Vince Weaver 46c79e587e bubble: bring in the second call to sine
was already doing it via .include but was weird I had done the
first but not the second
2024-01-04 12:32:08 -05:00

509 lines
11 KiB

; bubble universe -- Apple II Hires
; original = 612 bytes
; clear screen:
; bkgnd0 = $44198 = 278936 cycles = max ~4fps
; new: $A616 = 42518 = max ~22fps
; hplot
; hplot0 = ($14E-$15C) $14E = 334 * 1024 = 342016 = max ~3fps
; lookup = 46 * 1024 = 47104 = max ~21fps
; after fast graphics
; D7E77(??) = 884343 = 1.1fps
; DD06E = (made J countdown, why longer?)
; DB584 = destructive U when plotting
; D57A2 = rotate right instead of left for HPLOT *32 (U)
; D1D53 = same byt for V
; C2679 = optimize sine, don't care about bottom byte in addition
; AB2FC = optimize sine, keep H value in accumulator = 1.4fps
; A9A38 = optimize cosine slightly
; A50BF = use lookup table for sine sign (takes 256 more bytes)
; 9F673 = clear screen, only clear X region we use
; 9DD73 = clear screen, only clear Y region we use
; 906FE = inline/unroll the sines
; 817BE = inline/unroll the cosines
; 817A7 = inline clear screen (now no stack usage)
; 64987 = calc sine and cosine at same time = 2.5fps
; 61827 = remove unnecessary stores
; 5D7EF = add a cosine table
; 5CFBE = move TL/TH out of zero page
; 5C353 = put UL in Y = ~2.6fps
; NUM=24 35CD3 = ~4.5fps
; NUM=16 1A2DD = ~9 fps
; soft-switches
PAGE1 = $C054
PAGE2 = $C055
; ROM routines
BKGND0 = $F3F4 ; clear current page to A
HGR2 = $F3D8 ; set hires page2 and clear $4000-$5fff
HGR = $F3E2 ; set hires page1 and clear $2000-$3fff
HPLOT0 = $F457 ; plot at (Y,X), (A)
HLINRL = $F530 ; line to (X,A), (Y)
HCOLOR1 = $F6F0 ; set HGR_COLOR to value in X
WAIT = $FCA8 ; delay 1/2(26+27A+5A^2) us
; zero page
GBASL = $26
GBASH = $27
RXL = $96
RXH = $97
STEMP1L = $98
STEMP1H = $99
I = $D0
J = $D1
XL = $D2
XH = $D3
VL = $D4
VH = $D5
;TL = $D6
;TH = $D7
UL = $D8
UH = $D9
; const
;NUM = 32
NUM = 24
; setup lookup tables
jsr hgr_make_tables
; init graphics
jsr HGR
jsr HGR2
; init variables
lda #0
sta XL
sta XH
sta VL
sta VH
; sta TL
; sta TH
; main loop
; "fast" clear screen
.include "hgr_clear_part.s"
; FIXME: see value of X/Y/A after clear
ldx #0 ; 2
stx I ; 3
; setup R*I to inner loop
; save NUM*4 (128) cycles at expense of 11 cycles
ldx I ; 3
lda rl,X ; 4
sta rl_smc+1 ; 4
; countdown NUM times
ldx #NUM ; 2
stx J ; 3
; fixed_add(rh[i],rl[i],xh,xl,&rxh,&rxl);
; note: rh is always 0
; pre-calc (R*I)+X for later use
clc ; 2
lda #0 ; R*I ; 2
adc XL ; 3
sta RXL ; 3
; 8 cycles to always add 0 for high byte
; since we're also copying can't save time by branching if no carry
; 3 if no carry / 2+5=7 if carry for branch/check
lda #0 ; 2
adc XH ; 3
sta RXH ; 3
; precalc I+V for later use
; IV=I+V
; this is 8.8 fixed point so bottom byte of I is 0
; clc ; C should be 0 from prev ;
lda VL ; 3
sta STEMP1L ; store IVL directly in sine input ; 3
lda I ; 3
adc VH ; IVH is in A for sine ; 3
; calc SIN(I+V) in STEMP1L/A
; / 6.28 is roughly the same as *0.16
; = .5 .25 .125 .0625 .03125
; 1/6.28 = 0.16 = 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 = 0x28
; i=(i*0x28)>>8;
; A has STEMP1H
; 01234567 89ABCDEF
; 3456789A
; + 56789ABC
; i2=i<<3;
asl STEMP1L ; 5
rol ; 2
asl STEMP1L ; 5
rol ; 2
asl STEMP1L ; 5
rol ; 2
; i1=i<<5;
ldx STEMP1L ; 3
stx STEMP2L ; 3
sta STEMP1H ; 3
asl STEMP2L ; 5
rol ; 2
asl STEMP2L ; 5
rol ; 2
; i=(i1+i2)>>8;
; We ignore the low byte as we don't need it
; possibly inaccurate as we don't clear carry?
