mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 16:29:14 +00:00
261 lines
10 KiB
261 lines
10 KiB
; org $0300
; TXTGEN -- initialization entry point for the Hi-Res Character Generator *
; (HRCG). *
; *
; Just sets up the character output vector and returns. *
ldy #>TextOut ; 2
sty MON_CSWH ; 3
ldy #<TextOut ; 2
sty MON_CSWL ; 3
rts ; 6
; Draw a character. This function preserves the contents of the registers, *
; going so far as to avoid using the X register entirely, which makes the code *
; less efficient than it could be. *
; *
; One uncommon feature: this draws on both hi-res screens at the same time. *
ysave = $00
ytmp = $01
glyph_ptr = $26
hbasl = $2a
pha ; 3 save original char
sty ysave ; 3
cmp #$8d ; 2 carriage return?
beq NewLine ; 2/3 yes, don't output a glyph
; Compute Y coordinate.
; This is simpler than the full HPOSN because the line
; we're interested in is a multiple of 8.
; (This could have used the Y-lookup table in the module.)
lda MON_CV ; 3 vtab
lsr ; 2
and #$03 ; 2
ora #$20 ; 2
sta hbasl+1 ; 3
lda MON_CV ; 3
ror ; 2
php ; 3
asl ; 2
and #$18 ; 2
sta hbasl ; 3
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
ora hbasl ; 3
asl ; 2
plp ; 4
ror ; 2
clc ; 2
adc MON_CH ; 3 htab
sta hbasl ; 3
; Now compute the address of the glyph.
pla ; 4 recover original char
and #$7f ; 2 (this was done by the caller)
pha ; 3 save it again
lda #$00 ; 2 (why not use Y-reg?)
sta glyph_ptr+1 ; 3
pla ; 4
pha ; 3
rol ; 2 multiply by 8
rol glyph_ptr+1 ; 5
rol ; 2
rol glyph_ptr+1 ; 5
rol ; 2
rol glyph_ptr+1 ; 5
sta glyph_ptr ; 3
lda glyph_ptr+1 ; 3
clc ; 2
adc #>Glyphs ; 2
sta glyph_ptr+1 ; 3
ldy #$00 ; 2 count = 0
lda (glyph_ptr),Y ; 5+ get byte of glyph data
pha ; 3
sty ytmp ; 3 save counter
ldy #$00 ; 2
cmp (hbasl),Y ; ;5+ does nothing
sta (hbasl),Y ; 6 write to hi-res
lda hbasl+1 ; 3
eor #$60 ; 2 page flip
sta hbasl+1 ; 3
pla ; 4
cmp (hbasl),Y ; 5+ does nothing
sta (hbasl),Y ; 6 write to other hi-res
ldy ytmp ; 3 restore counter
lda hbasl+1 ; 3 advance hi-res address
clc ; 2
adc #$04 ; 2 within a block of 8 lines, it's this simple
sta hbasl+1 ; 3
iny ; 2
cpy #$08 ; 2 drawn 8 bytes?
bne CharLoop ; 2+ no, keep going
inc MON_CH ; 5 advance htab
lda MON_CH ; 3
cmp MON_WNDWDTH ; 3 reached right edge of window?
bcc L0388 ; 2+ no, exit
lda MON_WNDLEFT ; 3 move down a line and to left edge
sta MON_CH ; 3
inc MON_CV ; 5
lda MON_CV ; 3
cmp MON_WNDBTM ; 3 hit bottom?
bcc L0388 ; 2+ nope
lda MON_WNDTOP ; 3 yes, wrap around to top
sta MON_CV ; 3
ldy ysave ; 3 restore original Y-reg
pla ; 4
rts ; 6
pha ; 3
cmp #$8d ; 2 carriage return?
beq L03AE ; 2+ yes, draw it unmodified
and #$7f ; 2 strip hi bit
cmp #$04 ; 2 is it one of our special characters?
bcc SetRangeSel ; 2+ yes, branch
cmp #$40 ; 2 numbers or symbols?
bcc L039E ; 2+ yes, don't modify it
eor CharRangeSel ; 4 modify character range
pha ; 3 save char (high bit stripped)
; If you disable this next bit of code and print values like '/' ($2F), '?'
