switch_to_credits: ; clear bottom of page2 and set split bit TEXTGR ldx #39 lda #' '|$80 clear_bottom_loop: sta $A50,X sta $AD0,X sta $B50,X sta $BD0,X dex bpl clear_bottom_loop ; set "done" lda #DONE sta command ; clear time lda #0 sta seconds sta ticks rts display_credits: ; display music bars ; a bar lda A_VOLUME lsr lsr sta draw_a_bar_loop+1 ldx #4 lda #' '|$80 draw_a_bar_loop: cpx #$4 bne skip_a_bar eor #$80 skip_a_bar: sta $A50,X dex bpl draw_a_bar_loop ; b bar lda B_VOLUME lsr lsr sta draw_b_bar_loop+1 ldx #4 lda #' '|$80 draw_b_bar_loop: cpx #$4 bne skip_b_bar eor #$80 skip_b_bar: sta $AD0,X dex bpl draw_b_bar_loop lda C_VOLUME lsr lsr sta draw_c_bar_loop+1 ldx #4 lda #' '|$80 draw_c_bar_loop: cpx #$4 bne skip_c_bar eor #$80 skip_c_bar: sta $B50,X dex bpl draw_c_bar_loop ; write credits actual_credits: lda ticks cmp #25 bne done_credits lda seconds ; increment on multiples of 4 seconds and #$3 beq next_credit bne done_credits next_credit: ;======================== ; write the credits write_credits: lda which_credit cmp #7 beq done_credits ldx #4 outer_credit_loop: ; X is proper line ; point to start of proper output line lda credits_address,X sta credits_address_smc+1 lda credits_address+1,X sta credits_address_smc+2 ; load proper input location lda which_credit asl tay txa asl asl asl ; *16 (already *2) clc adc credits_table,Y sta write_credit_1_loop+1 lda credits_table+1,Y adc #0 sta write_credit_1_loop+2 ldy #0 write_credit_1_loop: lda $dede,Y ora #$80 credits_address_smc: sta $dede,Y iny cpy #16 bne write_credit_1_loop done_credit1_loop: dex dex bpl outer_credit_loop inc which_credit done_credits: rts credits_address: .word $a50+12 .word $ad0+12 .word $b50+12 credits_table: .word credits1 .word credits2 .word credits3 .word credits4 .word credits5 .word credits6 .word credits7 credits1: .byte " Code: " .byte " " .byte " Deater " credits2: .byte " Music: " .byte " " .byte " mAZE " credits3: .byte " Algorithms: " .byte " F. Sanglard " .byte " Hellmood " credits4: .byte " Apple II bot " .byte " " .byte " Kay Savetz " credits5: .byte " Magic: " .byte " " .byte " qkumba " credits6: .byte " Greets: " .byte " 4am " .byte " French Touch " credits7: .byte " _ " .byte " _|(_ _ " .byte " (_| _) | " which_credit: .byte $0