Vince Weaver 7d5b7ac059 xmas2018: initial music support
though it's just playing random garbage for now
2018-12-14 00:05:20 -05:00

174 lines
3.0 KiB

; VMW Productions 2018 XMAS Demo
; by deater (Vince Weaver) <>
.include ""
.include ""
; external routines
xmas2018_start: ; this should end up at $4000
; Check for Apple II and patch
lda $FBB3 ; IIe and newer is $06
cmp #6
beq apple_iie
; lda #$54 ; patch the check_email font code
; sta ce_patch+1
; Init RTS disk code
jsr rts_init
; Load graphics
; load WREATH.LZ4 to $a000
lda #<wreath_filename
sta namlo
lda #>wreath_filename
sta namhi
jsr opendir ; open and read entire file into memory
; decompress to $2000
; decompress from $a000
; size in ???
lda #<($a000+11)
sta LZ4_SRC
lda #>($a000+11)
sta LZ4_SRC+1
lda #<($a000+4103-8) ; skip checksum at end
; lda ldsizel
sta LZ4_END
lda #>($a000+4103-8) ; skip checksum at end
; lda ldsizeh
; clc
; adc #$a0
sta LZ4_END+1
lda #<$2000
sta LZ4_DST
lda #>$2000
sta LZ4_DST+1
jsr lz4_decode
; Init mockingboard
lda #0
lda #$60
jsr mockingboard_init
; set graphics mode
jsr HOME
jsr wreath
jsr ball
jsr merry
; Game over
; we never get here
jmp game_over_man
.align $100
.include "wreath.s"
.include "ball.s"
.include "merry.s"
.include "lz4_decode.s"
.include "rts.s"
.include "gr_offsets.s"
.include "gr_hline.s"
.include "gr_fast_clear.s"
.include "vapor_lock.s"
.include "delay_a.s"
.include "wait_keypress.s"
; .include "random16.s"
; .include "hgr.s"
; .include "move_letters.s"
.include "gr_putsprite.s"
; .include "text_print.s"
; .include "screen_split.s"
.include "play_music.s"
; Include Sprites
;.align $100
; .include ""
; .include ""
; Include Text for Sliding Letters
;.include "letters.s"
; Include Lores Graphics
; No Alignment Needed
; Include Hires Graphics
; No Alignment Needed
; FIXME: we can save 8 bytes per file by stripping checksums off end
;.incbin "wreath.img.lz4",11
;.incbin "ball.img.lz4",11
;.incbin "merry.img.lz4",11
; filename to open is 30-character Apple text:
wreath_filename: ;.byte "WREATH.LZ4 "
.byte 'W'|$80,'R'|$80,'E'|$80,'A'|$80,'T'|$80,'H'|$80,'.'|$80,'L'|$80
.byte 'Z'|$80,'4'|$80,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0
.byte $A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0
.byte $A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0,$A0