2018-12-31 21:55:59 -05:00

234 lines
4.6 KiB

; Lo-res fire animation, size-optimized
; by deater (Vince Weaver) <>
; based on code described here
; 611 bytes at first
; 601 bytes -- strip out some unused code
; 592 bytes -- don't init screen
; 443 bytes -- remove more dead code
; 206 bytes -- no need to clear screen
; 193 bytes -- un-cycle exact the random16 code
; 189 bytes -- more optimization of random16 code
; 161 bytes -- move to 8-bit RNG
; 152 bytes -- reduce lookup to top half colors (had to remove brown)
; also changed maroon to pink
; 149 bytes -- use monitor GR
; 149 bytes -- load into zero page
; 140 bytes -- start using zero-page addressing
; 139 bytes -- rotate instead of mask for low bit
; 138 bytes -- bcs instead of jmp
; 137 bytes -- BIT nop trick to get rid of jump
; 135 bytes -- push/pull instead of saving to zero page
; 134 bytes -- replace half of lookup table with math
; 119 bytes -- replace that half of lookup table with better math
; 134 bytes -- replace other half of lookup table with math
; 132 bytes -- replace stack with zp loads
; 129 bytes -- use Y instead of X
; 125 bytes -- optimize low byte generationw with branch
; 113 bytes -- make get_row a subroutine
; Zero Page
TEMP = $00
TEMPY = $01
LOW = $02
; 100 = $64
; Soft Switches
SET_GR = $C050 ; Enable graphics
FULLGR = $C052 ; Full screen, no text
LORES = $C056 ; Enable LORES graphics
; monitor routines
GR = $F390
; GR part
jsr GR ; 3
bit FULLGR ; 3
; 6
; Setup white line on bottom
lda #$ff ; 2
ldy #39 ; 2
sta $7d0,Y ; hline 24 (46+47) ; 3
dey ; 1
bpl white_loop ; 2
; 10
ldx #22 ; 22 ; 2
stx TEMPY ; txa/pha not any better ; 2
; Self-modify the inner loop so it loads/stores from proper
; low-res address. Generate the proper row memory address
jsr get_row ; 3
sty <smc_sta+1 ; 2
sta <smc_sta+2 ; 2
inx ; 1
jsr get_row ; 3
sty <smc_lda+1 ; 2
sta <smc_lda+2 ; 2
; low byte of store address:
; 000X X00X
; 0000 XX00 C
; txa ; 1
; and #$19 ; 2
; lsr ; 1
; bcs odd_sta ; 2
; .byte $2C ; bit, nop ; 1
; ora #$2 ; 2
; lsr ; 1
; tay ; 1
; lda <low_offsets,Y ; 2
; sta <smc_sta+1 ; 2
; 15
; high byte of store address
; txa ; 1
; and #$7 ; 2
; lsr ; 1
; ora #$4 ; 2
; sta <smc_sta+2 ; 2
; 8
; low byte of load address (one row more than store)
; inx ; 1
; txa ; 1
; and #$19 ; 2
; lsr ; 1
; bcs odd_lda ; 2
; .byte $2C ; bit, nop ; 1
; ora #$2 ; 2
; lsr ; 1
; tay ; 1
; lda <low_offsets,Y ; 2
; sta <smc_lda+1 ; 2
; high byte of load address
; txa ; 1
; and #$7 ; 2
; lsr ; 1
; ora #$4 ; 2
; sta <smc_lda+2 ; 2
ldy #39 ; 2
lda $8d0,Y ; 3
pha ; save on stack ; 1
and #$7 ; mask off ; 2
tax ; 1
; random8
; 8-bit 6502 Random Number Generator
; Linear feedback shift register PRNG by White Flame
beq doEor
beq noEor ; if the input was $80, skip the EOR
bcc noEor
doEor: eor #$1d
noEor: sta SEEDL
; end inlined RNG
ror ; shift into carry ; 1
pla ; 1
bcs no_change ; 2
.byte $2c ; BIT trick, nops out next instruction
lda <color_progression,X ; 2
sta $750,Y ; 3
dey ; 1
bpl xloop ; 2
bpl yloop
bmi fire_loop
.byte $00 ; 8->0 ; 1000 0101
.byte $bb ; 9->11 ; 1001 0001
.byte 0 ; 10->0 ; 1010 0000
.byte $aa ; 11->10 ; 1011 0000
.byte 0 ; 12->0 ; 1100 0000
.byte $99 ; 13->9 ; 1101 1001
.byte $00 ; 14->0 ; 1110 0000
.byte $dd ; 15->13 ; 1111 1101
; Take row X and convert to address A:Y
; get low byte
txa ; 1
and #$19 ; 2
lsr ; 1
bcs odd_row ; 2
.byte $2C ; bit, nop ; 1
ora #$2 ; 2
lsr ; 1
tay ; 1
lda <low_offsets,Y ; 2
tay ; 1
; 14
; high byte of store address
txa ; 1
and #$7 ; 2
lsr ; 1
ora #$4 ; 2
; 6
rts ; 1
.byte $00,$80,$28,$a8,$50,$d0