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FAQ. Some questions shamelessly stolen from the tb_asm FAQ
Q. Why?
A. My friend <A href="http://www.deater.net/john">John</A> got a Gameboy
Advance for Christmas. He suggested I port my game
<A href="http://www.deater.net/weave/vmwprod/tb1">Tom Bombem</A> to it.
In actuality the specs of the GBA are similar to the machine I
originally wrote TB1 on. It was on a 386-33 with 320x200x256 graphics
and constrained to 640kB of RAM. The game was written in 16-bit
PASCAL with some 32-bit assembly.
I somehow got side-tracked into an 8k Linux x86 text-mode version first,
and then it seemed obvious to port it to the 6502. Finally the disks
full of poorly written way-to-slow BASIC space games I wrote when
I was in elementary school have been vindicated!
Q. The game runs too fast/too slow! It is unplayable!
A. The game has been balanced and tested on an actual Apple IIe platinum.
If you are running on an emulator, your emulator probably isn't
emulating 100% accurately.
If you are on a real Apple IIe... well it's probably my fault.
If you're clever you can find the timing code in the source
and fix it yourself.
Q. Why did it take you so long to finish?
A. I originally rushed to get this game entered in the 2003 Minigames
Competition in the 4k game section. I had to cut down on the
features a lot to get it to fit in 4k.
Despite all this work, I finished 53rd or so. Most of the
complaints were negative because there aren't that many good Apple ][
emulators out there, but a highlight was the infamous "blocky graphics"
comment by the Atari 2600 programmer.
Anyway this experience burned me out on the whole concept for a bit,
plus I started grad school which sucked up most of my time.
But anyway I got a chance to finish it this summer.
Q. How did you do the graphics?
A. With <A href="http://www.thegimp.org">The Gimp</A>. Used 16 color indexed
palette. Saved as xpm. Edited with text editor.
Q. Why LOW-RES graphics mode?
A. Because I like 16 colors. High-res on the Apple ][ really isn't all
that great and can only do 4 colors or so with weird placement rules.
And all of you people with Atari 800s and Commodore's feel free to laugh.
But my code here will run in full 16 color mode even on the Original
Apple ][ released in 1977.
In any case I like blocky graphics, probably dating to my time doing
ANSI graphics for BBS's in the early 90s.
And don't think low-res mode was a cheating way out. The Apple ][
framebuffer is _horribly_ convoluted and non-linear. Apparently
this saved some chips on the memory refresh... but man is it a pain
to program.
Q. Why is all the text in this game SHOUTING AT ME?
A. For extra perversity, I want the game to work on all machines
back to the original 1977 Apple ][. Lower-case letters were an
optional add-on until the Apple //e came out much later.
Q. What is the high score?
A. A bit of a silly question as its impossible to prove.
The highest _possible_ score is 9999 I am pretty sure, due
to the limitations of a 16 bit BCD number (which is how the
score is stored).
Q. Why does the ship have its engines constantly on, even though
it is moving at a constant velocity?
A. Ummmm... friction. Yeah... space friction.
Q. Why are the stars moving so quickly? Are you going faster than light?
A. If you look closely you'll notice the stars repeat. Hence you
are really flying very fast in a big circle. Hey, maybe that's
why the engine is constantly firing!
Q. Where in that tiny ship are all of those missiles stored?
A. In the seventh dimension.
Q. Why the seventh dimension?
A. The others were all full.
Q. Why is there a guinea pig in the game?
A. A local guinea pig threatened me with violence if I did not include
a picture of her.
Q. What have you learned from all this assembly programming?
A. I'm just reminded what Professor Bruce Jacob always said...
A computer is just a state machine.
Q. Why are there only 6 enemies / 2 missiles / shields go up at 100/ etc?
A. Game balance. Just trying to keep it challenging yet not overwhlmingly
so. [For the original tb1 it was "because my 386 can't keep up" but
that should be less of a problem these days].
If you _must_ have it some other way, feel free to mess with the constants
on the first page of the tb_6502.s file, but I cannot guarantee what
the consequences might be!
Q. Will there be a sequel?
A. Yes, it will be released shortly before either the release of
"Duke Nukem Forever (tm)" or the heat death of the universe,
which ever happens first.
Q. Why can't Vince stay consitent between "HISCORE" and "HIGH SCORE"
including all possibly variations of "HI-SCORE" "HIGH_SCORE" usw?
A. The world may never know.
Q. What does "usw" mean?
A. Und So Weiter.
Q. That wasn't helpful.
A. This isn't a question.
Q. What's the highest level you can get to?
A. No matter how you try, once you get to level 7 it will
keep repeating. This is because I multiply the level
by 16 in various places for enemy movement, and it it goes
above 7 then the byte will be negative causing
Bad Things(tm) to happen.
Q. Well why don't you modify the code so it doesn't go haywire
after level 7?
A. I am lazy. Also it should be too hard to get to level 7 anyway
Q. What are the enemies supposed to be?
A. An envelope, a clip-board, a cigarette, a telephone, a dollar-bill,
and an un-identified yellow thing, possibly a banana. All things
malicious marketers might have in excess.
The apple II version has in addition a green toothbrush and a
purple toupe. Those wacky marketers!
Q. How come the stars appear in straight bands insteas of scattered in the
A. Because my pseudo-random number algorithm is at times more pseudo
than random.
Q. Why does vince use the stack so often, when it would make much more
sense to backup the Y register to the zero page?
A. Too much intel x86 programming has warped my mind into thinking
stack usage is a good way of mitigating limited register count.
Must remind myself the zero page is like a 256-byte register file.
Q. Why is the 6502 instruction set so obtuse?
A. I HAVE NO IDEA. In coding I keep stumbling across instructions
that I think would be _so_ useful. But they don't exist. But
apparently the instructions I pine for are fairly obvious...
an enhanced 65C02 was released with "bonus" opcodes. Sadly
I cannot use them because of the aforementioned want of Apple ][
compatibility [the 65C02 wasn't around until the //e.
ABS (IND), X indexing : would be great working with structs.
BRA -- Branch Always : a great opcode name, but also remove
the need for 16-bit absolute JMP's when
a short branch would do
DEA -- Decrement Accumulator :
That's right, there's no way to decrement
the accumulator. You have to CLC clear
carry then ADC $FF. Yet you can dec
X or Y with one-byte. Weird.
INA -- Incrememnt Accumlator:
See DEA. Yes, even more perverse. Taking
3 bytes to do what should be a common task.
PHY/PLY -- Push/Pop X/Y :
These would be so useful. Otherwise
you can only push/pop the accumulator.
STZ -- Store Zero to Memory :
Would save a lot of LDA #$0 / STA pairs.
TRB/TSB -- Test and Set/Reset bit:
Wow, getting even more CISC here. Atomic
test/set bit instructions. We're ready
for SMP now.