2021-10-03 21:59:24 -04:00

139 lines
4.1 KiB

; Anywhere
; + get/wear belt (after getting it)
.byte "You're already wearing it. Too bad you smell like the trash barge off Peasant Isle.",0
; + wear mask (after getting it)
.byte "Not on this screen. You've got your image to think about. Actually, you might want to start deliberating on that right now.",0
; + wear robe (after getting it)
.byte "You slip into the vintage robe. It smells like grampa's lap. Now you're lookin like a serious peasant.",0
; + wear robe (not in inventory)
.byte "You don't have anything but",13
.byte "your 'Scalding Lake'",13
.byte "t-shirt.",0
.byte "And pants. Forgot to",13
.byte "mention the pants.",0
; + wear robe (already wearing)
.byte "You're already in the old skool robe. Represent.",0
; + look (when in hay disguise)
.byte "Right now, you see a bunch of hay.",0
; + look trees
.byte "You are an incredibly",13
.byte "boring person.",0
; + ask about (unknown)
.byte "Ask about what?",0
; + boo
.byte "Scared me.",0
; + cheat
.byte "Meh.",0
; + dan (or any phrase involving Dan; anywhere)
.byte "Dan's still okay. Got a",13
.byte "place on Dekalb with Rick",13
.byte "and his wife. Slimmed up a",13
.byte "bit and looking towards the",13
.byte "future.",0
; + dance (anywhere)
.byte "You'd rather just stand",13
.byte "here and soak up the scene.",0
; + die (anywhere) (Warning: This kills you.)
.byte "That wasn't very smart. You dead.",0
; + drink
.byte "For simplicity's sake you",13
.byte "are immune to hunger and",13
.byte "thirst in this game. So you",13
.byte "got that going for you.",0
.byte "Which is nice.",0
; + quit (Warning: The game actually does quit.)
.byte "Well fine Boring Sanders! Hope you saved your game cause it is OVER between us!",0
; + map (before you find it)
.byte "We are neither confirming nor denying the presence of a map in this game, but irridisregardless, you don't have one.",0
; + party
.byte "You are part of the Whig party. They are making gangrene-awareness their number one campaign priority.",0
; + what the f- / this sucks
.byte "Come now. Don't get discouraged.",0
; + where
.byte "You're hanging out in {location}.",0
; + why
.byte "I wish I knew.",0
; + haldo
.byte "That's totally not Dongolev.",0
; + smell/sniff
.byte "Smells like a computer game.",0
; + pwd
.byte "~peasantsquest/{location}",0
; + go _____
.byte "Use the arrow keys, pal. Just like a joypad only more like your day job.",0
; + ditch/drop baby (if you have it)
.byte "Quit tryin to ditch the baby!",0
; + ditch/drop/deploy/use baby (before you have it or after left)
; + throw baby (anywhere without the baby)
.byte "You don't even have two babies to rub together.",0
; + climb cliff (screens where cliff is there)
.byte "There aren't enough footholds and you don't have any carabeaners on you.",0
; + climb tree
.byte "But then your hands would get all sappy.",0
; + climb tree (after getting room at inn)
.byte "Naw. That's dumb. Do better.",0
; + get/take/steal
.byte "You probably WISH you could get that.",0
; + get pebbles/rocks (after you've gotten them)
.byte "Come now. We've been through this jaunty little bit before. You took them from the half lake screen with the cattail and stuff.",0
; + give
.byte "You don't need to give that now.",0
; + throw baby (anywhere but the west side of the lake)
.byte "Hmmm. Maybe try someplace else.",0
; + talk
.byte "It's sad when you have to",13
.byte "make up people to talk to.",0
; + look (at anything irrelevant)
.byte "You don't need to look at",13
.byte "that.",0
; + look (at anything, while hiding inside the bale of hay)
.byte "Right now, you see a bunch of hay.",0
; + look (at something previously in your inventory but now gone)
.byte "You used to have one, before the great item blight of 402. Check your INVENTORY to read about it.",0
; + look (at something currently in your inventory)
.byte "You've totally got one of those! Check your INVENTORY to give'r a serious looksee.",0
; + help
; + load
; + save
; + show priority
; + version
; + copy
.byte "I don't understand. Type",13
.byte "HELP for assistances.",0