Vince Weaver b1238af49d re-arranged the entire directory structure
this will probably upset people
2021-01-05 15:29:31 -05:00

42 lines
661 B

.globl _start
# mov $0x4f02,%ax # set super VGA mode
# mov $0x107,%bx # 1280x1024, 256 colors
# int $0x10 # set the mode
mov $0x04f,%ax
l108: shl %ax
push %cx
sub %dx,%cx
sar %cx
pop %di
add %di,%dx
sar %dx
rcr %ebp
jb l11f
inc %ax
add $0x3,%ch
neg %dx
l11f: aam $0x29
and $0xfc,%al
xor $0x12,%al
test $0x80,%dh
jne l108
test $0xf0,%ch
jne l108
push %ax
and $0xf,%al # al = color
mov $0xc,%ah # ah = 0xc = putpixel
# int $0x10 # bh=page number, cx=x,dx=y
pop %ax
mov $0x1,%ah
# int $0x16
# je 0x108
# ret
jmp l108