; ($3F), 'O' ($4F), '_' ($5F), or 'o' ($6F) the characters are partially
; corrupted. The reason is not at all obvious until you look at the addresses
; used to store them:
; $2F = $578
; $3F = $5F8
; $4F = $678
; $5F = $6F8
; Those are "screen holes", some of which are used to store values for DOS and
; peripheral slots. See https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/a/2541/56
; The characters that get trampled are duplicated in the first seven control
; characters, the first four of which are used as special HRCG codes anyway (see
; below). $07 uses a bell glyph, since $7F (DEL) isn't really printable.
and #$0f ; 2 check if it ends in $0f
cmp #$0f ; 2 if it's $4F,5F,6F,7f ...
bne L03AD ; 2+ not, just draw it
pla ; 4 restore char
and #$70 ; 2 convert to $40,50,60,70
lsr ; 2
lsr ; 2
lsr ; 2 convert to $4,5,6,7
lsr ; 2 (the AND #$70 seems unnecessary)
pha ; 3
pla ; 4
jsr DrawChar ; 6
pla ; 4 restore unmodified char
rts ; 6
; The HRCG recognizes 4 special characters:
; - Ctrl+@ - CHR$(0) - shift to upper case ($40-5F)
; - Ctrl+A - CHR$(1) - shift to lower case ($60-7F)
; - Ctrl+B - CHR$(2) - shift to graphics symbols ($00-1F)
; - Ctrl+C - CHR$(3) - shift to digits/punctuation ($20-$3F)
; It might seem odd to include digits & punctuation, but the original ][/][+
; keyboards lacked keys for ASCII symbols like brackets and curly braces. This
; provided an easy way to generate such characters, especially in Integer BASIC
; which didn't have a CHR$() function.
asl ; 2 convert 0/1/2/3...
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
asl ; 2
asl ; 2 ...to $00/$20/$40/$60
sta CharRangeSel ; 4 save
pla ; 4
rts ; 6
; Value to EOR with characters in the $40-5F range to get other ranges.
CharRangeSel: .byte $00
; junk 18
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00
; This chunk overwrites various DOS and system vectors.
; 3d0
.byte $4c,$bf,$9d,$4c,$84,$9d,$4c,$fd
.byte $aa,$4c,$b5,$b7,$ad,$0f,$9d,$ac
.byte $0e,$9d,$60,$ad,$c2,$aa,$ac,$c1
.byte $aa,$60,$4c,$51,$a8,$ea,$ea,$4c
.byte $59,$fa,$bf,$9d,$38,$4c,$58,$ff
.byte $4c,$65,$ff,$4c,$65,$ff,$65,$ff
; HRCG glyphs, 8 bytes per character (1x8x127). Note this tramples the screen
; holes, which is why every 16th character looks slightly mangled.
; If the HRCG is not configured in, the program loads at $07FD instead.
.byte $00,$00,$00,$7c,$2a,$28,$2c,$00,$00,$00,$08,$1c,$1c,$08,$1c,$3e,$80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$00,$3c,$42,$40,$30,$08,$00,$08,$00
.byte $3c,$42,$42,$42,$42,$42,$3c,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff,$00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$44,$38,$00,$08,$14,$22,$22,$22,$41,$7f,$08
.byte $10,$08,$04,$7e,$04,$08,$10,$00,$08,$10,$20,$7e,$20,$10,$08,$00,$08,$08,$08,$49,$2a,$1c,$08,$00,$08,$1c,$2a,$49,$08,$08,$08,$00
.byte $08,$49,$2a,$1c,$49,$2a,$1c,$08,$40,$60,$70,$78,$70,$60,$40,$00,$40,$40,$20,$20,$13,$14,$0c,$08,$1f,$00,$00,$7c,$2a,$28,$3e,$00
.byte $36,$7f,$7f,$7f,$3e,$1c,$08,$00,$08,$1c,$3e,$7f,$3e,$1c,$08,$00,$08,$1c,$3e,$7f,$7f,$2a,$08,$00,$08,$1c,$1c,$2a,$7f,$7f,$2a,$08
.byte $3e,$08,$08,$22,$36,$2a,$22,$00,$00,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$00,$00,$04,$0e,$04,$04,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$08,$00,$3e,$00,$08,$00,$00
.byte $18,$24,$08,$14,$08,$12,$0c,$00,$10,$38,$04,$04,$38,$10,$00,$00,$08,$1c,$08,$1c,$3e,$1c,$3e,$7f,$08,$3e,$1c,$08,$1c,$1c,$3e,$7f
.byte $00,$2a,$3e,$1c,$1c,$1c,$3e,$7f,$00,$10,$3c,$3e,$18,$0c,$1e,$3f,$00,$08,$18,$3a,$7b,$3e,$1c,$7f,$04,$00,$08,$1c,$1c,$08,$1c,$3e
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$10,$10,$10,$00,$00,$10,$00,$24,$24,$24,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$24,$24,$7e,$24,$7e,$24,$24,$00