adc STEMP1H ; 2
tax ; 2
; tradeoff size for speed by having lookup
; table for sign bits
; the sign lookup only saves like 2 cycles
; U=sin(IV)
lda sin_table_low,X ; 4
sta UL ; 3
lda sin_table_high,X ; 4
sta UH ; 3
; V=sin(IV)
lda cos_table_low,X ; 4
sta VL ; 3
lda cos_table_high,X ; 4
sta VH ; 3
lda RXL ; 3
sta STEMP1L ; 3
lda RXH ; 3
; / 6.28 is roughly the same as *0.16
; = .5 .25 .125 .0625 .03125
; 1/6.28 = 0.16 = 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 = 0x28
; i=(i*0x28)>>8;
; A has STEMP1H
; i2=i<<3;
asl STEMP1L ; 5
rol ; 2
asl STEMP1L ; 5
rol ; 2
asl STEMP1L ; 5
rol ; 2
; i1=i<<5;
ldx STEMP1L ; 3
stx STEMP2L ; 3
sta STEMP1H ; 3
asl STEMP2L ; 5
rol ; 2
asl STEMP2L ; 5
rol ; 2
; i=(i1+i2)>>8;
; We ignore the low byte as we don't need it
; possibly inaccurate as we don't clear carry?
adc STEMP1H ; 2
tax ; 2
; sl=fsinh[i];
; tradeoff size for speed by having lookup
; table for sign bits
; the sign lookup only saves like 2 cycles
; U+=sin(RX)
clc ; 2
lda UL ; 3
adc sin_table_low,X ; 4
tay ; UL in Y ; 2
; sta UL ; 3
lda UH ; 3
adc sin_table_high,X ; 4
sta UH ; 3
; V+=cos(RX)
clc ; 2
lda VL ; 3
adc cos_table_low,X ; 4+
sta VL ; 3
lda VH ; 3
adc cos_table_high,X ; 4+
sta VH ; 3
; X=U+T
clc ; 2
; lda UL ; 3
tya ; UL in Y ; 2
adc #0 ; 2
sta XL ; 3
lda UH ; 3
adc #0 ; 2
sta XH ; 3
; HPLOT 32*U+140,32*V+96
; U can be destroyed as we don't use it again
; 01234567 89ABCDEF
; 56789ABC DEF00000
; we want 56789ABC, rotate right by 3 is two iterations faster?
tya ; UL in Y ; 2
; lda UL ; 3
lsr UH ; 5
ror ; 2
lsr UH ; 5
ror ; 2
lsr UH ; 5
ror ; 2
clc ; 2
adc #140 ; 2
tax ; 2
; calculate Ypos
lda VH
lda VL
adc #96
; "fast" hplot, Xpos in X, Ypos in A
tay ; 2
lda hposn_low,Y ; 4
sta GBASL ; 3
clc ; 2
lda hposn_high,Y ; 4
adc HGR_PAGE ; 3
sta GBASH ; 3
; 21
ldy div7_table,X ; 4
lda mod7_table,X ; 4
tax ; 2
; 31
lda (GBASL),Y ; 5
ora log_lookup,X ; 4
sta (GBASL),Y ; 6
; 46
dec J ; 5
bmi done_j ; 2/3
jmp inner_loop ; 3
; bpl inner_loop
inc I ; 5
lda I ; 3
cmp #NUM ; 2
beq done_i ; 2/3
jmp outer_loop ; 3
; t=t+(1.0/32.0);
; 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 | 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256
; $0x08
; carry always set here as we got here from a BEQ
; (bcs=bge, bcc=blt)
lda tl_smc+1 ; 4
adc #$7 ; really 8, carry always set ; 2
sta tl_smc+1 ; 4
lda #0 ; 2
adc th_smc+1 ; 4
sta th_smc+1 ; 4
; flip pages
; if $20 (draw PAGE1) draw PAGE2, SHOW page1
; if $40 (draw PAGE2) draw PAGE1, SHOW page2
eor #$60
cmp #$40
bne flip2
bit PAGE1
jmp next_frame
bit PAGE2
jmp next_frame
;.include "hgr_clear_part.s"
.include "hgr_table.s"
.align $100
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.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF
.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF
.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF
.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF
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.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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