL_HEIGHT ldx COLORS+1 stx COLOR ; A already FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT clc adc WALL_HEIGHT sta V2 lda FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT jsr VLINE ; VLINE A,$2D at Y ;============= ; vline floor, WALL_HEIGHT+FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT to 47 ldx #$88 stx COLOR ; A already WALL_HEIGHT+FLOOR_SKY_HEIGHT ldx #47 stx V2 jsr VLINE ; VLINE A,$2D at Y ;--------------------------------------- ; advance to next ray/column dey bpl loop_ray ;--------------------------------------- ; user input ;--------------------------------------- ; common preparation code to set up sin/cos and ; to copy player position to ray position to trace movement ; direction to determine if player hits a block ; in case player actually tries to move forward or backwards ldx HEADING jsr getsincos_copyplr2ray ; get joystick 2 status (lowest 4 bits) ; and check each bit to determine action lda KEYPRESS beq done_user_input cmp #'W'+$80 bne skip_j1 ; try to move forward pha jsr stepandcopy pla skip_j1: cmp #'S'+$80 bne skip_j2 ; try to move backward pha jsr invertstepandcopy pla skip_j2: cmp #'A'+$80 bne skip_j3 ; turn right dec HEADING dec HEADING skip_j3: cmp #'D'+$80 bne done_user_input ; turn left inc HEADING inc HEADING done_user_input: bit KEYRESET ; clear keyboard buffer ; absolute jump, as carry is always 0 here jmp loop_main ;--------------------------------------- ; ray tracing subroutines ;--------------------------------------- ; heart of tracing, very slow, because of looping ; for x and y components and also because of ; brute force approach addsteptopos: ldx #$0 stx NEWLOC ldx #$02 loop_stepadd: lda STEPX,X ; & y ora #$7f ; sign extend 8 bit step value to 16 bit bmi was_neg ; was negative lda #$00 was_neg: pha ;clc lda STEPX,X ; & y adc RAYPOSX,X ; & y sta RAYPOSX,X ; & y pla php bcc blah ; no carry cpx #2 bne blah stx NEWLOC blah: plp adc RAYPOSXH,X ; & y sta RAYPOSXH,X ; & y dex dex bpl loop_stepadd ; A = RAYPOSXH ; calculate index to look up the map cell ; the map area is 8x8 bytes ; + instead of the usual y * 8 + x ; x * 8 + y done here, to save some bytes ; (just causing a flip of the map as a side effect) and RAYPOSYH ; sierpinski and #$f0 beq step_exit lda #$CC ; jmp blargh ;make_zero: ; lda #$00 ; beq step_exit ;blargh: ldx NEWLOC cpx #2 bne step_exit sec sbc #$88 step_exit: rts ;--------------------------------------- ; getsincos_copyplr2ray ;--------------------------------------- getsincos_copyplr2ray: txa lsr lsr tax lda sin_t,X ; sin(x), 0..16 cmp #$80 ror sta STEPX lda sin_t+$10,X ; cos(x) cmp #$80 ror sta STEPY ; copy player position to ray position for a start ; through the basic rom ; copy 4 bytes, from 69,6A,6B,6C to 61,62,63,64 copyplr2ray: ldx #$04 copyloop: lda $68,X sta $60,X dex bne copyloop rts ;====================================== ; invert step and copy ;====================================== invertstepandcopy: ; invert step variables for backward motion invertstepx: ; from BFB8 in C64 ROM lda $66 eor #$ff sta $66 invertstepy: lda STEPY eor #$ff sta STEPY ;======================================= ; stepandcopy ;======================================= stepandcopy: ; see if player can move to the direction desired jsr addsteptopos bne step_exit ; no, return without doing anything ; yes, move player by ; copying ray position to player position copyray2plr: ; Copy 61,62,63,64 to 69,6A,6B,6C ldx #$4 r2_loop: lda $60,X sta $68,X dex bne r2_loop rts ;--------------------------------------- ; data ;--------------------------------------- ; number of sin additions (backwards) sincount_t: ; .byte 6,14,19,25 ;---------------------------------------