.byte $10,$78,$14,$38,$50,$3c,$10,$00,$00,$46,$26,$10,$08,$64,$62,$00,$0c,$12,$12,$0c,$52,$22,$5c,$00,$20,$10,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $20,$10,$08,$08,$08,$10,$20,$00,$04,$08,$10,$10,$10,$08,$04,$00,$10,$54,$38,$7c,$38,$54,$10,$00,$00,$10,$10,$7c,$10,$10,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$0c,$00,$00,$00,$7e,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$00,$2f,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$00
.byte $3c,$42,$62,$5a,$46,$42,$3c,$00,$10,$18,$14,$10,$10,$10,$7c,$00,$3c,$42,$40,$30,$0c,$02,$7e,$00,$3c,$42,$40,$38,$40,$42,$3c,$00
.byte $20,$30,$28,$24,$7e,$20,$20,$00,$7e,$02,$1e,$20,$40,$22,$1c,$00,$38,$04,$02,$3e,$42,$42,$3c,$00,$7e,$42,$20,$10,$08,$08,$08,$00
.byte $3c,$42,$42,$3c,$42,$42,$3c,$00,$3c,$42,$42,$7c,$40,$20,$1c,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$00,$18,$18,$00,$00,$00,$18,$18,$00,$18,$18,$0c
.byte $20,$10,$08,$04,$08,$10,$20,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$00,$3e,$00,$00,$00,$04,$08,$10,$20,$10,$08,$04,$00,$60,$42,$40,$30,$08,$00,$08,$00
.byte $38,$44,$52,$6a,$32,$04,$78,$00,$18,$24,$42,$7e,$42,$42,$42,$00,$3e,$44,$44,$3c,$44,$44,$3e,$00,$3c,$42,$02,$02,$02,$42,$3c,$00
.byte $3e,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$3e,$00,$7e,$02,$02,$1e,$02,$02,$7e,$00,$7e,$02,$02,$1e,$02,$02,$02,$00,$3c,$42,$02,$72,$42,$42,$3c,$00
.byte $42,$42,$42,$7e,$42,$42,$42,$00,$38,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$38,$00,$70,$20,$20,$20,$20,$22,$1c,$00,$42,$22,$12,$0e,$12,$22,$42,$00
.byte $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$7e,$00,$42,$66,$5a,$5a,$42,$42,$42,$00,$42,$46,$4a,$52,$62,$42,$42,$00,$60,$42,$42,$42,$42,$42,$3c,$00
.byte $3e,$42,$42,$3e,$02,$02,$02,$00,$3c,$42,$42,$42,$52,$22,$5c,$00,$3e,$42,$42,$3e,$12,$22,$42,$00,$3c,$42,$02,$3c,$40,$42,$3c,$00
.byte $7c,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$00,$42,$42,$42,$42,$42,$42,$3c,$00,$42,$42,$42,$24,$24,$18,$18,$00,$42,$42,$42,$5a,$5a,$66,$42,$00
.byte $42,$42,$24,$18,$24,$42,$42,$00,$44,$44,$44,$38,$10,$10,$10,$00,$7e,$40,$20,$18,$04,$02,$7e,$00,$3c,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$3c,$00
.byte $00,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$00,$3c,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$3c,$00,$10,$28,$44,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$ff
.byte $08,$10,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$20,$3c,$22,$5c,$00,$02,$02,$3a,$46,$42,$46,$3a,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$02,$02,$02,$3c,$00
.byte $40,$40,$5c,$62,$42,$62,$5c,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$42,$7e,$02,$3c,$00,$30,$48,$08,$3e,$08,$08,$08,$00,$00,$00,$5c,$62,$62,$5c,$40,$3c
.byte $02,$02,$3a,$46,$42,$42,$42,$00,$10,$00,$18,$10,$10,$10,$38,$00,$20,$00,$30,$20,$20,$20,$22,$1c,$02,$02,$22,$12,$0a,$16,$22,$00
.byte $18,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$38,$00,$00,$00,$2e,$54,$54,$54,$54,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$44,$44,$44,$44,$00,$00,$00,$38,$44,$44,$44,$38,$00
.byte $00,$00,$3a,$46,$46,$3a,$02,$02,$00,$00,$5c,$62,$62,$5c,$40,$40,$00,$00,$3a,$46,$02,$02,$02,$00,$00,$00,$7c,$02,$3c,$40,$3e,$00
.byte $08,$08,$3e,$08,$08,$48,$30,$00,$00,$00,$42,$42,$42,$62,$5c,$00,$00,$00,$42,$42,$42,$24,$18,$00,$00,$00,$44,$44,$54,$54,$6c,$00
.byte $00,$00,$42,$24,$18,$24,$42,$00,$00,$00,$42,$42,$62,$5c,$40,$3c,$00,$00,$7e,$20,$18,$04,$7e,$00,$38,$04,$04,$06,$04,$04,$38,$00
.byte $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$0e,$10,$10,$30,$10,$10,$0e,$00,$28,$14,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
.byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; .junk 5 ;unused