2022-01-19 01:02:07 -05:00

115 lines
2.6 KiB

; Apple II graphics/music in 1k
; by deater (Vince Weaver) <>
; Zero Page
.include ""
.include ""
; for a 256 entry we need to fit in 252 bytes
; 310 bytes -- initial
; 268 bytes -- strip out interrupts
; 262 bytes -- simplify init
; 261 bytes -- optimize init more
; 253 bytes -- optimize var init
; 252 bytes -- bne vs jmp
; 250 bytes -- song only has 16 notes so can never be negative
; 249 bytes -- make terminating value $80 instead of $FF
; 247 bytes -- combine note loop. makes song a bit faster
; 245 bytes -- try to optimize writing out volume
; 255 bytes -- add in some visualization
; 252 bytes -- re-arrange decode code
; 251 bytes -- load in zero page
; 256 bytes -- expand WAIT to not use jsr
; 258 bytes -- get rid of pha/pla
; 255 bytes -- use PLA to load the data after setting stack to 0
; 249 bytes -- optimize init code to not write 0s to ZP and init $38/$e/$e/$e
; but instead count on A/B/C over-writing and have the
; ay buffer over-write the init code
; 247 bytes -- count on X always being $FF when hit delay
; 246 bytes -- make SONG_COUNTDOWN self-modify code
; 241 bytes -- forgot we didn't need to init volume in play_frame anymore
; 238 bytes -- can use Y to save note value in play_frame now
; 237 bytes -- make song terminator #$FF so we don't have to load it
; 235 bytes -- note X is $FF on entry to mockingboard entry
; 234 bytes -- qkumba noticed we can execute the AY config
;.globalzp frequencies_low
;.globalzp frequencies_high
; this is also the start of AY_REGS
; we count on A/B/C being played first note
; so the code gets over-written
; depends on AY ignoring envelope values if unused
jsr SETGR ; enable lo-res graphics
; A=$D0, Z=1
ldx #$FF ; set stack offset
; bmi skip_const
txs ; write 0 to stack pointer
; we can execute these... (as qkumba noticed)
.byte $38,$e,$e,$e ; mixer, A, B, C volume
; music Player Setup
tracker_song = peasant_song
; assume mockingboard in slot#4
; inline mockingboard_init
.include "mockingboard_init.s"
; typically A=0, X=FF, Y=0 here
; play a frame of music
.include "play_frame.s"
.include "ay3_write_regs.s"
; X is in theory $ff when we get here
; delay 20Hz, or 1/20s = 50ms
; 50,000 cycles
; 2 + 256*(2+39*5-1) = 49,922
; ldx #0 ; 2
ldy #39 ; 2
dey ; 2
bne inner_wait ; 3/2
dex ; 2
bne outer_wait ; 3/2
beq game_loop
; pad so starts at $80
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00
; music
.include "mA2E_2.s"
.include ""