;============================================================= ; hgr copy from page in A to current DRAW_PAGE but magnify 2x ;========================================================= ; would be faster if we unroll it, but much bigger ; At first from left side of image, eventually arbitrary? ; destination in A? hgr_copy_magnify: ; for (y=0;y<192;y++) { ; for(x=0;x<40;x+=2) { ; A=src[x]; ; dest[x]=lookup1[A]; ; dest[x+1]=lookup2[A]; ; y++; ; dest[x]=lookup1[A]; ; dest[x+1]=lookup2[A]; ; } ; } ldx #0 magnify_outer_loop: lda hposn_low,X sta OUTL lda hposn_high,X clc adc DRAW_PAGE sta OUTH lda hposn_low,X sta INL lda hposn_high,X clc adc #$40 sta INH ldy #0 magnify_inner_loop: lda (INL),Y sta (OUTL),Y iny cpy #40 bne magnify_inner_loop inx cpx #192 bne magnify_outer_loop rts