2023-01-06 21:56:36 -05:00

67 lines
1.3 KiB

; defines
OpDEY = $88 ; DEY opcode
OpINY = $c8 ; INY opcode
OpDEX = $ca ; DEX opcode
OpINX = $e8 ; INX opcode
OpNOP = $ea ; NOP opcode
; zero page addresses
YSAVE = $00
HPTR = $06
HPAGE = $18 ; hi-res page ($20 or $40) ; FIXME
PTR1 = $1a
PTR2 = $1c
XSTART = $1c
YSTART = $1d
XEND = $1e
YEND = $1f
MON_WNDLEFT = $20 ; left column of scroll window
MON_WNDWDTH = $21 ; width of scroll window
MON_WNDTOP = $22 ; top of scroll window
MON_WNDBTM = $23 ; bottom of scroll window
MON_CH = $24 ; cursor horizontal displacement
MON_CV = $25 ; cursor vertical displacement
GBASL = $26
GBASH = $27
MON_CSWL = $36 ; character output hook (lo)
MON_CSWH = $37 ; character output hook (hi)
DELTA_X = $3c
DELTA_Y = $3d
LINE_ADJ = $3e
FIRST_LINE = $45 ; FIXME: what if interrupt?
BAS_ARYTAB = $6b ; pointer to start of Applesoft array space (2b)
HGR_X = $E0
; Clear variables
XC = $19 ; transformed X coordinate
YC = $1a ; transformed Y coordinate
ZC = $1b ; transformed Z coordinate
SCALE = $1c ; $00-0F, where $0F is full size
XPOSN = $1d ; X coordinate (0-255)
YPOSN = $1e ; Y coordinate (0-191)
ZROT = $1f ; Z rotation ($00-1B)
YROT = $3c ; Y rotation ($00-1B)
XROT = $3d ; X rotation ($00-1B)
ROT_TMP = $3f ; 4 bytes long