2021-10-04 21:51:20 -04:00

58 lines
1.4 KiB

+ Loading screen is slow when getting names
Print "Loading" message while doing it?
+ After loading, no need to clear text before moving to next level
+ complete waterfall, including animation
+ update intro to walk closer to edges
+ fix issue where walking stops when you cross to screen w priority
+ move copy to disk2
+ re-do how off edge-of-screen works (have destination for all 4 co-ords?)
+ move drawing to PAGE1 and use PAGE2 for RAM?
This would remove backing store when drawing text boxes?
+ add dictionary lookup for text for smaller size
+ optimize text box sizes
+ replace parse_input lookup with a giant jump table
- More frames in peasant sprites
- Hook up text parser
- When load game, stop walking
- Let disk 2 live in the 2nd drive?
LDA $C08A,X to select first drive
LDA $C08B,X to select second drive
- Implement game over screen
Videlectrix Title:
- Can we make it faster?
- Speaker music for title if no Mockingboard
- implement map
- animation for the boat
- animation of River
- animation of waterfall
- Priorities for all rooms
- Hook up hidden glen, inside of cottages and inn
- Archery minigame
- Tower level
- All the rest
- Rest of Trogdor's speech
- Fix speech generation
- Smoother baby animation? Use page-flipping?
Modify sprite routine to auto-shift colors so we can have more
of an arc on baby trajectory?